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Labour Day! May 1 2007

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    Labour Day! May 1 2007

    It's a new day this side of the World. So I just wanted to wish all of you a good holiday.

    I got up bright and early. It's my 2nd day AF. I'll stay off the booze this month. Just to give it a try. I've been moderate for the last few months, but just want to give AF a try for the sake of the argument.

    Today is second last day holiday. Spa and massage continued. Ahhhh, balsam for the soul. I just feel so refreshed. But most of all this burden of being enslaved to alcohol taken off me since February just takes the cake!

    What are you all up to today?


    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Labour Day! May 1 2007

    Morning Paddy,
    No holiday for me today. Up early, long drive to work, home late. Still, I'm getting into the swing of it now, and the job will be done in a couple of weeks.
    Today I start my second month AF. I really wouldn't have believed this to be possible a couple of months ago, but here I am on 31 days into sobriety. It's not been easy, but sober feels more normal now. I've got a party to attend a week on Friday and because I've been to a couple of nights out now, I 'm not worried about handling it. I know the drill. I know how to respond to the inevitable questions and the dumbfounded expressions. I'm not going to be the last drunk in the corner. I'm not going to say anything stupid to anyone because I'll be in control. I was sort of worried how I'd react to reaching my target of 30 days AF. Would I see that as the end of a sober period and celebrate my success with a good drink. I've been playing it down in my own head; just trying to let it slip past. I don't want to drink any more. I can't. I know I can't.
    I hope you all have a good May Day.


      Labour Day! May 1 2007

      Hi Popeye...congrats on 31 your sef esteem is climbing..Fantastic news...Keep going and enjoy the party.

      i did a few social nights/parties in March when I was AF..suprised how i enjoyed being !in control of myself"..i dressed up and felt food, enjoyed the banter and drove home sober..slept well and woke up remembering everything!!

      a good feeling.

      Have fun...Regards Cassy


        Labour Day! May 1 2007

        Happy holidays everyone - work day for me too - those end of year reports coming up so need to keep on top of things...

        Glad to hear everyone's doing great :goodjob: !
        Day 63 AF for me now, and getting more confident as the time goes on. Have found the not drinking in company a little difficult, but you do get into the routine and work out strategies. Unbelievably, though, I've had a half bottle of lovely red wine sitting open for the last couple of days and haven't touched it. I opened it for a friend who managed to sip his way through a half bottle in about 5 hours (oh to be able to do that and actually enjoy it!!) - usually I'd throw the rest away but this time I just corked it and left it. I could never have imagined being able to do that! It's now marinating the meat for the barbecue tonight (also can't believe I used a good wine for a marinade!), so glad to say that life is moving on really well without alcohol at the moment -

        Paddy - hope you enjoy the complete AF month - I'll be interested to hear how you find it. Knowing that I can't moderate at the moment, it will be interesting to hear from someone who can do both -
        Popeye - congrats on the 31 days! I hope you find the second month that bit easier now that not drinking has become more of the 'norm' - enjoy the party!

        Fan, Cassy - glad all's going well and to everyone coming, have a great day! - hope May is a good, sober month for all :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Labour Day! May 1 2007

          Morning Abbers,

          Paddy, very jealous of the spa and massage, put together with being AF for May you'll be so healthy.

          Popeye, congratulations on 31 days, Fantastic achievement. We're so proud of you, you continue to be an inspiration to us all.

          Arial - 63 days, marvellous! and I bet the barbecue is great.

          I'm just getting ready for a holiday in Spain, can't wait, although apparently the weather is worse than in the UK.

          take care everyone


            Labour Day! May 1 2007

            Have a good holiday Pebbles. I'm off to Cyprus on friday.
            Well done Paddy and Popeye, Arial.
            Hi fan & Cassy
            Love Paula xx


              Labour Day! May 1 2007

              We're going Friday too Paula, flying from Gatwick, see you at the Airport ?

              Have a lovely time, I love Cyprus, I spent 3 years there when I was a kid (dad in the RAF).



                Labour Day! May 1 2007


                Loved your post. I'm going to try to use you as my role model. I have trouble w/nights out. I don't have any in the foreseeable future which might make it easier for me. I have no alcohol in the house which helps alot. Thanks for your inspiration.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Labour Day! May 1 2007

                  Gday ABers near and far, so nice to see such a collection of positive thoughts and energies this morning! I've been too busy to even think about drinking so far this week. Got in a really darn good workout last night....hard time typing as even my fingers are sore.
                  Be well friends.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Labour Day! May 1 2007

                    Hi all,

                    Coming back to do some daily posts and check-ins here during the month of May as I'm back to Day 8. (For those who've been around a while and don't know what I'm talking about I explained all this in my "A Lesson Learned" post under Long Term Abs...) Suffice it to say that I'm happy to be back and want/need some kind of daily routine and accountability here so I'm going to be posting regularly!

                    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                      Labour Day! May 1 2007

                      Hapyy May Day! This is my Day 2 AF - routine and accountability - that says it for me as well!
                      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                        Labour Day! May 1 2007

                        Hi All!

                        Getting ready to go out & get fish for my son's new fish tank. He's into fish & mommy will be cleaning the tank-lovely!

                        Gee-everyone's traveling!

                        POP-keep a good mindset & you'll do fine. I'm so proud of you. You're doing awesome!

                        Hi Paddy, Fan, cassy, Arial, pebbles, Paula, Deter, teach, zinc, and MikeUp North is back!

                        Gotta run...Have a great MAY DAY!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Labour Day! May 1 2007

                          Welcome back, Mike!!! Boy, I have already been asking myself if the Alaskan Snowalien had kidnapped you or something? I pm'd you.

                          Hope everyone else had a interesting Labour Day. There's been some movement on the Boards today ;-)

                          Well, it's the end of a day here. I'm gonna hit the Sack.
                          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                            Labour Day! May 1 2007

                            Bed time for me too.
                            I'm very tired tonight but nice and tired.
                            Have a good time on your hols Pebbles and Paula.
                            Goodnight Friends.

