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Tuesday 24th April

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    Tuesday 24th April

    Good Morning all,

    Day 2 for me today...Last night went ok..I managed to get out fishing for a little while to keep me busy..I even took Mrs Macks with me...I think she addicted !!..Even though she managed to catch every branch and twig in the lake..I think we have a future match angler on our hands

    Tonight will be tough watching the football without a beer..But i really want at least a month af..We will see how much?

    Hope everyone is well today and feeling strong..
    Have a great day all...Love Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Tuesday 24th April

    Hi Macks and all who follow

    doin well - day 5 for me of a new month (not counting Saturday - mods for my bros wedding).

    Back on all the supps and still 150mg topa which is the ideal amount for me.

    Hope everyone is feeling fine. Kate x


      Tuesday 24th April

      frequent reader but infrequent poster - day 2. As per mack above knowing football on and therefor a lot of evening will be 'used up' is a help. Aslo trying to get a good run of days/weeks under my belt - which may also assist in making it a little less tight around the middle! feeling quite upbeat.
      (hope no confusion re mac and mack)


        Tuesday 24th April

        Well done,Mack, Kate and Mack,
        I'm going into week 8 af, it's great
        off to work on late shift now.
        Best wishes to all.
        P. XX


          Tuesday 24th April

          good afternoon all. i'm not drinking but eating alot. thats fine at the moment. Have a good day everyone. Love Bella xxx P.S. I have only just made the connection with Mackeral and Mrs Macks! Doh!!!!


            Tuesday 24th April

            Bella, they are quite a team, and I'm lucky to count them among my MWO friends...

            This time around and working on day 8 and am feeling good. One nice day of weather before the rains come, so will have to get out for a ride today.

            Happy Tuesday to all!
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Tuesday 24th April

              Morning All!

     dad used to always take me when I was little.

              Rip, Mac & Paula~congrats on your AF days!
              Bella- yup Lisa & Mack do make a fine team
              AA-Shaved Legs R Aerodynamic......are arms? LOL!

              Have a Great One! Another Bright & Sunny Day!
              af 125
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Tuesday 24th April

                Good morning ABworld and congrads on all the AF days you're racking up! I had an amazingly wonderful time last night going to my martial arts class for the first time in more than a month (knee injury). It felt SOOOO good...just amazing. I was giddy with endorphins and was glowing all night...even had trouble sleeping at first since I was still so perked up! ahhhh, darn good stuff Happy Tuesday friends!!!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Tuesday 24th April

                  Good day All.
                  It's been a long day.
                  I'm tired but content.
                  I think I'll have a bath and an early night.


                    Tuesday 24th April

                    day 2 af and smoke free, planning mods for fri and sat at festival apart from that af again for me. feeing bluesy,tired,ill - like everything is s%*t. think maybe hypno is helping em feel what had really been bugging me for ages - I'm bored v job, place I live and other things. I need to make changes - maybe I'm actually feeling that now so will then do something about it. Anyway no booze today - sadly no gym either but I can work on that tomorrow!
                    one day at a time


                      Tuesday 24th April

                      Hiya all,

                      Just popping my head back in to say goodnight thankfully reporting i managed to stay sober...God knows how after what Man Utd put me through tonight..

                      Also wanted to say thankyou very much for the kind words and support...It is really appreciated..

                      Sweet dreams all...Love Macks:l
                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        Tuesday 24th April

                        Good job Macks!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

