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af Friday 11 October

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    af Friday 11 October

    MAE abberoosters.

    Its almost lunchtime here on a delightful AF sober Friday ? sunny blue sky from my window. As you can see I am in a chirpybird mood ? as I should be after a year?s sobriety. Thanks guys for your lovely wishes and for all your support. Thanks also to the much-missed Kuya who was a rock for me in the early days ? and also a fellow down-underite.
    Mick- I shared my year?s AF with my daughter and partner and hugs were forthcoming! I also told a few friends but its not something I feel like swinging from the chandeliers over.

    It looks like there are lots of others here who are also adding up the AF days. Bear ? great that you are getting into the 20s (I meant AF days ? not your age!:H) and SF ? you are well on the way to your first year. Good advice Bear from Mick about management ? of course we also have to work within the rules that our different workplaces have.

    Pauly ?oh your words were so sweet. I hope I can help you over your year ahead. Did you eat any of that toxic chicken? I do hope not.

    AFM ? sending you lots of warm vibes :h and I really really hope that the scan delivers better news than what you mentioned.

    Gidday Chrysa ? welcome to our thread. It may take a while to get used to our ?cosmopolitan? ways :H? Sam with his farm manure, Lav with her chicken poop, Mick with his bunny droppings ? now you get the picture?

    PPQP and Cinders ? any 'you' time for the weekend planned? Apart from chores that is?

    Yah ? ignore Mick and his asides about swinging. Us sophisticated people here know what you mean! Wow ? what a family soap ? sad, that its real. Thanks for your support (and from others) about my daughter. I won?t go into the details of our high school system here for Lav ? but basically it means that internal and external assessment count over 3 years for the kind of certificate you end up with on leaving school. My girl is doing art as one of her subjects and the whole year?s assessment is based on a portfolio ? due next Monday. Then in 2 weeks time she faces a week of external exams for her other subjects. Today she has the day off and is spending the day in town with her close girlfriends. I have to say ? I love seeing the warm side to the close friendship of teenage girls.

    Bear ? you asked how life feels one year after quitting the poison. To be honest ? in my case, its not been a radical shift ? as I was very productive, think I was a loving Mum and partner, tried to be kind to others, and had several achievements and good things going on before I quit. But AL was draining me away - and it was doing my health in. I spent around 7 months in 2012 building up for the quit ? and that was f__king exhausting. I hated it. I kept stopping and starting - saying, 'when i do this or read this -I will stop'. I am sooo glad to now not have to see drs, counsellors, support groups, try AA, read self help books, take supplements, have liver scans ? and to not have to face the ?witching hour? ? and dread an evening without AL. I have much much more time, I sleep better, my liver functions are normal, I have lost weight ? I feel as if I have added decades to my life (but who knows ? the proverbial bus might hit me). I no longer take a SSRI anti-depressant. But I have also had a very demanding year at work and as you all know a challenging partner and I get worried about my teenage girl. Sadness and anxiety are still part of my life ? and I will probably always be neurotic, a bit over-controlling in some areas ? and those damned wrinkles just won?t go away. I can't wear skirts above my knees as my legs just look - old. Life goes on ? and quitting AL is not a mind-blasting revelation for me ? I was not expecting that. I am still a work in progress - and part of that progress for me is thinking through about life, mortality and our humanity.

    Well you asked and I can be loquacious!

    Gidday also to Det, Blondie - bet I missed someone today but if I did so I will catch up soon enough. You have a great Friday when it hits you

    af Friday 11 October

    stinkbugs for sale, get your stinkbugs here, only 50 cents apiece.

    by god, there could be a fortune in this!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      af Friday 11 October

      Thanks TT that's really interesting to read,I look forward to making it there myself one day- but focusing on today for now. Feel more in control in terms of managing person - clearer about what is 'my stuff' in terms of my reaction, and I'm also clear that I will be challenging this negative behaviour.

      I'm going to ask for a mentor - we have a scheme at my organisation and I think it would really help - my line manager is off site and I need more support being new and also because it is pressing my buttons. I'm also starting CBT on NHS in next few weeks too and doing NHS stress management course in evening for 4 weeks from mid November. Nice to feel like there's a way through - still not perfect, and will be challenging but also I will develop and get stronger (like SF said).

      OH woke me up snoring at 3 am and all this was churning round my head.I made some notes to get it out of my head and felt better,some of the training will help me with my life issues and is very CBT/NLP based which I like.

      Stink bugs - I dreamt I was bitten by them last night - not even sure if they bite!
      Day 21 starts and am feeling good,thinking about what my needs are - at work and in personal life - one of key learnings from yesterday.Many people don't know and especially if you are a rescuer/slip into passive mode(which I am sad to say I realise I have been) lots of lightbulbs going off for me left,right and centre yesterday.

      Have a great day - dinner with friends in local gastro pub tonight,being sponsored not to drink is a fail safe for me,bit of laundry and workout dvd/or run/walk round park - will see. Happy Friday everyone xxx
      one day at a time


        af Friday 11 October

        Bear - I am sure that if you looked all over the world- every month has will have a worthy cause that you can get sponsors for to make you stop drinking.

        If this works for you - why not extend it after the month? You could tell you sponsors you were doing it for the same charity - or another one.

        Mad idea


          af Friday 11 October

          mae all..and how are we today?yeeehah tis Friday..despite the fact that Iam retired and no longer allegedly still signifies the weekend for me..probably more so than when I was in service to Her Majesty...soooo how are we all today then?Moi I ave some aches and pains but all self inflicted, so thats down to me.Managed to plant up some winter leeks yesterday, also some cabbages and cauliflower..glad I did ,its raining and blowing a hooley outside.We did have a beautiful gladioli growing in the garden until last night...the horses in the field that it was extremely kind of me to provide them with such inviting sustenance!!! b..stards!!!

          Right on we go..tea..does anyone else in the world drink it apart from me? ok heres the coffee

          Good evening to you tt..and how pray tell has the world treated you on this fine day?All to ones satisfaction and liking perchance?ok, ok thats enough of the crap....saw you had written about being loquacious, so I thought I would add eloquence to the phraseology !!Was really interesting your post ...wonder how many of us have the same as you did...Im giving up on such and such ..right thats it ..after ...I know I did..and in the end did exactly as you more bs ,no more get out of jail cards,just do it..and thats what I did.The fact that it was the day before my birthday was probably in my sub conscious,in as much as I think that I thought (excellent grammatical usage!!!)make the most of this birthday..the way you are going there wont be too many more,bearing in mind previous history..Some of your thoughts are very similar to mine too..anyway nuff of this have a great weekend.

          Morning Sam....or shall we call you the triple S?sounds like a ranch...but in actual fact..Sam the stinkbug seller doesnt sound so clever!!!how are you today mate?did you get any toons played out yesterday?

          hiya Pauly, and how are you today?glad you didnt eat any of the dodgy chicken..have you any plans for the weekend or take it as it comes?whatever it is hope the sun shines on you

          Morning Lav..hows things with you today?ok I hope...rescued and gre some plants a while back ..couple of them are gerboras...but on of them has got two different shades of flower on it...never seen any like it before..will put a pic up to show you Do you need coffee ,or was yesterday enough?ok here you go..have you anything planned for the weekend?

          Hi Yah ...and how are you today?all well I hope.

          Bear ..well done you ..excellent job..keep at it are well on the way.

          AFM....thoughts are with you ..hope all is well.

          right peeps orf we go ..have a great weekend...c yawl

          bear n for a poster for work!!

          A woman finds Aladdin's magic lamp. She starts
          rubbing it and a Genie comes out as usual. The woman looks
          at the Genie and asks him to grant her the following wishes: -

          - I want my husband to have eyes only for me
          - I want to be the only one in his life
          - I want him to sleep always by my side
          - I want that when he gets up in the morning I'm the first thing he grabs and takes me everywhere he goes.

          The Genie turned her into a Mobile phone .

          My wife slammed the front door and slumped on the sofa.

          "How did your driving test go?" I asked. />
          "I failed miserably," she replied.

          "But what about all those times I took you out in our car," I replied,"did none of that sink in?"

          "Of course it did," she said."But the instructor insisted I sat in the drivers seat."

          A policeman searched me in a public toilet last night and found a small bag of class A drugs.
          "It's not my fault," I said, "Every time I try flushing them down the toilet they magically appear back in my pocket again."
          "Do you really expect me to believe that?" he laughed.
          I said, "I'll prove it to you if you want me to!"
          "Go on then." he smiled, handing me the bag.
          After flushing them, he looked at me and said, "Well, show me your pocket then."
          "What for?" I asked.
          He said, "The drugs."
          I said, "What drugs?"

          "The material we put into our stomachs should have killed most of us sitting here, years ago. Red meat is full of steroids and dye. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High trans-fat diets can be disastrous and none of us realizes the long-term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and most of us have, or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

          After several seconds of quiet, a 70-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake."

          Advertisement of a new Restaurant named:

          'TOPLESS BEAUTY'

          Hundreds of Men visited First day. They were shocked to find that restaurant had no Roof!

          TYPES OF PEOPLE ON ??????

          1) The "Rooster" ? Feels that it is their job to tell the site "Good Morning" every day !!

          2) The "Lurker" ? Never posts or comments on your post, but reads everything, and might make reference to your status if they see you in public.

          3) The "Hyena" ? Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and
          LMAOs at everything.

          4) "Mr/Ms Popular" ? Has 4,367 friends for NO reason

          5) The "Gamer" ? Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes
          virtual cakes and stuff, etc., ALL DAY.)

          6) The "Cynic" ? Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.

          7) The "Collector" ? Never posts anything either, but joins every
          group and becomes fans of the most random stuff.

          The "Promoter" ? Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.

          9) The "Liker" ? Never actually says anything, but always clicks the "like" button

          10) "Drama Queen/ King" ? This person always posts stuff like "I
          can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in
          the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong but
          then they never finish telling the story.

          11) The "News" ? Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary, and Lastly

          12) The "Thief" ? Steals status updates... and will probably steal
          this one
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af Friday 11 October

            just sorting out some pics.....

            The garden this morning..if you look at the 2 stalks next to the pink hydrangea..thats where the gladioli used to be!!

            Lipstick vine flowering

            Rescued Gerbora plant separate colours on same plant!

            Trying to create a jungly effect in the bathroom..its a lot lighter than this pic!!

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af Friday 11 October

              Good morning Abbers, happy Friday

              Dark & damp here but it's not so bad. My daughter & granddaughter surprised me with a visit yesterday & ended up staying overnight
              A 2 1/2 year old in front of the TV in the morning, watching cartoons on PBS is comforting somehow :H

              TT, your words reminded me of my own thoughts at one year AF. This is the way it should have been all along ~ if I hadn't taken that wrong turn at some point. Although, the feeling of accomplishment is nice & liking yourself once again is priceless
              It seems that your kids are under a whole lot of pressure to perform & at such a young age too. The kids over here don't have so many choices, most of them end up in college prep courses although the vocational-technical schools seem to be getting more popular these days.

              bear, you are doing so well, stay safe & try not to overthink stuff - makes everything much harder!
              My husband was/is the worst snorer on the east coast ~ drove me nuts. I had an awful time trying to find some place 'quiet' so I could get a little sleep. He was told repeatedly by doctors that his snoring would stop if he lost some weight. He didn't like that idea & is now heavier than ever (and living alone) but I'm sleeping better :H

              Mick, I had a big pot of gerberas on my deck this summer with all different color blooms. I have no idea how they do that but it was real pretty!
              I loved your pics especially the warning about stirring the shit pot - I haven't heard that phrase in years :H

              I am happy to report the stink bugs have mostly moved on, just a few left. I think they went South to Sam's house!!!!!! Sorry Sam!!!!
              They are ugly, they stink but they don't bite. Just wish I could get my chickens interested in snacking on them.

              I'm running out to Curves, then some shopping & lunch with my girls.
              Have a great AF Friday one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Friday 11 October

                Mae everybody,not a radical shift tt?that list of positives after quitting looks pretty radical to me! look at all that positive stuff thats happened,besides we will always be weird in some way,everybody is,how is everyone today?good i hope,hey tt brought up kuya hownlong is this ban/block or whatever supposed to last?does anybody talk to her on the side?is she o.k?i do miss her feisty attitude about kickin al out of our life attitude,thats if she even would want to come back,it would be hard to belong to this forum and have to be careful about what you post,anyways day off here im watching the baby later,getting something good for lunch,probly go to the dollar store,my day is planned have a great friday everyone
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  af Friday 11 October

                  Aloha Friday ABerooooos!

                  finally back home last night and slept so good I slept waaaay in this morning and still felt tired. must have been exhausted.

                  Mega kudos to TreeTops for a magnificent year of AFness!!!

                  more kudos to Sam for your days, sorry I forgot how many...still tired!

                  Mick, what a beautiful lush place you've created.

                  no rest for me, working through the weekend. weeeeeee....thud.

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

