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Wednesday 25th April

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    Wednesday 25th April

    Good morning everyone..

    Day 3 today and feeling quite strong and motivated..I know by weekend i'll be talking myself into a drink..I gotta make plans to avoid this...It's strange trying to out fox yourself but i think thats what i have to do.

    The down side to being af is eating everything in sight..I think i must just have a self destructive personality...Fags booze and bacon butties...One thing at a time though eh..

    Hope everyone is well today and feeling strong..

    Love Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Wednesday 25th April

    Day 3 also - Can relate re eating, especially later on in evening, must be replacing the carbs from the ale which I am so (too) used to. Cracking game last night looking forward to tonights and will try a gym visit before to use time well.

    Yep, weekend with more time and opportunity will be difficult, wife playing stool ball, older kids busy, baby mainly with wife, money in pocket.....


      Wednesday 25th April

      Good morning Macks.
      Hope you continue feeling strong. Try to ignore that self destruct button
      that many of us have. Well done on day 3 af, don't worry too much about
      food, fags etc. like you say one thing at a time.
      Rome wasn't built in a day!.
      love P.


        Wednesday 25th April

        Hi Mac,
        Well done day 3. Keep positive.What is stool ball?
        Love P.


          Wednesday 25th April

          Hi, I just wanted to say I know how you feel. I have only just admitted (publicly) that I have a problem with alcohol. I bought drink last night with the intention that I would only drink until I felt happy!! Whats that? But of course I finished everything I bought and couldn't take kids to school this morning, had headache from hell and pretended to my husband I was just 'offf colour' and he took kids to school. I only just got up midday. I am so ashamed of myself again, I know I was shouting at kids last night for nothing.
          Just believe - that's all you have to do



            Wednesday 25th April

            Morning All!

            Great job Macks!

            Yup-ate everything in site! But I allowed myself because I was depriving myself the booze I enjoyed (so I thought) so I indulged in food I loved in its place & now that it's out of my system I'm concentrating on eating healthier. One thing at a time like you said!

            Tick...tick...tick....weekend parties are coming up & the phonies (the in-law family) are approaching & believe it or not-no desire to drink (which in the past I would have already begun or have started plotting)! I think I just want it over & done with. I think I'm more concerned now for the aftermath of the calm AFTER the storm. Either way I'm preparing. This is my ultimate test. With every muscle in my body-I will not drink....UUUURRRRR!

            no ....I don't take steroids & don't look like a man (lol)

            Have a great Wednesday!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Wednesday 25th April

              Stoolball is played in South East England - its a type of cricket played by women with occaissional mixed fun matches. The bowler aims at a square about shoulder hieght and the batter looks to hit ball with a bat which is fairly short and solid wood. Its popular with various generations taking part. Played in leagues but also in tournaments over a day and even in doors in the winter. (I do a bit of umpiring - no abuse unlike football refs, I might get a flick of a pony tail in my general direction or a raised eyebrow , even with some iffy decisions!)


                Wednesday 25th April

                Control the Mind


                  Wednesday 25th April

                  Right....I've stopped licking the screen now...Got loabs of gust on my gongue...
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    Wednesday 25th April

                    Happy Wed AB'ers! to those doing well hooray! to those trying to do well hooray!
                    I'm sore as hell from first day back to "real" exercise Monday night....feels great
                    All this food talk....guess I'll make some brecky and get on here,
                    cheers all
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Wednesday 25th April

                      Hi abbers,

                      Just checking back in this evening..I didnt drink this evening but it has come at a price..I've just been a horrible moody bastard to anyone who even looked at me..I hate myself at the moment..I know lisa is glad i did'nt drink and thank god i dont get like this every night..I just feel really guilty..I fell asleep from about 8 till 10pm..Proberly the smartest thing i've done all day..

                      Anyway Day 3 is done...And i'd like to forget it as soon as possible.
                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        Wednesday 25th April

                        Thanks for explaining Mac,
                        I live in midlands and hadn't heard of this game
                        sounds good.


                          Wednesday 25th April

                          Mack- That's how I usually was-a HORRIBLE WITCH. Barked at everyone when I got off the booze. It'll pass-just keep reminding yourself that. Eventually you'll feel better, things will return to normal & all will be better. Hang tough-proud of you. You're doing great!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Wednesday 25th April

                            Hello All,
                            Breaz is right Macks. The moody phase comes and goes with me. I've learned to step back and watch it pass, which it always does.

