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May 2, Wed.

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    May 2, Wed.

    Hi All!

    Gloomy Wednesday here.
    Getting ready to visit my father. He's still in ICU-his lungs had to be drained from pneumonia but the stomach operation went well. They think he may have developed a lung disease due to his smoking past. He quit 4 yrs ago after 40 yrs.
    So yesterday when I visited they had a handful with him-he was hallucinating from meds...the walls were melting, the ceiling had a huge hole in it, and the mafia was poisoning him that he attempted to leave. When things calmed down & my dad was smiling & looking around (hallucinating of course) I made light the whole situation & said "gee I wish I had what he's on". My mother & hubby didn't think it was too funny (with my history to boot). I got scolded like a little kid~ "you think it's funny seeing your father all confused". On the ride home my hubby was like "your dad used to drink (he was a functioning alcoholic-quit 10 yrs ago) and your mom doesn't like seeing him like that". Ok, ok.
    Lesson-my humor doesn't always lighten up situations! Lesson learned.

    Anyway-that became a novel. Just wanted to say hello & wish everyone a great day.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    May 2, Wed.

    I hate it when that happens....
    Control the Mind


      May 2, Wed.

      Happy Wed AB-world! Hope things get less gloomy and you Dad pulls through like a trooper Breeze. Hi Rocky, nice to see you, and a big howdy to all yet to come.
      I'm incredibly sore now from Monday night's workout...creaking along here, but in good frame of mind.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        May 2, Wed.

        hi breez so sorry to hear about your dad it must be really tough to see him like that hope he gets well soon and you hang in there hi to rocky as well and to everyone else that comes alond later,well it is a beautiful day here in scotland finally managed to get a day of today and tomorrow i do have to admit that after working 12 days in a trot i did have a drink last night and thankfully i feel okay today but that is my wee break out over and done with

        love maryt


          May 2, Wed.

          Sorry to hear that Breez, hope today's visit goes ok for you. Let us know how you get on.

          Happy Wednesday everyone, I thought this AF would get easier! I'm on day 5 today and it's not a great day. My drinking head is making a lovely long list of things I should be miserable about, and I just about managed to get out of the supermarket without any alcohol!!!

          There is an ad on UK tv at the moment, I think it's for dept help or something and this man has a woodpecker pecking at his head all the time. I think I have one of my own today saying "why shouldn't you have a drink?", "go on you're depressed you may as well!"

          I wish it would stop pecking!!!

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            May 2, Wed.

            Morning all. Breez, glad you're dad is on the mend. A grey overcast day here too. Have a good one everyone.
            Enlightened by MWO


              May 2, Wed.

              Hi all,

              Just a quick check-in at the moment.... GLAD to be AF!

              "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                May 2, Wed.

                Good evening folks.
                Glad your dad's getting better Breez.
                It's been a beautiful day here, and I got my car back from the mechanics, remember my car broke down four weeks and five days ago? I was desperate to compliment him on his speedy service. Still, it's done now.
                Have a good rest of today.


                  May 2, Wed.

                  Popeye...sarcasm at it's finest, you make my day.



                    May 2, Wed.

                    Ahhhhhh.... The move is DONE!!! And the cable guy just finished hooking me up. Man, I have missed you all the last couple of months. It will definitely take a bit of time to catch up with all that has gone on here. Looking forward to finding out who is who and who is new.

                    I have had two glasses of wine (birthday) in over 5 months. I hope you are all doing well too!

                    Much love Accountable

