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Sunday April 29

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    Sunday April 29

    Good morning Abbers...
    I just wanted to start todays thread.
    I found out yesterday that my son will do another tour of duty in Iraq. I posted details on What we believe so please read there also.

    This site and you guys have been an inspiration to me for over a year now.
    I've watched you struggle and grow and we've grown together.
    I hope your Sunday is sunny and peaceful.

    I love you all.
    :h Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Sunday April 29

    Oh, Nancy..I'm so sorry to hear that. I know that is not what you wanted to hear.
    Boy the military sure has their timing down!
    Getting ready to go to church this morning - I'll say a prayer for you and your family.
    Thinking of you today-
    :h Lisa


      Sunday April 29

      Hi Nancy - I'll read the I believe thread but just wanted to send :l your way in the meantime. I can't begin to imagine what it is like, but I'll be hugging my children tight tonight and praying that all will be well for your family.
      :rays: Arial

      Last first day - 15th April 2012
      Days 1-7 DONE
      Days 8-14 DONE
      Days 15-21 DONE
      30 days DONE
      60 days
      100 days


        Sunday April 29

        I Nancy,
        My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
        I have a son, and can only imagine what you're going through.
        God bless.


          Sunday April 29

          Thank you to your son for serving our country. And thank you for your entire family's sacrifice of being without him and going thru the heartache of seeing him go. This American appreciates it.
          * * I love Determinator * *


            Sunday April 29

            This American appreciates it also. I saw on CBS Sunday Morning how the Baghdad zoo was helped by our military. It was a cool segment.


              Sunday April 29

              Hugs and support your way Nancy. Lucky you're avatar is sooo bad
              yes, loverly sunny Sunday in this part of AB-land.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sunday April 29

                Hello All,
                I was planning to go up a hill today, but my wife isn't feeling too good so we just had a lazy day at home. Day 29 AF for me. I muddled my way through another weekend so it looks like I'm going to do the whole of April sober. Next target is May. Thanks for the support people. I love this place.
                Nancy, I wish you and yours well.


                  Sunday April 29

                  Well done Popeye.


                    Sunday April 29

                    Hey Popeye! That is so Great! Wasn't it a few weeks ago you said you were getting stuck around 13 or 14 days? I'm so very happy for you. And you made another weekend too.
                    Well Done!!



                      Sunday April 29

                      Popeye, I am so happy for you. You must be feeling really good! Here is to a sober May!!!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Sunday April 29

                        Congratulations Popeye :goodjob: - sorry you didn't get to go up your hill, but they've stood there this long so there's always another time! Hope your wife feels better, and I'll raise a glass of ginger ale to an AF May!

                        Happy end of a sunny Sunday to all and I wish you a good week ahead

                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days


                          Sunday April 29

                          :goodjob: on the abs everyone!
                          And thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
                          We didn't know until our son was home from Iraq last time how it felt to have people say thank you. I don't miss a chance now when I am around a military person or thier family to say thank you for doing your job.
                          We can all sleep at night because someone is watching out for us.

                          :h Nancy
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Sunday April 29

                            It gives me goose bumps anytime I hear of a family whose child is serving our country.
                            You should be so proud. Thank your son from all of us.


                              Sunday April 29

                              Congrats Popeye!!! I am so proud of you!!
                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.

