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Happy Saturday!

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    Happy Saturday!

    A quick good morning from Sunny France -

    I have to hit the clothes shops today with my daughter - may just have to share in a little 'retail therapy' - I might be able to beat some of the alcohol voices in my head, but I afraid the 'pick me, pick me' call hasn't yet been beaten! - and how often do I get home and ask 'why on earth did you buy this? - funny how things look 'great' in the shop but when you get home...! Am praying that this time a little bit of reason will kick in!!

    Hope your weeks ended well and wishing you all a fabulous weekend - ENJOY!

    Now, where's my wallet...? :h
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days

    Happy Saturday!

    Good luck Arial! Thanks also for the PM. I know about the Alcohol voices. They were pretty loudly talking to me this week, too. They're especially loud when you're under pressure and otherwise already stressed out.

    Anyway, let's keep each other under positive stress and keep the fridge empty of spirits ...

    Have a fabulous 'unspirited' weekend! I'm off for a massage - still trying to get my shoulder back into working order.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Happy Saturday!

      Hi, I told myself I wouldn't post here until i had done a month AF, not that there are any rules. Well I came to mwo on march 21, and today is April 21. Still af. think alot about drinking,not really craving just thinking alot about drinking and how to deal with being af as i enter the beach, barbecue, boatiing season...... i guess I am going to have to perfect an ice tea drink....a little dull but better than a dull me. thanks for being here,
      Happy Saturday


        Happy Saturday!

        You know you can post anywhere you like...and that is awesome, congrats on your AF days!!!!!
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Happy Saturday!

          Enjoy the shops Arial!!

          Rudemamma...............Way to go! That's wonderful!
          I'm now on day seven and you are such an inspiration! Thank you.



            Happy Saturday!

            I'm at Day 13, I should be at Day 15 but I drank twice. This is the way I'm gonna do it, I am not going to start at Day 1 if I drink. I think saying that drinking 2 days out of 15 is much more positive and puts me in a better frame of mind. Especially considering I used to drink every single day.

            Hope everyone has a great day. :h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Happy Saturday!

              Fantastic Rudemama! Great job on a month abs! - and Happycamper - I agree absolutely. I think we work so hard to get the AF days that to negate that and start back at 0 over the odd 'lapse' would be soul destroying. I found that when I did have a couple of drinks I used it as a learning experience - I found it wasn't what I wanted any more, so I knocked it off my total and moved on the next day too.

              And Paddy - thanks for the moral support - fridge is spirit free and will stay that way! Hope the shoulder recovers soon - are you back on the bike yet, or giving it a rest for 'safer' modes of transport these days? Strong vibes your way ...

              As to shopping - wanted 1 skirt, came back with 2 pairs trouser, 2 pairs shoes and not a skirt in sight - oops!

              Continue your great AF weekends everyone :h
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                Happy Saturday!

                Hi Camps and all,

                Patty that is what I do. You have made such huge changes - when I get my days up past the teens - if I slip I just do not count that day. Of course, I am just like you - I always say uh, 42 days and one day off. It would just be too demoralizing to go back to zero - almost as if those days don't count. And ... we all know that every AF day counts. You have been doing so great - especially considering where you were last month or last year. Do something nice for yourself today - I hope it is a park day.

                Raoul, congrats on your AF days - I am not sure that we have met. I see that your mood tag says lonely - I guess I am there too - I just forget to change my mood enough. So, I guess I will think of how lucky I am today and remember how many good friends I have here (and in real life, I just don't see them as much!). Remember what a great thing you are doing right now - it is NOT easy to start off on AF.

                I am off to do some work with a consultant and then need to get my hair cut. This evening I will be blond again - maybe with a webcam?? The bad thing - I must go to the mall to get my hair cut Arial, I hope I don't hear the voices that say buy, buy, buy.

                Congrats to everyone who has made some positive steps this week - and that would be everyone here since just being here is a positive thing. Rudemama, congratst on Day 30!! Keep on posting! Vic - I did not get up early and do anything. At least no hangover though! I slept in and had the windows open all night - spring is here.

                And Paddy, well Paddy gets his own paragraph today .... you're in LOVE? Big congrats to you! That is a good place to be! I am smiling for you, Paddy.

                Okay, off to shower and then leave in less than 20 minutes. YIKES.

                A wonderful day to all who follow ... Hugs,


                  Happy Saturday!

                  Good morning Abbers. I have a chance to pop in and say hello to all of my lovely friends here. Still super busy, and will be moving next weekend. Things have been kind of crazy... no time for me. I am hoping now that my husband and I will be living together again, it will give me more me time. I am so looking forward to this. It has been an EXAUSTING 6 months.

                  Since Dec. 29, 2006 I have had two glasses of wine. My birthday was last Saturday and I figured it wouldn't kill me. I couldn't believe how it really made me feel.

                  Well going to the beach. Love you all. I can't wait until I can catch up with you all.

                  Much love,


                    Happy Saturday!

                    hey AFM, I think that is are obviously doing wonderful, and the special stuff by our names is part of the subscriber thingy, when you sign up you get a few little new things which are pretty cool.
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      Happy Saturday!

                      wow: love, ice tea, must be a weekend in it!
                      I went to a party last night and actually for the first time in my 45 days of ABing enjoyed a party! before going I had two heaping teaspoons of L-Glut powder and I'm sure that helped as well. I finally told my wine tasting friends that I have been concerned about my alcohol intake and wanted to take a break and get my self/brain figured out for real. they were really understanding and it was so funny that the wives there looked at their husbands and said they should do the same thing once in a comment from the husbands!!! ha. oh well, I'm not doing this to judge others anway. so that was fun and today got out and walked up the mountain a few times sighting in a couple rifles with a friend which was great and relaxing (until the wind picked up too much).

                      AFM, there's a big secret we can't reaveal about the additional mood indicators, name tags etc...that's what you get for sneaking away! no's the new subscriber option that RJ set up for 10 clams per month by paypal...other groovy things you can do as well live video chat etc.

                      be well everyone. UFC is on payperview tonight!!!!! wooo wooooo!!!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Happy Saturday!

                        I am watching UFC tonight as well D. Cant wait to see who wins the bisping, arlovsky fight, woohooo....

                        Okay all, I am having a tough time, all i though about for the past hour or two is going to get some wine or other form of alcohol, and a pack of ciggarettes, I quit both 99 days ago....i am sad, dont know what it is....i will be fine, but man it crept up on me...
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Happy Saturday!

                          Hello you all. Happy Day
                          Mona, just got a new kitty, one without hair...a Sphnix.


                            Happy Saturday!

                            Popping in to say goodnight!

                            Well done Rude!
                            Welcome back Account-yeah-u missed a lot! Glad you're doing good.
                            Mona-that's an awesome cat! My daughter has a "how to draw" book on cats & she luvs to draw that one.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Happy Saturday!

                              bisping fight, that was good, alrovsky soon....we will see
                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.

