Anyway buckets loads of coffee for everyone - pumpkin donut things sound like they should be illegal - along with five guys burgers. We talked about booking our xmas do yesterday - everyone talking about what they gonna drink/getting drunk- had tempting images of wine/cava and ' just one' - I know it's BS - and I felt really deprived.
I'm gonna drive. I know at least one other person never drinks as we were discussing it the other day. I have done sober Xmas before and I loved it - all about chilling and the food. Need to focus on today maybe?
In terms of good things I am doing, to counter the self flagellation - I am setting up healthy routines,make up off at night, night creams, deep breathing,cooking from fresh,eating more fruit and veg,getting a bit more routine about cleaning and tidying and I am slipping in some exercise at least a couple of times a week. This may sound like a lot but I kind of crave routine and don't really have set ones - I feel calmer.
Day 26 starting and it's feeling good - away at weekend with boozy parents but I am hiding behind my 30 days for charity.Happy Wednesday/humpday everyone.