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November -Week 1

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    November -Week 1

    ?You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.?
    ― Maya Angelou

    I can't believe it's November already!! Sorry I couldn't think of a great name, but we'll just go with simplicity, unless someone comes up with a good one by next weeK!

    Sorry to be so brief, but I'm pressed for time. All good here on an AF Friday!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    November -Week 1

    Great quote Dill: she's an inspiration, isn't she?

    No-no-November? Might sound as though we stammer, though, but it's lot better than being hammered.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      November -Week 1

      Well - I'm glad someone remembered to start the new month! Honestly, sometimes I'm as dumb as a rock in the mornings :H :H

      Thank you Dill for getting our new month started
      I hope you are having a good day!

      DTD, hope your day was good too!

      I sat down with my laptop & a pile of bills a while ago but didn't stay focused on that task - so here I am
      More coffee needed I think!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        November -Week 1

        Good evening Friends,

        "no-no November":H I like it! By the way, my ground beef that day went into the crockpot and came out as spaghetti.

        Lav, don't be so hard on yourself for not noticing the turning of the calendar. I swear, the time is going so fast it's no surprise!

        Kiddos are out trick or treating (ours was postponed last night because of the high winds and rain) with their Dad so Mr. D and I are enjoying a quiet moment.

        Enjoy an AF Friday evening everyone.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          November -Week 1

          Happy November! Or something like that.

          Definitely not my fav time of year.. but hey, gotta get through this to get to the good stuff. Seems like that in many areas, hm?

          Lav.. bills? Ack. I just put them in a pile and avoid that part of the house like the pest! :H
          Hello Dillydoo, Dream, and all to come!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            November -Week 1

            Good morning All,

            Warm greetings to long lost Kaslo. It's nice to hear you are doing so well! Pop in again anytime.

            Star, I hear you on the 'too much candy'. Halloween is loads of fun, but ugh! All that crappy candy.

            Sunny, so great to see you!! Join in here any old time. I have found that in this journey, alone is much harder to do.

            Lav, thanks for the bill reminder, I need to do that today. Think I'll get it over with early.

            DTD, what's up for you this weekend? I heard your request for pics and am looking to see if I have any worth posting. I don't post pics often, so when I do it takes me forever to remember how to do it. So I'm not making any promises!

            Yesterday was a perfect November day. I went with my friend to a local apple orchard and bought apples and apple butter, then went to have lunch at Bob Evan's, conveniently located near Tanger Outlet mall. We had a great time. I bought a eucalyptus candle at Yankee Candle and some clothes for my son at Eddie Bauer. It was a very nice kick off to an AF November. The friend I was with is a long time drinking buddy. She serves as a trigger to me quite honestly, so the trip to the outlet mall was my choice. There are no drinking establishments or state stores between their and my home!

            Witts, Cyn, and Rusty, thinking of you all.

            Have a great AF Saturday everyone

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              November -Week 1

              Good morning friends

              I actually see some real sunshine out there today ~ nice!
              I need to get out & do some cleanup in & around my chicken house, any volunteers?? :H :H

              Dill, glad you were able to get out with your friend yesterday. I have gotten to the point where I don't worry so much about outside pressures to drink, especially other people. People have heard me say 'I don't do that anymore' so often that I think they actually believe me. It really does seem to be the 'norm' to turn down AL & desserts in restaurants & just generally eat lighter these days & I'm happy with that! I need to get myself into some Christmas shopping soon

              Hello to Sunni, DTD, Rusty, cyn, Star, papmom, Witts & anyone else dropping in today!
              I hope everyone has a fantastic AF Saturday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                November -Week 1

                Morning friends 'n neighbours!

                Eww... gloomy, soggy day (again). Really wouldn't mind seeing the sun one of these days.

                X-nay on the chicken house, Lav. Sorry! I will be mucking out horse stalls in a bit, though

                Hello Dill, DTD, and all to come... here's to a 'dry' November (in every possible way!) :hallo:
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  November -Week 1

                  Good morning to all...

                  I am still trying to wake up. Up at 5 a.m. all week, busy till evening or later, and I am exhausted. So, nice I can choose to do what I want today. I am planning on a yoga class and we have to put all our furniture back, get backing for the rugs too. That floor looks spectacular and it is going to stay that way!!!

                  Lav, once you changed you ways, you stuck to it and that was that. Your fall was really bad, so glad you have everything back. It was really a crisis point in your life. Things are better now, you made them better. Love your strength and determination.

                  Dill, glad your time with a drinking friend led to no drinking. I like to plan if I am going out with someone who enjoys their booze, plan to not drink. Love that you were able to get some shopping done. Lav scared me with her mention of Christmas shopping. AHHHHHH

                  Sunny, so glad you are posting, sounds like you are on the right path. Your spirit shines through and you are a pleasure to have on our thread.

                  Football later today. Whewee! Keep warm and have a great day.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    November -Week 1

                    Good Morning Friends,

                    A quick check-in here as I have a bunch of things to do before I go to my Mom's early this afternoon, then traveling to a new client's site.

                    Sunni! It's great to see you back here with us. Your sense of humor always cracks me up. I almost posted on the Canucks Thread yesterday, as you might remember, my mother is 100% Canadian French. I follow you around, though....your posts make me matter which thread you post on. Eeek. I just admitted I'm a cyber-stalker.:H

                    Dill-thank you for that quote.:l I needed extra encouragement today as this weekend has been pretty depressing. I have been wanting to break into the environmental quality management field and found out yesterday that I don't have the minimum job experience to qualify.:upset: So, I must re-invent myself again. SIGH. I am hoping a 2-hour workout this morning lifts my blue mood. I am glad you got away and had a great non-drinking time with your friend. Excellent plan on your part to meet at a Bob Evans and between your homes so the temptation to stop for a drink wasn't there. You have seemed so happy in the last week...and I hope you'll be able to have regular outings away from your beloved grandkids BTW, I LOVE Yankee Candles. They are all over my house. I like it when people come in the front door and tell me my place smells so good.

                    Dream:H-stammering is better than getting hammered. Oh yes! What are you doing today?

                    Lav-it sounds like you made a miraculous recovery after your horrific fall. I'm glad you survived so you can spread your wisdom all around.

                    Star-wasn't that a nail-biter of a football game yesterday? ND and Navy were neck and neck the whole time. Glad ND won, though. How was your yoga class? I've gone a few times and I'm sorry to say, it doesn't do much for me, but I do feel like I've gotten in a good workout.

                    To anyone I've missed....Cyn, Witts/Corgi....hope you're having a lovely AF day.


                      November -Week 1

                      Good morning friends

                      Matilda had me up before 6:30 this morning. She apparently didn't get the message about the time change this weekend

                      Well, as usual my day was hijacked by DIL & grandsons yesterday. I can honestly tell you I wish they had stayed home! The three of them were sick & EB ended up throwing up all over my sofa
                      Honestly, my DIL is smart as anything (in graduate school) but sometimes dumb as hell.
                      She parked herself in my living room while I cooked, cleaned up after kids, etc & I finally pushed them out of here at 9:45 pm!!! WTF?

                      OK, over my rant now :H
                      hoping for a less dramatic day today :H

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        November -Week 1

                        Lav!:xmouth:mg:bigcry: HOW poor thing.... you will have to scrub those sofa cushions really well, won't you? :upset: I have seen your's beautiful! If the scrubbing doesn't work, can you call a carpet/upholstery cleaner and have them come out and clean it? I did that when my friend's son spilled chocolate pudding on my sofa. Just a thought. I am sorry your DIL is inconsiderate and not the sharpest knife in the drawer. As my client says, "the driveway doesn't go all the way to the garage." I hope you don't get whatever the three of them have.

                        Also, I am sending you an email in about 5 minutes so PLEASE check your inbox. Thanks!!!


                          November -Week 1

                          Hello hello...
                          ask and ye shall receive... it's a gorgy day here (albeit a bit on the chilly side).. but the sun is out, the skies are blue, and I had cake for breakfast. Don't get much better than that! :H

                          EEK! Lav... Perhaps you can have a wee chat with your DIL today? Sorry about the mess and stress. Hope everyone feels better today and you won't catch their cooties.

                          Rustbucket!!!! :l
                          Stalk me all you want.. I'm blond. Chances are, I won't notice :H

                          Well, I officially bought the first Christmas present yesterday. Ughh. A knitted hat for Peanut... some movie/cartoon character thingie. Haven't got a clue but apparently any kid 3 and up is intimately familiar with it. *Shrug*

                          K... I should be off and get cleaned up soon. I have a coffee date with a friend coming up here soon. Have a fabulous day, everyone... sorry for not greeting by name... but I just realized what time it is! LOL
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            November -Week 1

                            Hallo all
                            Was without electricity today - good excuse for doing nothing! So, lunch was snoek on the coals, and lots left over. Quite a few lunches chez Dream will feature it. (Mind you, even with power I would have braaied - it's probably obligatory here to braai at least once on a weekend.) It was a lovely day - sunshine, slight breeze, peaceful and quiet. Yesterday could have been better, but I ranted in the Nest and won't bore you with the details.

                            GG, Christmas prezzies are such a pain. Am going to try to make as many as possible. wish I could avoid the shops until after Christmas.

                            Rusty, I love the driveway not going to the garage - I collect those sayings - my dirty little secret is out.

                            Lav, my dear mother has a DIL like that. She been married to my brother for almost 20 years now, and I've never ever seen her lift a finger when she visits. And my mum is too nice to do anything about it. Luckily the other two pitch in. And of course I would have volunteered to clean out the chicky house had I but known about it.:H:H

                            Everybody else: hope you have a lovely Sunday :l:l:l- it's 20:50 here, and I hear my bed whispering to me.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              November -Week 1

                              Hello old friends!

                              I got called out by Rusty on another thread about 2 weeks ago and just got around to reading it. :H So I thought I'd jump in and say hello.

                              Did I read correctly that there was a Kaslo sighting? I'll have to go back and read the last week of October now.

                              I'm so happy to see all of your familiar faces. Life has been hectic and I've got a few health issues going on now, but don't know anything for sure yet. So I just keep plugging along.

                              Dill-WTG on leading your friend through an AF afternoon! I love the quote you posted. Thank you!

                              Sunni-So good to see you here. I'm glad that you got your sunny day.

                              Lav-Your DIL sounds like my stepdaughter. And 9:45 is way past my ability to entertain and be social!

                              Star-Did you get your yoga in? I love yoga. It's about the only exercise I can tolerate these days.

                              Rusty-I'm sorry that you've been feeling down lately. You are no stranger to reinventing yourself. It seems like, in little ways, that's what we do all throughout our lives. I hope exercising helped your mood.

                              DreamThinkDo-Pleased to meet you. Braal is to grill or barbecue, isn't it? Food tastes so good to me when it's cooked over coals.

                              I hope I haven't missed anyone. I haven't been in a posting mood for a while, but I'm firmly entrenched in my AF ways and there's no way I'm going back. Life is too good now to screw things up!

