Its almost lunchtime here on a delightful AF sober Friday ? sunny blue sky from my window. As you can see I am in a chirpybird mood ? as I should be after a year?s sobriety. Thanks guys for your lovely wishes and for all your support. Thanks also to the much-missed Kuya who was a rock for me in the early days ? and also a fellow down-underite.
Mick- I shared my year?s AF with my daughter and partner and hugs were forthcoming! I also told a few friends but its not something I feel like swinging from the chandeliers over.
It looks like there are lots of others here who are also adding up the AF days. Bear ? great that you are getting into the 20s (I meant AF days ? not your age!:H) and SF ? you are well on the way to your first year. Good advice Bear from Mick about management ? of course we also have to work within the rules that our different workplaces have.
Pauly ?oh your words were so sweet. I hope I can help you over your year ahead. Did you eat any of that toxic chicken? I do hope not.
AFM ? sending you lots of warm vibes :h and I really really hope that the scan delivers better news than what you mentioned.
Gidday Chrysa ? welcome to our thread. It may take a while to get used to our ?cosmopolitan? ways :H? Sam with his farm manure, Lav with her chicken poop, Mick with his bunny droppings ? now you get the picture?
PPQP and Cinders ? any 'you' time for the weekend planned? Apart from chores that is?
Yah ? ignore Mick and his asides about swinging.

Bear ? you asked how life feels one year after quitting the poison. To be honest ? in my case, its not been a radical shift ? as I was very productive, think I was a loving Mum and partner, tried to be kind to others, and had several achievements and good things going on before I quit. But AL was draining me away - and it was doing my health in. I spent around 7 months in 2012 building up for the quit ? and that was f__king exhausting. I hated it. I kept stopping and starting - saying, 'when i do this or read this -I will stop'. I am sooo glad to now not have to see drs, counsellors, support groups, try AA, read self help books, take supplements, have liver scans ? and to not have to face the ?witching hour? ? and dread an evening without AL. I have much much more time, I sleep better, my liver functions are normal, I have lost weight ? I feel as if I have added decades to my life (but who knows ? the proverbial bus might hit me). I no longer take a SSRI anti-depressant. But I have also had a very demanding year at work and as you all know a challenging partner and I get worried about my teenage girl. Sadness and anxiety are still part of my life ? and I will probably always be neurotic, a bit over-controlling in some areas ? and those damned wrinkles just won?t go away. I can't wear skirts above my knees as my legs just look - old. Life goes on ? and quitting AL is not a mind-blasting revelation for me ? I was not expecting that. I am still a work in progress - and part of that progress for me is thinking through about life, mortality and our humanity.
Well you asked and I can be loquacious!
Gidday also to Det, Blondie - bet I missed someone today but if I did so I will catch up soon enough. You have a great Friday when it hits you
