Hope everyone is doing well today. There have been some interesting and useful comments on the thread lately :thanks:
Sam –very sorry that you had to put the horse down but I know that on farms there comes a time. Its still very sad but its also sad to see your animals suffer.
PPQP- I guess you are well and truly used to the cold. Have you got around to sorting the lawyer business out? Your sister sounds a handful – in an alcoholic way - but you obviously love her. Is this the sister that you shared a holiday with earlier this year?
Bear – hope your hols are magnificent.

Lav – I don’t think I have any more quits in me either. (well of course I would if I had to).
SF – good to hear from you too. I didn't just stop AL because of the health scare but that was the thing that secured my decision to break my lifelong pact with the devil. Self respect and respect from family was also a biggie for me. I think me now being AF is helping negotiate my girl's teen years – but who can say? But I think it gives me more credibility when it comes to substance abuse and addiction. Who knows? Unchartered waters and all that.
Mick – hope you are keeping warm also. I read some rubbish by Christopher Hitchens last night on his ‘rules’ for safe drinking. Major major denial there methinks. He also spins the crap about ‘the grape and the grain’ massaging the flow of words – a sort of writer’s aid. I think I can see you rolling your eyes over that one.:H
Pauly – have you made an appointment with the dr yet to get those tests done that I mentioned? Yes I am being bossy boots here. I also know that going to the dr is an expense – so no pressure. Hellz –when you mentioned your buddy boozing until 6am I felt quite ill. Even in my days dedicated to destroying my liver and being a wild party animal- I couldn’t do that.
Det – I guess you will feel like crap for a while and also the travelling doesn’t help. Keep posting here cos I think it helps a lot – checking in and saying hi. And reading Mick’s gems of witticism snatched from the Daily Mail.
Cinders – how’s things? I hope you check in soon.
Hi there also to Yah, SL, Sunshine, Nora and all others.
I am supposed to be a sounding board for history exam revision tonight. The exams have to end!
Have a great Wednesday and keep the jolly sober flag flying!!
