Just lost a big post. Have a good day.
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Know November - Week 2
Know November - Week 2
Good morning one & all!
Still sunny, still chilly here
Hi Star - sorry about the missing post, these things happen. Hope you have a great day!
I have some work waiting for me & need to try to get my big dog into the Vet office for a weigh-in today. She's been on thyroid medication & a 'diet' for a while now in hopes of losing a pound or two. I still cannot exercise her, she refuses to walk. The very expensive glucosamine supplement hasn't helped much with her arthritis, poor dog. She needs more of a pain medication I think.
Hello to everyone today & have a great AF day!
Thinking of you sister Dill :l
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Know November - Week 2
Hi all - jumping on to say hi - I'll have to read up (as usual) to see what's been going on. So good to see a new 'face' (great avatar), hello to you DTD. And so great to see you Fly and Sunni!
I am on the work treadmill still; a really punishing schedule. But December 15th the terrible pressure will be over, and this organization will have to look for someone else! I just returned from 2 days in NYC that were very hectic and hard on my physically; I'm in a lot of pain, so will be back to the doc to rule out Lyme again. But for now, I'm enjoying a 3rd cup of tea just looking out the window at the beautiful trees here. I am definitely a country girl now, not fit for city dwelling.
Wishing everyone good luck on all your challenges. Dill, I loved the quote that started this week, thanks so much.
I'll try to keep posting more regularly - but know you are all in my thoughts, even when I can't get here to tell you so ---to the light
Know November - Week 2
Good morning...
Dill, thanks for sharing what is going on in your life. Your son will get the help he needs and hopefully be able to care for his children. What a service you are doing for them, they need stability and you and hubby are their to offer it. Ask us for support and in real life get support if you can. PM me any time.
Fly, I am taking beginner's yoga and vinyasa yoga, as the times are convenient for me. I love it. I want to take restorative yoga, so will have to see as the winter progresses. The classes are really small and I like that. Wish I could afford a massage. Thanks for asking.
Lav, hope you are having a good week.
Hi cyn, so glad you are going to be free in December. The work life balance is so important and it sounds like you don't have that right now.
Have a great Friday.Formerly known as redhibiscus
Know November - Week 2
Good morning friends,
Chilly right now but I hear it's heading up to 60 this afternoon ~ nice
Cyn, great to hear you have an exit plan & it's not far off
I know I am way too old & beat up to put in hours like that, it would likely kill me. I agree with Star, balance is essential for health & happiness. Hope you feel better very soon.
Star, hope you have a great day!
Greetings to the rest, I just may check in again tonight.
Have a terrific AF Friday one & all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Know November - Week 2
Good morning friends, sorry I was MIA yesterday. It was a combination of being ridiculously busy and having technical problems with the computer.
Thank you all for your supportive comments. They are much appreciated.:h
I'm short on time this morning too, so can't comment individually. I'll try to catch up soon. For now, I must get my big dog to the vet, like LAV!Mine needs a rabies shot. I'm curious about how much she weighs.
Thinking of you all.:h Have a good AF Friday!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Know November - Week 2
Good Morning Friends,
Dill-:l How unselfish and kind you are to give your son the two most gifts he'll ever receive: the gift of sobriety, and your unconditional support by taking care of his two children 24/7 while he is concentrating on his treatment. Sending volumes of love and strength your way. It's so like you never to complain....just deal with life on life's terms as Star put it. Doubly sorry that you are dealing with computer, furnace, and shower plumbing problems at the same time.:upset: The grand jury duty sounds fascinating, but what a bummer that you have to be there Thanksgiving AND Christmas Eve.
Fly-tell us about the Deepak Chopra series on love. I've never heard of it. How are you feeling today? Do you have any more info on the biopsy?
Cyn-thanks for checking in!December 15 is your check-out date? Wow, when you gave notice, I thought it would a two-week notice.....I'm glad you can see an end to this madness. So sorry you are in pain.:l Are you still seeing the acupuncturist?
GG-:goodjob: on going to the three meetings a week.
Lav-I hope everything checks out OK with your dog at the vet today.
Big hellos and waves to Star, DTD, Witts and everyone else I missed.
I have lots to do today before I leave tomorrow for Idaho (work). Have a great Friday, everyone.
Know November - Week 2
Dill, so happy to see you even if just for a quick check-in!
Thinking about you quite a bit & sending some Lavan-ittude your way. Use it as you see fit
Rusty, where you going in Idaho?
I was there once to see my brother when he lived there in Twin Falls.
I forgot to mention that Maxie has indeed lost a few pounds. She's now a svelte 96.5 pounds :H :H
She was 118 pounds when she first arrived here 9 years ago. It's been a job & a half getting the weight off of her.
We need to start another week, don't we?AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Know November - Week 2
Good morning friends - and what a glorious morning. We had thunder and lightning last night, with lots of strong winds to add to the drama. Lots of rain throughout the day and night. Thunder and lightning are very uncommon in this part of the country, but quite common in summer where I grew up.
Lav, is the new thread started on a Saturday or a Sunday? Posting on the old one, anyway.
Rusty, do you do a lot of travelling for work?
Good to meet you, Cyn! Agree with you on the country living - really don't want to live in a city any more. The birds in my avatar pic are carmine bee-eaters - I took the pic myself, somewhere in the Okavango Delta. (OK, end of bragging session)
Dill, are the heating/shower dramas sorted? Being a "caretaker" parent must be so difficult, but as Rusty said, you are giving your son selfless support. I truly hope he benefits from the IP treatment.
Have a lovely Saturday, everybody, whatever you have planned for it.14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Know November - Week 2
Hey all...
Good to see a few of us are up and ready to go on this warmer Saturday. I have bills to pay, then yoga, then out shopping for my Dad who will be 80. Going to get some sports stuff for him, he likes to watch football down in Florida, team hats sweatshirts and stuff like that might be fun. I'll find out later today.
Hey, having a hard time thinking of things to cook...any ideas? Help me with some ideas.
Rusty, I would love to go to Idaho, I hear it is beautiful country. Good luck with your work.
Lav, I am sending some Lavan-ittude to Dill too!! Can I do that? I was thinking that sometimes life just throws us some really unexpected rough times, and we have no choice, we HAVE to get through it. How we get through it is our choice though.
Dill, thinking of you and knowing you are doing the best you can in a difficult situation. Self care is really important now. Hopefully you have some support, babysitters or something. Sending you support.
DTD, the weather there sounds beautiful and wild. Thanks for wishing me a lovely Saturday, I'll do my best.
To all, have a great day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
Know November - Week 2
Good Saturday morning friends
I'm in no hurry this morning, working my way through a pot of coffee, watching some news & waiting for some sunshine.
DTD, the new thread is started whenever someone actually feels like doing the work - no rules :H
Dill, I hope today is a good one for you!
The weather is warming up here a bit & I am grateful because I will have the boys most of the day tomorrow. My son will be working & my DIL is out of town for a conference this weekend.
Greetings Star, happy shopping to you today. Nice that your Dad has you in his life
Greetings to cyn, Rusty & anyone else checking in today.
I'm hoping that today is the day my older birds move to the farm, we'll see. They really are kind of useless at this point, that's the way it goes...
Have a terrific AF Saturday everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Know November - Week 2
Late check in, and a brief one as well. My favorite time to post has always been early morning. My early morning time is not my own anymore so here I am!
My plumbing is partially fixed and we are able to use the shower and the furnace is 100% fixed.
I hope for more time to post but it probably won't happen until Monday, if then, In the meantime, thinking of you all and wishing you a peaceful AF Saturday evening.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Know November - Week 2
Hey all - just a quick post sending love to all - finally had a moment to read back through this week. Gosh, everyone is dealing with such big issues. But that's life, right?
Dill - I'm anxious to read back about what's going on with your son. Star - so sorry about your friend. Rusty - so glad that you got some time off. Lav - isn't it nearly a full moon? I always (and will probably always) think of you. Hope you have an OK time sleeping.
Hello to all - thanks everyone for the welcome back, I'll try to do regular posts.
big hugs --to the light
Know November - Week 2
Funny cyn, I've been thinking about you as well
Not sleeping great this week & yes the moon is almost full. Will I ever be able yo get a grip on this?? :H:H
I bet you are on a countdown now, don't blame you a bit either!
Dill, still thinking about you
Hope you have a few minutes to yourself tonight.
Goodnight to all!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: