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af Thursday 14 November

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    af Thursday 14 November

    Morning here folks and tea and coffee for all. Not a lot happened on the Wed thread so far so I haven't much to say since my last post - my sleep is not that exciting!:H No dreams of the lurid images Mick posted. I am sure more people will post on Wednesday's thread so I will pop back in if I can later today.

    Pauly - hope you feel better soon. Sam - you sound busy too. Hi there to all others - just thought I would get this thread running while I have a gap in the day. Listening to the horrible news about the aftermath of the typhoon in the Philippines. There have been a few memorial services here and lots of fundraising going on.

    Sunny here and we are expecting a great day. Catch you lovely sober brothers and sisters later on!

    af Thursday 14 November

    TT...sometimes I am jealous you are a day ahead....then when my Sunday is your Monday...I am grateful not to be on your time zone. Self-respect wasn't really something I understood until later into this quit. My kids and I talk about alcohol/drugs. If any good came of it....its that they got to see it up close and personal what it can do to a person.

    Sam-I am sorry about your horse. Animals are much better than people....they just love you. I too am hoping my career is over. It never made me dime....just cost me a ton of money and gave me suffering.

    Det-we don't recover as fast as we once did. I was sort of glad for it. When I was younger and recovered much faster....sometimes it was like more night. Now I could count on days before I felt much like myself. They always say simple, but not easy

    Mick....I guess for me....I recognized there was an issue fairly early on. I quit back in March.....but I was struggling come June. A story was told to me about a tiger.....ended with...each one of has a tiger...its called our mind and it will tear us to shreds. With anything in life it is a can decide to be on that journey your entire life....or you can change in a moment. Its really up to you. It was then that I was somehow changed. That is when I went to Celebrate Recovery. Somehow that led me onto a path of self-discovery....and I just got way more interested in other things....than drinking. I have not been there in awhile, but I would not hesitate to go back if needed.

    I guess I really grasped how hard I was making this thing....something that really did not need to be hard. It really was all in my mind telling me lie after lie. I hold those words close....and they see me through most things.

    Anyways....ready for the weekend. My manager is out...meaning I have to work with the other manager. One simple issue....and I have to make graphs and charts for him, so he can make a decision. with the issue and move on.


      af Thursday 14 November

      How do all
      just got back from listening to a Scottish fiddle player, that is one powerful sound and then he could make it soft. Wonderful dynamics! What he was doing in our area, I haven't figured out.
      Mick, you ever heard of , Paul Anderson, here's his web site:
      Paul Anderson Scottish Fiddler
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        af Thursday 14 November

        mornin all ..and how are we today?ok I hope ..we had some real crappy weather during the night...severe winds and lots of rain...Its supposed to be a rally bad winter ahead for guess it will be stocking up with food etc.went for a run later on yesterday afternoon ..only a short one,but the weather was brutal, and I felt every step..Had a massive dinner earlier so it was to knid of work some of that off!! time I will drive!!!!

        Hiya tt you ok?No torrid dreams with lurid pics???You sound pretty busy ....L lad I know recently got married to a girl in the Philippines and she is still there..and Graham hasnt been able to contact her yet so he is pretty much in a panic

        Mornin are you? had a quick shufti at that link you sent....the land of the standing stones..what is interesting ..he mentions Lochnagar in it...thats the second time in so many days I have heard that place mentioned..its the Prince of Wales birthday today ..and many years ago he wrote a kids story called the old man of Lochnagar.Dont know if I have asked you this before ,but do you do the surveying as an interest,or a job?Many years ago,when Julie worked in one of the big prisons on the clerical side,they were digging part of it up to put in some new buildings etc,when they came across a good few bodies that had been buried there.they were Irish dissidents they believe who had been hanged in the prison as well as "normal "felons ..but there were also bodies there that had been buried that had come from what could loosely be called surgeons hall in those days outside the nick..where they had practiced cuts amputations etc on corpses..then the bodies and parts of them had to be disposed where better than to bury them in a common grave over the prison wall..even in those days someone was on a backhander.Her job was to try and trace any descendants of the exhumed remains and delve into the history....think they found 13 or 14 relatives of the deceased.Its a great conversation stopper tho ..."and where did you meet your wife? In prison!!

        Hiyah ok ..glad the family issues are on hold even tho on a temporary basis..Like you ,I used to think once I had been drinking I was the master of pen and paper .I used to write poetry,obviously under the illusion that here was the next poet laureate in the making!when all traces of al had disappeared and II read it what a load of absolute crap!!!
        have a good day


        Hiya are you today? wow your life seems to be getting real busy do you cope wth the kids being there ..or is it because they are there that it builds up?how did ou get on at the dentist?/ Ive got to go ..and I dread them ..the number of times I have heard that lying scratch,you wont feel a thing ...yeh your head feels like its turning itself inside out via your mouth!!no matter have a brew..and a quiet day

        Hiya Pauly well did you go to the docs abut your sinus probs?hope you get something for it..apart from that ok? hope so

        Hiya ppqp ..ho are you ? cant be bad taking people out to lunch and playing bridge ..youve certainly settled into this boss routine ..youll be wanting coffee on tap next!!

        Right peeps need to go is into the garage this morning brakes required ...but before I take it I need to empty it out to make into some semblance of tidy ish...

        see you all later

        This is the latest headlines for the uk ..cant wait!!!!

        Winter 2013 into 2014 is forecast to be “exceptionally severe” with above-average snowfall and plunging temperatures.
        Long-range weather forecasts warn of bitter Arctic gales leading to feet-deep snow drifts right up until February.
        Snow forecasts for winter 2013 suggest much of the country will be hit by heavy wintry downpours with no let up well into next year.
        As lovers of the white stuff ask ‘will it snow?’ this winter, the general consensus among long-range forecasters is a resounding ‘yes’.
        However they said winter could bring chaos similar to the big freeze of 2010/11 which saw airports close and roads grind to a standstill for months.
        Related articles
        Christmas already? No, an early taste of a 'paralysing' winter as snow hits UK
        Crisis ahead: Britain to be hit by blackouts and power shortages this winter
        Arctic winds to bring snow and flood chaos
        Snowfall will cause havoc for major airports this winter
        Britain braced for 'Polar plunge' as cold winter freeze takes hold
        First flurries of snow set to hit the UK within days as winter comes back with a vengeance

        and now that cheery item is out of the we are... :H

        Chicken Surprise
        A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the 'Chicken Surprise',
        The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast iron pot.
        Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams down.

        'Good grief, did you see that?' she asks her husband. He hadn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down..
        Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is happening, and demands an explanation.
        'Please sir,' says the waiter, 'what you order?'
        The husband replies, 'Chicken Surprise'

        'Ah! So sorry,' says the waiter, 'I bring you Peeking Duck by mistake'.

        I keep hitting “escape”, but I’m still here.

        Question: Why do men fart more than women?
        Answer: Because women won’t shut up long enough to build up pressure.

        During training exercises, the lieutenant who was driving down a muddy back road encountered another jeep stuck in the mud with a red-faced Colonel at the wheel. "Your jeep stuck, sir?" asked the lieutenant as he pulled alongside.
        "Nope," replied the colonel, coming over and handing him the keys,
        "Yours is."

        A guy's talking to a girl in a bar.
        He says, "What's your name?"
        She says, "Carmen."
        He says, "That's a nice name. Who named you, your mother?"
        She says, "No, I named myself."
        He says, "Why Carmen?"
        She says, "Because I like cars and I like men.
        What's your name?" He says, "Beerfuck."

        Yes, money cannot buy happiness, but it is much more comfortable to cry in a new BMW than on a bike.

        I wish I could see things from your point of view, unfortunately I can't stick my head that far up my ass.

        Three women sit in a beauty parlor talking about their husbands. The first woman says, "Last night my husband said he was going to his office, but when I called they said he wasn't there!" "I know!" the next woman says, "Last night my husband said he was going to his brother's house, but when I called he wasn't there." The third woman says, "I always know where my husband is." "Impossible!" both women exclaim, "He has you completely fooled!" "Oh no," says the woman. "I'm a widow."

        Why do Mexicans eat beans for dinner?
        So they can take bubble baths.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af Thursday 14 November

          Hey Mick
          pretty interesting story on the dissidents. I am supposed to be surveying as a job, but the pay has felt as if it is a hobby. My business partner and I have gone round and round about closing up. We were to do so in February but now have worked it out that we may keep on. What I do know is that there is not much money floating around. So I hoping to intensify farming stuff, hence asking about greenhouses.

          hope you have an enjoyable day
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            af Thursday 14 November

            Good morning Abbers

            Sunny & chilly here but the rumor is a warm-up is on the way. I won't complain!

            Greetings TT!
            I apparently had several goofy dreams last night. Can't remember them but they did keep waking me up, oh well.

            SF, the hardest part of this whole AF project for me was changing my thinking. I had picked up on YB's negative thinking habit & had to break that first! Once I did that I was able to clearly see the harm I was doing to myself drinking & smoking too. I really credit the MWO CDs in helping me change my thinking

            Sam, I'm glad you enjoy your fiddle music, that's a good thing!
            I think I mentioned before that my younger brother plays mandolin & is part of a small group in California. I've seen some youtube videos of them playing - pretty good
            t keep them happy! I hope your business keeps moving forward!

            Hi Mick, thanks for the coffee. I had my teeth cleaned yesterday & will be going back next week to have a crown replaced. I honestly didn't know those things wear out. I guess that's what happens when you live so long :H
            I am enjoying a little break from the kids this week but I may be watching the boys tomorrow, don't know yet. Everything is always last minute with my son & his wife.

            I have more work waiting for me & possibly a trip to Curves just in case I can't get there tomorrow

            YahYah, I'm glad your family drama is starting to wind down a bit. That stuff is so tiresome. Your niece is safe & happy, that's the most important thing.

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Thursday 14 November

              Hi there everyone. Just taking a peek around, doing some reading and wanted to say hello. I hope you all are well. I am doing really well after a couple of bumps in the road. A new therapist has made a world of difference for me. She is my cheerleader, as we are for each other here. I'm working, playing the piano a lot for work, which makes me happy. Life is good. I've missed you.
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                af Thursday 14 November

                Mae everybody,hi nurdl! youve got to post on the steppers thread theyve wondered about you glad youre doing well sf,i like how you said you were making it harder than it really is,i think thats what i do it really is a mind game that we play with ourselves,well made it to the doc yesterday i have a sinus infection gave me antibiotics and mucinex she said my ears were full of fluid hence the dizziness,i should have gone weeks ago,i cant help but think i wouldnt have drank that last time if id have gone and figured out what was wrong instead of self medicating with al who knows,anyways that was an interesting story mick,kinda creepy but cool,lav what does yb stand for?i always thought"younger brother"but that dont fit,i hope everyone has a great thursday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  af Thursday 14 November

                  a creaky, feverish greetings from garlic-breath today. Home racked out in bed with fever and increasingly sore throat dammit. I'm soooo grateful to be home and AF at least.

                  Nurdl, good to see you again.

                  going to try to get down some broth with ginger, garlic and lemon peel.

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    af Thursday 14 November

                    Hey-ho, Fabbios.

                    'Twas actually a gorgy morning here... not too cold and sunny. The sun seems to have vanished now, though.

                    Sam - :l Sorry, I only now had a chance to skim through the last few days of posts. Putting any animal down is heart breaking but somehow a horse is the worst :upset: Perhaps because they get to be so much older and are with us so much longer than dogs or cats.

                    Det and Pauly.. hope you both feel better (and please keep your cooties over --> there) - oh... and 'YB' stands for Yard Boy (compliments of Greenie, methinks)

                    Lav.. there must be something in the air. Dreams over here have tripped the Bizzarro meter, too.

                    Hi Nurdl.. sounds like you found a gem of a therapist! Awesome!

                    Mick.. wow, creepy! I bet that many shady operations went on in prisons, asylums, and the likes.. heck, probably still do!

                    TT... You never cease to confuse me :H I keep checking the calendar and scratching my head when I first see your posts! Hope, the sleep fairy will treat you well tonight.
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      af Thursday 14 November

                      WOW - hi nurdl, great to see you
                      Glad you are happy & doing well. Don't be a stranger!

                      pauly, yes, YB stands for Yard Boy aka my husband. He shows up to cut the grass....long story
                      I figured you had a sinus infection - nurse Lav is almost always right. Feel better soon!

                      Det, sorry you are under the weather too. Hope you feel better quickly as well!

                      Sunni, I think the moon is causing the weird sleep stuff this week but that's just my opinion :H
                      Not much we can do about that!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

