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af Thurs 7 November

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    af Thurs 7 November

    MAE everyone. Goodness there seem to be a lot of deer on the hoof in the Northern climes. We don't get them near our houses here - they live in remote mountains.
    Mick - sorry to hear about your back -another injury. You know the drill - rest up. Am sure you will back to normal death-defying levels soon.
    Thanks for the non advice on relationships:H - taken!
    Did you daughter get the job?

    Lav - yes you are absolutely right - we don't know what lies ahead. And things can change so much -when the unknown happens. We do have to plan ahead - (at least to remember to get some milk! I have run out:H) but not obsess too much.

    Nice to see you Molly,Nora and Dream -and lurkers anonymous out there ('My name is Larry and I am a lurker...').

    Good to hear from you Det - and Pauly. You are back and running with us wolves:devil:

    Bear - hope the annual leave is fun and restful.

    PPQP - you keeping warm I hope? Same to all others in the refrigerated zones.

    Sam - I guess its getting cold in your place too.

    Hi there also to Sunshine, Cinders, Yah and all others.

    Prizegiving last night was ultra-long and somewhat boring. Speeches galore. But thats to be expected. Daughter now has revision for exams and then for the following 2 weeks has exams. Its a very drawn out process - again maximising stress but we can cope.

    Have a great day - sun out here now!

    af Thurs 7 November

    Hi there TT
    Today was a nice fall day in the 60's! The leaves were really coming down today, looked like rain almost.

    I'll never forget the graduation ceremony for my daughter in high school. She went to a Quaker school and if you know anything about the Quakers, they never do anything in a hurry. The "ceremony" lasted ALL DAY. Everybody in the whole universe gave a speech, Jeeze Louise, on a nice hot sultry Virginia day.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      af Thurs 7 November

      Popping to say that I am still alive. Just been busy doing life. Fun to be doing the things I truly enjoy.

      Read an article on how churches are now holding their services in combat the decling church numbers. People claimed they were combing their love of church and craft beer.

      Mick...hope your back is feeling better.


        af Thurs 7 November

        Hi Larry here!! Lurking as usual - it is still hump day here in sunny California, just had a huge success - and even stated (out loud) that I don't drink anymore - never actually done that before - feels pretty strange (amazing, scary, unreal, relieving!). So finished today in double digits, as I not only lurk but pop into the future too - checking out what day 11 looks like, and I like it!!!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          af Thurs 7 November

          Hi, Cindi here,

          I haven't read back yet but just wanted to pop in and say "hi."

          I had a wonderful day at work. I installed a production system and it went without any major hitches. A few minor ones that were dealt with quickly.

          I am so proud.

          Did I post this weekend about my mom, though? That is more important than work.

          She had a rough time. She ended up in the hospital and back out.

          It worries me. She was screaming in pain and then not and they couldn't find anything.

          I would be so glad to see her "pass" but I never want to see her suffer. I love her too much for that.

          She always told me when she was taking care of her sister who was suffering from dementia, "don't let me live like that."

          I can't stop it. It makes me so sad.

          She was such an incredibly intelligent and loving woman. This is not fair.

          But, I have figured out, sometimes, life is not fair. However, live the best you can with what you have been dealt.

          AF April 9, 2016


            af Thurs 7 November

            :lCindi, I hope your mum doesn't suffer and is fine, like your attitude - something I could do with remembering sometimes.

            SF - lovely to see you, and Cinders,Samstone and TT and Scottish Lass well done on day 11 - we're all up early today!

            Last full day at work for me,finishing with evening meeting where I'm doing a presentation ,tomorrow is finishing a few bits off and then first CBT therapy app - really looking forward to it.Then in afternoon tea and cake at one of they other team manager's houses - it's a bit of a treck but they are so lovely and it will be nice to do a social and get to know them better.

            Day 51 here and can't quite believe it,thinking of joining slimming world's online programme.Also thinking I should just calorie count/consider 5:2 diet as it's easier.Hmmm - I have never done well with group weight loss with meetings, and had most success on my own.Maybe I should calorie count and use sparkpeople and save myself some cash. Time to sort out the chubb before xmas descends - not next week though obviously,tho there is a gym in the hotel which I could use/may feel like using.

            Have a great day everyone - I am so ready for my holiday!
            one day at a time


              af Thurs 7 November

              mae everyone....jeez..thought I had got the wrong day there are so many already on todays thread!!!!so how is the world today?ok I hope.....

              my back is still aching another day of enforced crapology!!!.no use moaning ...get on with it !!Tea and coffee on the go.

              Evening tt how are you doing?ok I hope..No ,Amy never got the job,they want a bit more experience ,but to get experience you need to gain employment!!!!She is going to do "bank work"as a midwife to get some experience....I had a look through her reports etc ..she has got lots of thank you letters from women that have had babies,including 1 where she saved the babys life, because of a heart defect the report says Amy called the crash team...and the little un was flown by helicopter down to Birmingham childrens hosp and underwent ops ...
              Basically operationally wise she is very good,but the paperwork side she aint so good/interested in...hmm wonder where that comes from...

              Her graduation ceremony is in 2 weeks time Sam ..thanks for the heads up !!!!all day

              Hiya Sam are you this fine day?what are you up to ..owt or nowt?

              Hiya SF are you ? been listening to radio 2 yesterday ..the Patrick Keilty show from Nashville..the country music awards ..its on again today so reckon I will be listening to that.

              Hiya SL...well done ddd double digits day!!!good for you.

              Hi Cinders....firstly thoughts for your mum.. pray God she is not suffering.Yes it is sad is too flippant to say been there got that t shirt but you know what I mean.You say your mum was a beautiful intelligent brilliant lady .I would say is...a rose is a rose whether in bud , blooming or thoughts are with you x

              Hiya bear are you? congrats on those big numbers far as dieting goes...lots of different variations out there.....but the main constant in them all is you ...why dont you try fitness pal? it is an app that will count your calories once you put all the relevant info in..and in conjunction there is another one my walk ,also map my run which I use on my phone...also do you drink lots of water? people dont realise how much that helps weight loss.If you need any info ..I aint no expert but I live with one !!!:H let me know.

              Morning DTD are things in the Cape today then?any plans for today?

              Hiya Molls ..lovely to see you ower here..yep as you can see moi..still slavin away!!or is it slaverin??hows the fot of Irelands educashun system doing? you ok.

              Hiya Lav are you today? ok I hope..just going to let the rabbits out and make another brew ..want one? here you go ..oh and you ppqp to go..bout my limit today makin coffee.Actually you have got it wrong ..I am here NOT I hasten to add because I learned to behave, but more so due to my charm , sophistication ,looks, eloquence and mild mannered approach to things....nurse ..more of them delusion pills please!!
              Have a great day..who knows there might be a telly series about an Amish rooster!!

              Hiya Pauly are you today? all fired up and ready to go? Got an e mail from Kuya ...she was asking after you.

              Hi ppqp are you ? brew is made so on you go ..have a great day..

              right peeps thats me..have a great day all

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af Thurs 7 November

                Are the standards slipping in any way there, Mick? No wordy wordy jokes today?

                A bad back is no excuse for doing a half-arsed job, young man! No go back in there and do it.:H:H:H

                Hope you feel better soon, Mick: a bad back is a baaaaaaaad thing to have.:l
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  af Thurs 7 November

                  DTD...just for you!!!!!!

                  You are proudly South African when....

                  1. You produce a R100 note instead of your drivers licence when stopped by a traffic officer.

                  2. You can do your monthly shopping on the pavement.

                  3. You have to hire a security guard whenever you park your car.

                  4. You can count the national soccer teams scores with no fingers.

                  5. To get free electricity you have to pay a connection fee of R750

                  6. Hijacking cars is a profession.

                  7. You can pay your tuition fees by holding up a sign at a traffic light

                  8. The petrol in your tank may be worth more than your car.

                  9. More people vote in a local reality TV show than in a local election.

                  10. People have the most wonderful names:
                  Gift and Given.

                  11. now can mean anything from a minute to a month!

                  12. You continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make way for taxis travelling in the opposite direction.

                  13. Travelling at 120 km/h you?re the slowest vehicle on the highway.

                  14. You?re genuinely and pleasantly surprised whenever you find your car parked where you left it.

                  15. The last time you visited the coast you paid more in speeding fines and toll fees than you did for the entire holiday.

                  16. You paint your cars registration on the roof.

                  17. Half your mail is guaranteed to reach its destination.

                  18. You have to take your own linen with you if you are admitted to a government hospital.

                  19. You dial a toll free number and nobody answers.

                  20.You have to prove that you don?t need a loan to get one.

                  21.Prisoners go on strike.

                  "My wife and I always compromise, I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me."

                  Teacher: ?If you reached in your right pocket and found a nickel, and you reached in your left pocket and found another one, what would you have?? Boy: ?Somebody else?s pants.?

                  Did you know that heaven and hell are actually right next to each other? They are seperated by a big chain-link fence. Well, one day hell was having a big party and it got a little out of hand. God heard the ruckus and arrived to find his fence completely smashed by the wild partiers. He called the devil over and said ?Look, Satan, you have to rebuild this fence.? Satan agreed. The next day God noticed that the devil had completely rebuilt the fence?but it was 2 feet further into heaven than before. ?Satan!? beckoned God. ?You have to take that fence down and put it back where it belongs!? ?Yeah? What if I don?t?? replied the devil. ?I?ll sue you if I have to,? answered God. ?Sure,? laughed Satan. ?Where are you going to find a lawyer??

                  Little Johnny was crying one day, and his dad asked him why. 'I've lost five cents,' sobbed Johnny. 'Don't worry,' said his dad kindly.' Here's five more for you,' At this Johnny howled louder than ever. 'Now what is it ?' asked his dad. 'I wish I'd said I'd lost ten cents!'

                  A husband and wife are having financial troubles. They agree she should walk the streets to pick up some extra cash. The husband drops his wife off in the red light area of town, and returns 6 hours later. She gets in the car and says, "Look, I made $40.50 !" "What jerk gave you 50 cents?" he asks. "All of them!"

                  Teacher: ?You know you can?t sleep in my class.? Boy: ?I know. But maybe if you were just a little quieter, I could.?

                  I don?t want to go to school,? said a son to his father. ?Why not,? asked the father. ?I don?t feel well.? ?Where don?t you feel well,? the father asked. ?At school!?

                  A woman goes into a sporting goods store to buy a rifle. "It`s for my husband," she tells the clerk. "Did he tell you what gauge to get?" asked the clerk. "Are you kidding?" she says. "He doesn`t even know that I`m going to shoot him!"

                  Q: How do you make four old ladies say "FUCK!"?
                  A: Get a fifth one to yell "BINGO!"
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af Thurs 7 November

                    morning all
                    thanks for the double dose of coffee this morning Mick, hope your back is better. Hate it when that happens.
                    SF, it's an interesting trend here that whenever a store front closes, a church replaces it. There are more independent churches in my area than I've ever seen. BUT I got to admit, I've not heard of them in local bars, not that we have that many here.
                    SL, that feels great to actually verbalize your quit. Like wax sealing your letter!
                    Cinders, my mother suffered the same, it is very sad to witness. Thinking of you. I very much appreciated Mick's rose thought.
                    Bear, you're really kicking that AL's ass. Good on you!
                    Greetings YahYah, Det, DTD, Pauly, Lav, others I missed
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      af Thurs 7 November

                      Good morning Abbers,

                      Low cloud cover, dark as anything all of a sudden. I guess it is actually going to rain :H

                      TT, I removed a ton of stress from my life when I adopted the one day at a time thinking. Reading Tolle's 'The Power of Now' was a huge help
                      Sorry about the day long graduation, hate sitting through stuff like that.

                      Greetings Sam, SF & SL. Great to see all of you!

                      Cindi, it really is hard to watch your parents decline like that, have been there myself.
                      All we can do is the best we can do, right? Is your Mom on a lot of medications? Perhaps a review of what she's taking is in order. It's very possible her behavior & reactions are being affected by her meds. Congrats on your success at work!

                      bear, hope you can relax & enjoy your vacation. Think about the diet when you return - one thing at a time, right?

                      'Whoopity fuckin' doo' to you too Mick :H :H
                      What a great picture!!!
                      Hope you are taking care of that back today. I'm a firm believer in rest & Ibuprofin to heal that sort of thing. It sounds like your daughter is on the right career path for her, wonderful!

                      I need to go turn on some extra lights in the chicken house. I have one on a timer but on an extra dark day like this they need a boost!
                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday! Greetings to all popping in today.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af Thurs 7 November

                        Mae everybody,mick its nice to hear kuya asked about me to bad the progress report isnt better,i wouldve been on day 53! today,that makes me feel sad,just HAVE to stick it out this time i sound like a broken record and i sometimes get irritated with other members who keep having relapses,but i guess it is a process,take care of that back,that picture of the "animal in bed"is so me! everybody be well today
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          af Thurs 7 November

                          MAE all! Just popping in quickly to say hi and let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I'm still sober, etc. Just been busy, taking care of lots of little stuff, as well as family drama, etc. I should be back on to catch up this weekend.

                          Gentle hugs for Mick (watch that back!), hugs to you, Pauly, keep up the good work, Scottish Lass, hugs, Cinders.

                          I'm in agreement about just keeping the hens, Lav!

                          It's great to see the daily thread busy again. Hugs to anyone I didn't mention by name.

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            af Thurs 7 November

                            Mick;1581953 wrote: Actually you have got it wrong ..I am here NOT I hasten to add because I learned to behave, but more so due to my charm , sophistication ,looks, eloquence and mild mannered approach to things....nurse ..more of them delusion pills please!!

                            MAE ALL...

                            Sorry I'm not addressing each and everyone of you as I'm just home from a busy but stress free day and dinner is calling.

                            Quick read through looks like everyone is on track and doing good keep it up.

                            Early to bed tonight, get to start a new book and looking forward to it, and early to rise so may be able to post in the am.

                            Have a relaxing evening all.......PPQP


                              af Thurs 7 November

                              Usually by now the Friday thread is up

                              Mick...hope the back issue is working itself out. I have mine own going on....I get to go to the physical therapist 3x a week for 6 weeks! He basically told me I was getting old It is so tough for kids to get the experience they need these is like no one wants to give them a shot....but, they don't want to pay the wages for someone with more experience....never makes any sense to me.

                              Bear...I use SparkPeople....I have the app on my phone and love it.

                              Sam...independent churches are a dime a dozen in these parts. Must be a good way to make a living. Got one nearby that rents out the movie theatre on Sunday mornings!

                              Met my hubby for lunch at a mexican place. The women sitting next to us were having margaritas. One got so loud and slurring so bad....that as sad as it was....I got to laughing so hard it brought tears to my eyes. She had no clue that anyone else was even there.

                     everyone....just a bit tired.

