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Fear of relapsing

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    Fear of relapsing

    Hi everybody,
    I'm going on holiday on 4 May, and have done so well over the past weeks,due to
    logging onto this site daily. I'm a little scared that I may not be able keep up my
    abstinence, when I do not have the support of all you wonderful people.
    I intend taking my tapes and supplements with me, and praying that I will be able
    to stay sober. I am going with my husband who is very supportive, but I feel that
    as he does not have a problem with alcohol, he can't really appreciate how I feel.
    Thanks for all your help and support over the past few weeks. I really don't think
    I could have survived without you all.
    Bless you all, Paula.

    Fear of relapsing

    You can do this Paula. My husband does not have an issue either so it is very, very difficult for him to understand how much this can weigh on our minds. Think of how proud you will be to come back and say you did well on your holiday. Have a great time!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Fear of relapsing

      Hi Paula,
      There is always a certain pressure on me to drink on holidays or parties, but I've found that I put most of it there myself. It might not be easy to avoid drinking on holiday, but then again it might. I think it depends a lot on how much you think about it. I hope this doesn't sound too simplistic.
      Anyway, I really hope that you enjoy yourself.


        Fear of relapsing

        I know exactly how you feel, I'm going on holiday on the same day too. My partner barely touches a wine gum, but the rest of my family open a bottle as they open their, I get either his disapproval if I get drawn in, which I always have done, or their questions and cajoling if I don't...ho hum.

        I'm just going to take my topa and stuff and see how it goes. Then if it goes a bit Pete Tong, I'll draw a line under it and get back to the routine when I get home.

        Have a good holiday Paula


          Fear of relapsing

          Paula, a lot of hotels have internet access areas now...just a thought. I was in Vegas for a week about a month ago and I thought about you all a ton but was ok thankfully. Enjoy your happy healthy self on vacation!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Fear of relapsing

            Thank you all, good idea about internet access, might try that.
            Have a good holiday Pebbles .
            Love Paula xx


              Fear of relapsing

              Hi Paula,
              great to hear from you, and have a terrific holiday, I understand exactly where you are cooming from. My wife doesn't have a problem with alcohol either but enjoys it. Over the last month she will have had a couple of glasses of wine a few night a week - which I open and pour for her. I always wish I could have a glass but so far I have abstained. I poured myself a glass the other evening to have with a rack of lamb I cooked but I didnt drink it. I receivec my tapes and sups last week and I think they are beggining to help also. I find that when I'm getting hungry I crave a drink - solution - dont get hungry. The other thing I am now doing id having the odd glass of iced peppermint tea, I sip it slowely like a G & T. Maybe useful to try on your holiday in the hot weather (it looks like a vodca & coke). ha,ha.. Enjoy.
              Best wishes & lots of love Rowland.xx


                Fear of relapsing

                Rowland, what a coincedence...I made a rack of lamb last week and it was the first time I've been able to eat lamb without having the red wine I ALWAYS used to insist on having in the past. might seem silly but it was a breakthrough for snob that I am
                Paula...sorry to hijack your post! be well everyone.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Fear of relapsing

                  Determinator you can hijack my post anytime.
                  Hi rowland, funny you should say not to get
                  hungry, I find that's most likely the time when
                  I would want to drink, probably because
                  alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream
                  quicker.These days I don't give myself
                  time to get hungry.
                  thanks for your support.
                  Love Paula.x


                    Fear of relapsing

                    Don't worry Paula,

                    Just keep your goal firmly in your mind and you will be just fine. You are stronger than anything that can be contained in a bottle!

                    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                      Fear of relapsing

                      Hi Paula, print out some of the inspirational and moving posts here. Take them with you and read them when you need to or choose to read a couple each day. Eat something that doesn't agree with wine sweet and minty or whatever. Good Luck, you'll be fine.
                      Enlightened by MWO

