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Thursday, April 19th

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    Thursday, April 19th

    Wow - it's not very often that I get to start one of these threads!!!!

    Happy Thursday to all! Have my first therapy appointment scheduled for this afternoon and am truly looking forward to it. Also have my son's birthday party to get ready for on Saturday (he'll be 7) - it's supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees.

    Time to fire up the grill and break out the lemonade!!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Thursday, April 19th

    You grill lemonaid???

    Seriously, good luck at your therapy appointment and enjoy your son's party. Sunny and 70 in Chicago with no humidity - enjoy it while it lasts!

    Note my post number - guys - half way to senior status!!


      Thursday, April 19th

      Whoops - not yet - miscounted and better get posting!!!!


        Thursday, April 19th

        I'm BACK!

        Previously known as kate7173 but with new fiesty identity...
        Anyway. I have been in portugal for 2 weeks and have MISSED YOU GUYS SORELY!
        i have also been drinking a coupla glasses of rose wine a day (ok maybe 3 sometimes) and whilst this is no great crime, i feel myself s l i d i n g slightly towards that old comfortably-numbness... only took my topa out with me on hols - it worked, but it was NO WHERE NEAR as effective without all the other gubbins.... so I have loaded up the weekly pill box and i am back in monthly AF tomorrow full-time chaps for another spine-straightener.

        hi AAthlete and wwbarb and all who follow.

        kate x


          Thursday, April 19th

          hey nice to see you Kate and a happy thursday to the AB-Fab crew! Portugal...oh, I'm so must tell me about the food!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Thursday, April 19th

            Hi Everyone!

            Gee, where is everyone?

            Hey Deter!
            Hi Barb!
            Welcome back Kate!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

