I won?t respond to everyone ? just get the thread started for Wednesday. Its already late afternoon here and I have to get dinner (what we Kiwis call ?tea?) on. No gourmet extravanganzas tonight.
Some really great points made about this group, and posting etc from you all. Please don?t think of us as the ?big kids? as we are vulnerable souls ? we make mistakes ? we are proud of our sobriety but its not a badge to wave about. Pride goeth etc etc (SF ? help me out ? you should know your scriptures!). But I think the consensus is that we take sobriety seriously and its not as easy as just a simple clap on the back or ?tut-tut?, ?there- there? when people say they ?slipped?, had a few drinks etc. But we do support each other when they break their abstinence and then try (try is the operative word) to quit and stay quit.
And we have lots of advice and Mick?s jokes are a pretty good distraction. Some of us can ramble on and on (moi??? Heck no??
As I said I am not going to list everyone but it will be fabulous to have I?m Strong, Scottish Lass, Nora C, Life Change, No Sugar ? and any others post regularly or just pop in now and again.
Special hi to Bear ? you have done so well ? congratulations
Det ? no bartending. Do not go there. Its evil. It smells. It rots your teeth.
Cinders ? big hug, and try to connect with some people where you are.
Pauly ? how are the sniffles? I went for a walk in the hills yesterday and Mr Hayfever hit me hard.
Hi there also to Mick, Yah, Crow?s Feet (Lav), and I betcha I missed someone ? Mick can kick me up the you-know-what when he gets up and makes tea and coffee.
Have a great Wednesday and take care