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Saturday~April 28

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    Saturday~April 28

    Happy Saturday!

    Nope will not drink. Have a huge trigger today & tomorrow-2 birthday parties (my son's tomorrow). In the past I would have (sneak)drank or would have already started. The phony-in-laws do it to me every time. Not this time! I am now using different coping mechanisms to deal with their phoniness. I don't need to drink around them any more. Plus it makes me look stupid if they suspect I do-b/c they know I have a problem. Don't need to have them win this battle over me-LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday! Gotta run-in addition got a my kid's softball & baseball game.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Saturday~April 28

    Right on Breez..
    You are truely an inspiration to all of us... Your will to change your life and using the proper coping tools help us all to learn how to deal with triggers in all of our lives. Blast them right out of the water Hon !! Be all that you can be and they won't even be able to reach or effect you... Rise above and beyond... Truely enjoy this experience for all that it can be and then...... Let us know all about it... Snoopy? yeah !

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Saturday~April 28

      Hi Breez,
      Hope you have a great day,I know you won't drink.
      Hope every else has a good day.


        Saturday~April 28

        Good on you Breez!

        Everyone else HAD A GREAT DAY! Mine is over (living on this side of the globe)! I asked my girlfriend if she would marry me and she said yes!

        How's that??!! And best of all, I brought my 'house' in order before that (i.e. thanks to Topa, I no longer am slave to the bottle, but can function as a 'normal' person).

        Ahhhhhh! Thanks for you guys continued support!!!
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


          Saturday~April 28

          Congrads Paddy!!!! and a big Bravo!!!!! to Breez for making the best choices.

          Just downded my protien/fruit smoothie and off for my "pay money to get your ass kicked" class (martial arts class). I'm still sore from Thursdays class...
          be well everyone,
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Saturday~April 28

            Marrying Determinator was one of the smartest decisions I have made in my life. 9yrs and kickin!
            Congratulations!! Cheers to love, laughter and lust!
            * * I love Determinator * *


              Saturday~April 28

              Paddy!!!!! Big Congratulations. That is so awesome.

              And Breez, you are a big inspiration to me. Good for you.

              Have a great day to all in abs land!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Saturday~April 28

                Sea, you will do the right thing.

                Paddy! Congratulations:H

                Have a great day all.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Saturday~April 28


                  You sound really strong!


                  Congratulations! That is wonderful news.


                    Saturday~April 28

                    Congrats Paddy that is wonderful news!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!

                    Stay strong Breez, you can do this!
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Saturday~April 28

                      Paddy, congratulations, thats wonderful news.. Any idea yet when the big day will be ??
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        Saturday~April 28

                        You feeling ok today irish cat?


                          Saturday~April 28

                          Its funny you should ask lucky, but, no, not really... For some reason I feel down today, but hopefully I will snap out of it soon... Its times like this that in the past I would have turned to the bottle and felt twice as bad in the morning, but I will go for a nice long walk in the morning, that usually works...

                          Are you okay ??? Still got your lizard ???
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            Saturday~April 28

                            Come over here and I will pet you and make you feel all better. I will even rub under your chin. You will be purring in no time.

                            Glad you are making healthier choices now Irish. A good walk is one of my favorite things. Gets the feel good endorphines going.

                            I think lizard is outside now-

                            :h :h :h


                              Saturday~April 28

                              Paddy that is fantastic news, so happy for you both i'm sending loads of best wishes to you both....lots of love Lisa & Macks XX
                              Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....

