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af Tuesday 5 November

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    af Tuesday 5 November

    Hi there. How are we all today? Its Tuesday here ? still darkish but I can hear those birdies.
    Here is some tea for anyone and coffee comes out soon. Birds have to wake up a bit first.

    Thanks for everyone?s warm wishes about my downward spiral ? and for the in yer face jokes ? PPQP and Mick. Yes, I laughed. But I also thought it was very sweet of you.

    Bear ? you are doing so well ? are you finding it easier as you go along? Certainly sounds like it. Its best not to call in sick if you can make it in ? no point in delaying meetings/presentations/icky work situations. It also can make you feel guilty and devious (staying at home) and those feelings are not good for us ? as devious is one of the middle names of an alkie. I know you are not calling yourself that but you are in good company here!
    Also bosses and co-workers have a pretty good idea of sickies or when people are avoiding meetings. They can be judgemental and make assumptions about why someone is on sick leave. I don?t like these rumours at all because it is in most workers? contracts that they can take sick leave and of course this includes mental sickness as well.
    On the other hand ? you do have a cold and you don?t want to go to work if you are infectious ? and often rest is best for a cold.
    Bet we all know those office martyrs ? who soldier on ? and infect the crew.:durn: (being a martyr is also an alkie trait ? but of course not just for alkies).
    OK- that's my rant!

    Mick ? I see there has been a big prison riot in the UK altho not in your neck of the woods. I can imagine this piqued your interest. How are the November chills? Was there a power cut? Sorry you lost your thread yesterday ? how maddening! :upset:Sorry I was not up to starting the thread yesterday.
    Congrats on being AF for 16 months!! :wd:

    Lav ? you mentioned a few days ago the ALC levels in wine. Yes they are indeed high here but apparently they are underestimated in many countries ? see this study
    Kiwi wines keeping it honest - business |

    Sam ? you are speaking in riddles again (at least for me). Is ?black powder? season ? the hunting season? What critters do they hunt?

    PPQP ? snow yet in your area? Probably not but Sunshine mentioned there was some where she lives.

    Pauly ? yes, I knew you had started drinking again ? although I didn?t know how bad it was. Have you stopped? Any plans for how you can handle the quit this time ? and how we can help?

    Sounds like you had a great weekend SF. Hope the week goes really well with you and the boys.

    Cinders ? you too - did you go to church?

    Gidday Yah. Hope all is well.

    Hi there to all others. You OK Det?

    Have a great sober Tuesday and I might pop in later if the work or domestic fairies let me. Its Guy Fawkes Day here - remembering when there was an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in England. People set off fireworks and sometimes burn a 'Guy' on a bonfire. nfire: We don't get into it at my place.

    af Tuesday 5 November

    Went to fill the coffee tin with a 200 gm packet of freshly grounded coffee -poured it into the plunger instead! Duh!:H


      af Tuesday 5 November

      Hey TT - 99% of the things I worry about never happens, so I am spending my time exhausting myself for nothing! I still have a cold but I went in. it's not an awful cold, just a bit annoying Glad I have it now so by time I am on holiday next Tuesday it will have gone/be over the worst. Meeting went ok - and I'm glad to have that over with.

      Today I have one meeting and also have lots of time to get work done which I haven't had recently. I think that's the key and I am going to work at home Friday am and read through training/pull out my learning points. I am so lucky and very thankful to have such a supportive boss,he suggested I do this to get some space and also take Friday pm off as I am working late thu eve.

      Have a great day everyone - friend coming over to give me massage and we having dindins and chats.I am also off to gym before as finishing work a bit earlier.
      one day at a time


        af Tuesday 5 November

        Glad things worked out better than you thought Bear.
        Worry warts - many of us are!


          af Tuesday 5 November

          mae everyone...well lets see where this post goes today then!!!!!!how are yizall?ok I hope.Well ,out today..down at my brothers, then tomorrow my ex boss in the prison service is comig up so no doubt the world and its wife will be getting "the treatment!"Yesterday was big cleasn up day..every now and again the house gets completely cleaned ..cooker to bits and cleaned ,shower ,all wood polished dusting done windows cleaned ...yesterday was that day about knackered!!!!quite satisfying when its done.Pretty good week for me this 16 months today al free ,and married 2 years on Friday...long engagement ..we had been together for 18 years before that!!!!long story not worth going over!!

          ok on we go...brew time

          Morning tt are you today? okIhope ..glad we managed to put a smile back on yer kipper!!!:H Weather over here is mad ..was frosty yesterday ,pouring down with rain for the riots, yep they lost a wing in Maidstone nick (foreign nationals)..says a lot for the immigration policy!!!but there have also been a couple of kick offs in other places..trouble is in this day of more for less, there is hardly anyone to respond now when there is a Tornado shout..not always the best option costcutting ..In 1990 at the Strangeways riot it cost ?55 million to rebuild the place! anyways have a nice evening.and glad you are better.

          Morning bear are you today? glad all was not as awesome as you thought it was going to be glad your days are building up ..excellent..

          Hiya Lav cup o steamin hot cawfee for you....sounds like your weather is worse than ours!!how did kidwatch go yesterday ? sounds like one of those nature programmes on telly , springwatch ,autumnwatch ,kidwatch.!

          Hiya Sam ..hows you today?not a good idea to go into the woods in the hunting season ...speshully dressed up in woolly bear suit!!!Usually I do copy n paste as I go along ..but sometimes you think you are a little bit smart??commonly called Murphys law!!

          ya ppqp are you? busy busy? coffee to go.

          Hi pauly are there ..we are here ..together we can beat this..I remember ages ago when you said you couldnt do it ...and you got thru pick yerself up and dust off ...lets do it..:l

          right peeps orf we go ..have a good one

          Bear excellent strategy!!!!

          A young officer is working late at the Pentagon one evening. As he comes out of his office about 8 P.M. he sees the General standing by the classified document shredder in the hallway, a piece of paper in his hand. ?Do you know how to work this thing?? the General asks. ?My secretary?s gone home and I don?t know how to run it.? ?Yes, sir,? says the young officer, who turns on the machine, takes the paper from the General, and feeds it in. ?Now,? says the General, ?I just need one copy??

          Two Men were out fishing when one decides to have a smoke He asks the other guy if he has a lighter He replies " Yes i do " and hands the other a 10 inch long BIC lighter Surprised the guy asks "Where did you get this?" The guy replies " Oh I have a personal genie" The first man asks "Can i make a wish? " Sure says the other man "Just make sure that you speak clearly cause he is a little hard at hearing" "Ok I will" says the other as he rubs the lamp a genie appears and asks the man what he wants The man says " I want a Million Bucks " The genie says OK and goes back to his bottle and 10 seconds later a million ducks fly over head And the guy says to the other " Your genie realy sucks at hearing doesnt He?" The other man replies "I know, do you really think I asked for a 10 inch BIC"

          A 6 year old boy asks his daddy: Daddy, where did I come from to this life? You were brought by a stork. That's strange, you have such a pretty wife, but nevertheless you're humping a stork.

          A blonde was visiting Washington, DC for the first time. She wanted to see the Capitol building. Unfortunately, she couldn't find it, so she asked a police officer for directions, "Excuse me, officer, how do I get to the Capitol building?" The officer replied, "Wait here at this bus stop for the number 54 bus. It'll take you right there." She thanked the officer and he drives off. Three hours later the police officer returned to the same area and, sure enough, the blonde is still waiting at the same bus stop. The officer got out of his car and said, "Excuse me, but to get to the Capitol building, I said to wait here for the number 54 bus. That was three hours ago. Why are you still waiting?" The blonde replied, "Don't worry, officer, it won't be long now. The 45th bus just went by!"

          A man goes to his doctor and says, ?I don?t think my wife?s hearing isn?t as good as it used to be. What should I do?? The doctor replies, ?Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn?t respond keep moving closer asking the question until she hears you.? The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says, ?What?s for dinner, honey? He gets no response, so he moves to ten feet behind her and asks again. Still no response, so he moves to five feet. Still, no answer. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, ?Honey, what?s for dinner?? She replies, ?For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!?
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af Tuesday 5 November

            hello all
            TT black powder is a muzzle loading gun, like the old muskets, but modernized. There's an early season for it, before rifle season, they hunt deer and bear. I'm not a hunter, but if you like being outdoors around here, it is a good idea to pay attention to when it all starts. There's also a bow season that kicks the whole thing off.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              af Tuesday 5 November

              Good morning Abbers,

              Chilly, partly cloudy, OK so far

              TT, glad to see your mood has shifted back to the light side
              Just thinking about wine these days makes me feel ill, regardless of the alcohol content!

              I've become adept at not letting stuff get to me anymore. Reading Melody Beattie's 'Codependent No More' really helped me a lot!
              Since YB lost his shit & walked off 3 1/2 years ago I have finally been able clearly see that we were both setup for codependent personalities in childhood. His father was alcoholic & mine was abusive
              YB has become a daily visitor around here & has made a big effort to help out with taking care of this place, he is finally healing too.

              Mick, the Geico lizard & I have a lot in common :H
              I love those commercials!
              No kid watching on my schedule today just work & a flu shot :H

              bear, have you read the book I mentioned? You would probably get a lot out of it as well.
              Hope you have another good day!

              Hi Sam! They're hunting all around here too - deer season is a big damn deal around these parts!

              Sending greetings to everyone & wishes for a terrific AF Tuesday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Tuesday 5 November

                MAE ALL...

                TT...thanks for kicking us off this morning. You're sounding much better today. Yup we got dumped on the day of the retirement party (Saturday) up to 15 cm. This morning's wake up call saw the temp's drop to -14 C.

                Bear...reading your post reminds me that I don't have to do the "meeting" thing anymore. Yet another plus for the new job.

                Mick...thanks for the coffee and congrats on the 16 months. :wd: Tell me do you celebrate 20 years or 2 years? Wonder how Julie feels.

       be careful out there with the start of the season. Agreed you're probably better off staying clear for now.

                Lav...think I'd rather do the kid watching. :H Tell me, do you still have the rooster?

                Had a lazy morning, made breakie and even did the dishes. Nothing compared to Micks clean day but it's a start. Maybe I'm just avoiding dealing with the cold.
                I am grateful I'm only 2 blocks away from work. Have a great AF Tuesday all and all to come....PPQP


                  af Tuesday 5 November

                  Mae everybody,happy anniversaries mick! tt next time i get like that im just gonna have to distance myself from my family,work,duties for a few,when i drink i do that anyways so may as well do it sober,i just get too caught up in the moment at least after 40 days sober im able to get back into that groove day 2 and i dont even feel i drank at all,so i am learning something
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    af Tuesday 5 November

                    MAE Fabbies!

                    Sorry, didn't meant to go MIA - work has me a bit buried at the moment.
                    Mick.. congrats! 16 months is fantastic!

                    TT.. glad you're feeling a bit better.

                    Apropos deer season... saw a poster thingie on FB the other day "We interrupt this marriage to bring you deer season" :H Quite true, around here.

                    Quick wave to everyone else.. I need to get back to it. Have a fabulous evening!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      af Tuesday 5 November

                      I meant to say a big congrats Mick!!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        af Tuesday 5 November

                        Hidy HO Aberoooooos!

                        still alive and kicking in my AF'ness happy to say, just buried in work more than usual.

                        congrats to our very own Mick!

                        great job Bear on kicking mega ass, keep your guard up.

                        back on the road tomorrow so savoring my bed for one more night here.

                        will catch up soon I hope

                        shouts to all my peeps Lav, TTops, Sam, PorQ, Pauly, Sunshine, Sunflower, YAH, and others I can't remember....more coffee I think....

                        be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af Tuesday 5 November

                          Hey Det - was wondering about you

                          Mick, I forgot to say CONGRATS this morning - 16 AF months = awesome! And Happy anniversary too

                          Pauly, glad you are OK!
                          Hang in there!!!

                          Sunni, there are actually some businesses around here that shut down for a while during deer season :H
                          I braked for a deer today - I don't want to hit one let alone shoot one, sad.

                          PQ, my mini rooster is still here but not for long. I have decided to include him along with my older birds when the Amish farmer is ready for them - which should be soon.
                          I'm really happier just keeping the hens & they're always happier without a rooster stinking things up :H
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af Tuesday 5 November

                            Lavande;1581474 wrote:
                            I'm really happier just keeping the hens & they're always happier without a rooster stinking things up :H
                            Aren't we all :H :H :H


                              af Tuesday 5 November

                              MAE everyone! Haven't been posting much lately. Not sure what's up with me. But, decided I better stick close for the moment. Can hear little voices starting up in my head again.

                              Mick - Congratulations!

                              Pauly - good to see you here

                              :waving: to everyone else. Going to surf around here a bit.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15

