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Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

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    Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

    Hey all - plenty of coffee on, up ready for another day - lets see how many threads we can have for today:H. Day 25 - it's the longest I have made it in a long time - feeling proud of myself. I made myself physio appt about stiff/sore neck and shoulders and dental appt to start getting fitted for night guard as I grind teeth - I may actually cancel both now. It seems daily stretching and heated wheat bags/hot water bottles is helping me no end. It will be nice to save some money - ?650 in total!

    Other than that today I have a supervision with the tricky character in my team,not looking forward to it but I feel ready,and more ready than I was last week.Tonight I will do DVD or hit gym,put a load of washing on and generally chill out.

    Happy Tuesday everyone - 4 weeks until beach holiday.
    one day at a time

    Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

    morning all ..and how are we today?anyone got an excess of that orange thingy in the sky that they would like to share ...its seriously lacking over here..out again today..yep another days volunteering Lav..if you knew what it was then maybe you would understand ...but then again maybe not!!

    Tea n coffee on the go..

    Hiya tt ..just had a quick loook make sure you havent started another thread !!how are you?take it you watched your dvd before zedsville?have a great day

    Hiya are you? wow yesterday sure looked like a run o the mill day for everyone nothing spectacular jumping out ..So what are you up to today?still raining over there? likewise here too.Oh well nice brew before I get for you too.

    Hiya Sam are you today ..thanks for the pic..looks really peaceful place.Did you get the deeds thingy sorted out?I think as you get older ,you tend to reflect more on your life ..what you have done ,the past the present and whats round the corner ,and of course how long you have left in this world ..Not trying to be morbid or morose but fact ,we all move on one day hence we need to make the most of what we have and do you crack on doin the do

    Hiya bear...another day ..well done you :goodjob:I do lots of exercises..I am kind of active ..ok ok I cant sit down! but I have got a back and arm injury that I have had for yonks,so massage and stretching helps a lot.

    righty ho my small sober steady band ..time to bid you a fond farewell...will c u tomorrow

    Why don't you ever see elephants hiding in trees?
    Because they're really good at it.

    I went to the doctor for a checkup - it all went fine, until he tried to write my prescription with a thermometer he had taken from his breast pocket. After a pause, he looked at the thermometer and said 'Damnit! Some asshole has my pen!'

    A photon walks into a hotel. The bellhop asks "Can I carry any of your baggage?" The photon replies, "No thank you, I'm travelling light.

    A woman walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a double entendre. So, he gives it to her.

    Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
    Because the "p" is silent

    How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
    Ten tickles.

    A guy is at the supermarket doing his weekly shopping when he notices a foxy new clerk running the Express Check-Out. When it's time to check out, he of course heads to her aisle. When it's his turn he puts his groceries, four frozen pizzas, a tube of toothpaste, and a Maxim magazine on the counter. The clerk looks at him and smiles saying, "Single, huh?"
    "How could you tell?" he says with a smile.
    "Because you're fucking ugly."

    A man and a giraffe walk into a bar. The man orders two shots of whiskey. He and the giraffe each toss one back. The man says to keep 'em coming. After a number of rounds the giraffe passes out and collapses onto the floor. The man gets up and is heading to the door when the bartender yells "Hey, are you just going to leave that lyin' there?"
    The man says "That ain't a lion, it's a giraffe!"

    A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doc, I broke my arm in two places."
    Doctor says, "Well, whatever you do, don't go back to those places."

    What do you a call a lady with a left leg that's shorter than her right? Eileen.

    what do you call a lady with no legs? Noleen.

    A bear had just finished crapping in the woods when a rabbit hopped by.
    "Hey, do you have any problem with crap sticking to your fur?" the bear asked.
    "No..." said the rabbit.
    So the bear picked up the rabbit and wiped his ass with him.

    ..JUst checked bear has started the Ill join in ..well done on day 25!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

      Ummm. Pumpkin Spice coffee. Delicious. Another week starts.

      Love to all,
      AF April 9, 2016


        Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

        Good morning Abbers!

        Thanks for starting just one thread today kids :H

        Hi bear, great on 25 AF days!
        The longer you go without AL the calmer you will feel ~ honestly. I think I'd rather spend a few bucks on a relaxation/meditation CD than all that money on a mouth guard. I don't think I could tolerate sleeping with one of those things in place. When my daughter was a young teen the orthodontist made a retainer for her wear at night after the braces came off her teeth. Without fail she would wake up every morning to find the retainer on the floor. Apparently she was taking it out of her mouth & tossing it across the room in her sleep :H

        Greetings Mick ~ the mystery man
        Sorry to say that I do actually see the sun today but the rain is due back tomorrow. I'll be watching the grandsons from noon until ?? tonight & I will run them around outside while I can

        Hi Cindi!
        Pumpkin spice coffee is the best!!! Have a great week!

        Sam, loved your family portrait!
        Looks like a serene gathering

        OK, off I go. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

          Mae everybody,waited to post this morning in case there were more threads haha,supposed to rain here too,rain rain go away! its only nice if you have nothing planned and can just lay around and watch movies all day,people in vegas already drive crazy the rain just makes them drive crazier,hope everyone has a great tuesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

            Morning all
            a good nights sleep and off to work. I went in yesterday to go to the clerk's office and damn if it wasn't closed... Columbus Day. Never thought of that because it is not something that really sticks out as eventful I suppose. Wonder if the Hawaiians celebrate Cook's Day?

            Bear, you're doing good. Keep on keeping on.

            photo was taken in my brother's back yard near Lexington, Va. He really has a pretty place.

            off to the races, hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

              MAE all! Good to see everyone.

              Congrats on your time, bear! You are sounding very good, and it is wonderful to see you taking such good care of yourself. Oh, and thanks for the coffee.

              Sorry Mick, call me selfish, but we will only have the sun for another day, and after a whole week of gloom and rain, I feel disinclined to share it. So beotchy, yes? LOL I hope the sun makes its way to you soon. On the other hand, you are everything a person should be in retirement. You have so many activities and projects. I hope when I retire (if I get to, that is) that I will be like you.

              I read that you cut your hair in subs, Cinders! You have my admiration. I am afraid to go too short. I'm glad you love it. I think you are in the midst of a good transformation. :l

              I hope you get a little serenity this morning, Lav, before the hordes descend. You are a good grandma--that's all I am going to say.

              Hi Pauly, I hope you're doing well out there in Vegas. Stay clear of those crazy drivers!

              I love the picture, Sam. Love the foothills of the mountains in VA. It is a beautiful place. You all with your instruments look so cool. I'm thinking of heading over there to buy a bushel of apples and then making and canning some apple butter. Yummy.

              Well, I have figured out how not to go on late-night eating benders, and it is curiously similar to not going on a drinking bender. JUST DON'T START EATING after dinner. Period. Who'da thunk it? LOL I kept thinking I could have "just one" little treat before bed, but it turns out, I was being quite alcoholic in my thinking and was being quite a snackaholic. Now that I've cut that out, I've dropped a pound in just a few days. Duh.....Amazing how that thinking can sneak into other areas of our lives.....

              Anyway, I have a 12 hour training tomorrow, so I may not be able to check in, but I'll be thinking of all of you if I can't. Two thirds of the training will be on therapist self-care, i.e., yoga and meditation for the therapist. I can't believe I get continuing education credit for this--what a deal! LOL

              Anyway, hugs to all and everyone to come.

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

                Late alooooo ABerooooos!

                I see it's a pretty quiet Tue in these parts. hope all are well.
                thanks for the nice kickstart Bear.

                Yah, I may be a snackaholic too! I just love food, it's so fun.

                Sam, what instrument/s do you play?

                sure great to be home this week. Yay! making it to my noon AA homegroup which is a loverly bunch of folks.

                be well peeps
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

                  Ive been looking for you det! im probly just missing your posts i know youre usually on later in the day,hope whatever time of day it is for everyone is going good
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

                    Hey Det
                    I scrape on the fiddle some, banjo, guitar, a little mandolin. All very amateurish, but I have fun.
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Tuesday 15 October AF Daily

                      I have been going back to Hot Yoga....the 105 degree kind 26 poses. I feel soooooo amazing! Detox like crazy. Entire body feels relaxed and energized. Plus, sleep is sound and deep. I am addicted!

                      Did someone say Pumpkin? I have been overdoing the Pumpkin Munchins at Dunkin' Doughnuts....have to limit myself to only buying 5 at a time.

                      Lav....a gal in my office has these amazing teeth. She credits it to still wearing her retainer every night to this day after getting her braces off. When my son gets to that point I am taking him into then office to see her teeth

                      Mick....I am the one who has your sun....not inclined to give it up either!

