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Starting abs

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    Starting abs

    Hi guys,

    I did go to the party and I'm afraid I did cave in cause I was just soooo nervous and uncomfortable. I had 3 G & T's and a small glass of champagne in a toast and even though I didn't intend to drink anything I am still quite proud of myself.

    I actually had a good time, my partner left early and I ended up getting a taxi home. Usually I would have asked the cab driver to scout round for a shop selling alcohol but I just thought I've had a rare night out that I will actually remember in the morning so I'll leave it at that.

    Not pleased that I gave in on day 3 but I'll start gain today.

    Have a good weekend.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Starting abs

      Hi Kitty, I just wanted you to know that I too am so proud of you with all that you have been going through.. You are so very wise to think through everything to see what and why you feel the way you do... Your bf will soon enough realize that you are serious about getting "real" with your drinking, and it sounds like he will be a great support and help along the way... (After he does learn trust) Enjoy yourself as you show him time and time again that you are serious and just watch his reaction proudly. P.S. Irish Lady is sooo right.. Kudzu Rescue from MWO helped me so very much... Please consider it. I also have recently ordered the L-glutamine for any tough summer time parties...
      Congratulations Kitty and look forward to hearing about day 3, 4 and more !

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Starting abs

        Thanks Ariel. I'm going to start looking at the boards you suggest. I do exercise, but then back comes the 'giving in', you are right when you say you wouldn't want others to act in this way towards us - I will remember that. I don't understand it - why oh why do we give in. Your 8 weeks is good, I did 10 weeks this time last year, and another 7 in September - then I think I begin to believe I've got it under control. The 'control' lasts for a week or two and then back to square one. Can someone tell me about ordering this site's Kudzu in the UK? how much is it, and how much is postage - how does it work to order from the UK? thanks everyone Tylyr


          Starting abs

          Niblet;129019 wrote: Hi Kitty, I just wanted you to know that I too am so proud of you with all that you have been going through.. You are so very wise to think through everything to see what and why you feel the way you do... Your bf will soon enough realize that you are serious about getting "real" with your drinking, and it sounds like he will be a great support and help along the way... (After he does learn trust) Enjoy yourself as you show him time and time again that you are serious and just watch his reaction proudly. P.S. Irish Lady is sooo right.. Kudzu Rescue from MWO helped me so very much... Please consider it. I also have recently ordered the L-glutamine for any tough summer time parties...
          Congratulations Kitty and look forward to hearing about day 3, 4 and more !
          Thanks Niblet and everyone,

          I'm back to day one today and doing fine. I figure even though I slipped day 3 I have still only drank 1 day out of 4 and even that is good going for me!! LOL

          We went for a quick drink with his family today and I just had a diet coke. Usually it would have been a couple of pints of cider, then more at home then a good old row to finish off the evening!

          He is still a bit hostile, but hopefully he will see how hard I am trying and defrost a little as time goes by. I do think though that at this stage I have to think about my own future and sanity before anything else & hope that the relationship works out on it's own.


          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Starting abs

            very good Kitty....turn everything into a learning experience and grow. That's what I try to do anyway and it's mostly working
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Starting abs

              Hi Kitty,

              I so identify with the need to drink in difficult social situations ie around people you don't know or are uncomfortable with. What I usually find is that I drink far more than usual to make me more chatty, sociable and 'interesting.' What happens in reality is I get drunk, make a fool of myself, make a really bad impression and then hate myself the next day! What fun! I like some of the replies to your thread which suggest that at the early stages of trying to get a handle on things these difficult situations might be best avoided. They might well be right, even if turning down invitations may seem rude or selfish to others. Anyway Kitty, its certainly the aspect that I'm struggling with most so if you find any solutions let me know!



                Starting abs

                Nicole2003;129391 wrote: Hi Kitty,

                I so identify with the need to drink in difficult social situations ie around people you don't know or are uncomfortable with. What I usually find is that I drink far more than usual to make me more chatty, sociable and 'interesting.' What happens in reality is I get drunk, make a fool of myself, make a really bad impression and then hate myself the next day! What fun! I like some of the replies to your thread which suggest that at the early stages of trying to get a handle on things these difficult situations might be best avoided. They might well be right, even if turning down invitations may seem rude or selfish to others. Anyway Kitty, its certainly the aspect that I'm struggling with most so if you find any solutions let me know!

                Hi Nicole,

                I was either very lucky or very strong the other night when I went to the party and it could easily have gone horrifically wrong. There were so many new family members to meet I think I would have had a leave town if I went on one of my benders.

                I will try and be very choosy which invites I accept right now as I can't trust myself. So many times I have gone out thinking "I will not make a fool of myself tonight" and so many times I have had an historic melt down.

                It's hard isn't it, I'm just having to put myself first for a change and if poeple don't like it I'm afraid they have to lump it right now. If alot of the new people I am meeting knew what I am like sometimes they probably wouldn't invite me out anyway. LOL.

                Good luck to you too

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

