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Ladies on a Mission!

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    Ladies on a Mission!

    This can be us :

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      Ladies on a Mission!

      This can be us!


        Ladies on a Mission!

        NoSugar;1590580 wrote: This can be us!


        That hurts my arthritic shoulder just to look at it, N.S. (j/k- but not really )

        I had another AF day yesterday and am so proud of that, however, I did not make very wise food choices. I guess I was so relieved to hear that my cholesterol was in the normal range, I decided I could eat roast, macaroni cheese and home made bread for dinner! Well, when I woke up at 1:00 a.m., I had to wonder if my "hangover" was from food or alcohol!
        Anyhow, I will do better with my meals today, thanks to the encouragement here.
        I also definitely need to start exercising (for my osteopenia). Yep, we are going to be looking and feeling SO GOOD, come Christmas and New Years!
        I will be riding home from work with my daughter again today, so no chance to stop for booze on the way home. The weather is still very nasty here (as in a lot of places in the U.S.) so that also puts a (fortunate) damper on my desire to go on any beer runs.
        Hey ladies, I got brave yesterday and decided to start using the drink tracker again. It's a chart on this site where you can track the number of drinks you have per day. I want ALL ZEROS!
        Have a great day, friends!
        :h Star



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Ladies on a Mission!

          HI Ladies
          Hoping to join you on this mission. I need to quit this nonsense once and for all. My son is struggling with addiction to drugs, alcohol and gambling and I can't help him if I am not abstinent myself. It is hypocritical.
          The pain of handling his addiction is is unfortunately affecting mine. On top of it, my husband and eldest son have addictions of a different and more serious nature but enough about that for now.
          I really need to get control of my life before I can help anyone else so I am hoping to join you.
          My drink of choice is wine and usually three to four glasses in a sitting. Lately it has been almost every day and it is affecting my health and ability to function and exercise.
          I am looking forward to clarity of mind and waking up like the picture you posted feeling ready for the day.
          I have had some AF time in the past and it was wonderful. I am 55 and have osteopenia as well. I exercise regularly but it is no fun with a hangover. I am looking forward to eating clean and feeling great along with all of you.
          Let's do this ladies!
          Don't worry, be happy!


            Ladies on a Mission!

            And, Day three for me!
            Don't worry, be happy!


              Ladies on a Mission!

              Welcome, R4L. Congratulations on 3 days of success!

              I also am 55. What is it about women in their 50s??? Maybe we finally come to our senses and realize we want the second halves of our lives to be as good as possible?

              Anyway, I feel better than I did a year ago by far - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Gaining that is worth doing whatever it takes.

              All the best, NS


                Ladies on a Mission!

                I'm a Lady, and I would love to join!! I like to serious and focused aspect of this.I'm turning 49 in a few short months. I've been here at MWO for several years, trying to moderate, and really knowing deep down I can't. That damn AL voice always seems to get me believing that I can. So I've come back with abstinence intentions. I'm on day 36 and although some of the novelty of abstinence has worn off, I'm still focused on my sobriety. I would like to add in a few more goals: exercise and quitting smoking. I'm not up for the smoking thing just yet, but that will come in early January/Feb. I'm going to focus on getting off my a** and on my treadmill or anything to get myself moving. It's snowy and cold now, so no chance in being outside.

                Arcadiaofmaine, thank you for starting this thread. What a wonderful idea. Yes, holidays are a bit stressful! I'm having both thanksgiving and x-mas at my house, family coming in from out of town.

                Scottishlass, I'm with you on not being on good diet and no exercise. I'm gaining, too, and can't fit into most work pants. I've got to get moving.

                NoSugar, I love your visualization ideas. I've used this in the past, and should use more. My severe anxiety issues led me to using this tool and it really does create new pathways in the brain if done consistently for an extended period of time. That is the thing...we need to play those success tapes over and over in our heads. And they are VHS tapes, correct??? No CD's...

                Starfish, I'm on the same abs mission. And I've got to get control of my food intake as well. Glad your cholesterol is good - I've gotta get to my doc!

                Freefly, hula hooping should improve the middle! I've got major issues there.

                Patrice, how does the e-cig work? Is it effective?

                Kailey, Day 30 at x-mas would be quite the x-mas gift!

                Running4life, sorry to hear about your struggling son. That has to be heartbreaking. But if your on track with yourself, you'll be able to help him so much more.

                I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies more! I think we all have similar goals - get through this holiday feeling good about ourselves. I'm with you on this!
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Ladies on a Mission!

                  Just offering my support....

                  You ladies ROCK! :h
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Ladies on a Mission!

                    Oh my gosh! This is the best thread ever! I can relate to ALL of you.
                    Yes, I am a 49 year old woman too. I am 25 days AF and struggle with not drinking like all of you.
                    First of all, Acadia, thank you for starting this thread. I love the whole visualization concept. This is what they talk about in 'The Secret'. I do this, but probably not enough when it comes to alcohol. Thanks for the reminder- love the picture NSugar. Nothing like waking up without having 'wine mouth' and actually remembering what went on the night before.
                    Scottish Lass- just walk even 10 minutes a day to start, that will even make you feel better!
                    I live a healthy lifestyle myself, walk about 70 mins a day, work out etc. I eat healthy, like you Patrice and FFly. Love eating clean. Funny how I can justify drinking. Talk about sabotaging myself! Sure I can work out, eat healthy, sleep well and then drink 4-5 glasses of wine (Running4 Life)! How crazy is that thinking?!

                    This Friday I am going to a party with food and wine etc. Funny (or sadly) last time I was there, I got so drunk because I drank probably a bottle of wine. Had a fight with my husband and ended up hanging out with some street people for an hour before I caught a taxi home. I was sick for 2 days after that! The street guys gave me a beer- I don't know what it was. I am so lucky I did not get raped or beat up or robbed. That is what booze does to me.

                    Anyway, I hope to continue this new AF life and wake up everyday without a hangover.
                    25 days AF Baby!

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Ladies on a Mission!

                      Do you guys ever join a thread and cringe at the thought of people saying "Oh her again; she's the one with the gung-ho at first and then she disappears every time." Well that's the way I have been and hope to keep at it until it finally sinks in. I just glanced at the calendar and am very happy that Christmas Day will mark my 30th day of abstinence. I've achieved 30 days once before and had a drink to celebrate. Duh !!

                      We all have a lot in common. I am in my 50's and have included juicing, smoothies and rebounding along with meditation in my abstinence plan. My body has not let me down so far but lately I've noticed the old boobs drooping and the thighs a jiggling with tsunami ferocity.

                      Like you, Running4Life, I want to help my son and DIL who are both struggling with alcohol addiction and being sober and happy is the best way to set an example for them.

                      Been visualizing the outcome I desire starting today before I read this thread coincidently. I am trying to channel a move back to my home town to be closer to my children and grandkids through meditation and the power of attraction. The first step toward this goal is mastering myself.

                      Narilly, my thoughts are with you at your function. Think about all of us pulling for you when you are the least bit tempted. No hangin' with the street people unless it's to give them a little hand-out..

                      Will be following this timely thread until we celebrate on Christmas Day together with the best gift of all: self-mastery of our impulses.
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        Ladies on a Mission!

                        Sober Soul- thank you for that. You know, I have never told anyone about that. It is so totally outrageous! Why would anyone drink after that? That was 3 years ago and I have had so many drunk nights since.
                        On Nov 1, 2013 the last time I drank, I gave my son a lecture about smoking pot. Ya, "thanks mom, uh, but your drunk." The next day I realized that was IT. No more. So Running4Life and SS- I know exactly what you mean about setting a good example.

                        Thanks goodness for you all.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Ladies on a Mission!

                          Hi Narilly, Everyone,

                          I have some pretty awful stories, too. You'd think we'd learn! But the cringeworthy behavior seems to recede, doesn't it!

                          Am going to start a journal and write down my visualizations, as well as my progress. Trying to think about how to handle Christmas dinner with another family-usually lots of wine-as well as New Year's. Well, can't worry too far in advance. Let's get through Thanksgiving!

                          I never, ever felt like that woman in the bed, waking up gorgeous and blond, in clean white sheets...but maybe I can approximate the feeling, if not the reality!



                            Ladies on a Mission!

                            Checking in - at work, so a really quick one - so happy to see so many great people here - Hi Patrice and SS, so glad you joined in. Hi Narilly, J Vo, Running, and NS - so looking forward to getting to know you - I am 51 with two teenage daughters. I am on day 13 here and have to hang in as recently I get to about the two week mark and chose to celebrate! DUH! So got to get to 30 this time...I think I just might with such a great group of focused ladies!
                            Just did a very quick read through before getting back to the grind. Hi FF, Star and Ann - think this will be a great thread - I woke this morning happier than I have in a while (though not quite the picture posted :H:H) - I think it is becuase I have hope that I can do this!!!
                            Will check in later and read everyones posts - have a great day - as someoen once siad in a place near here - slowly but steadily, thats what we are doing SS - no thoughts of "its her again" - this is the try it again group, lets just keep trying till we do it!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Ladies on a Mission!

                              Love it SL, the Try It Again Group! So perfect.


                                Ladies on a Mission!

                                Narilly, I've got many stories, too! How couldn't we. We've got lots of years of experience in this thread! Let's keep putting our heads together and blow through these holidays happily.

                                Sobersoul, lol! thighs jigglin' with tsunami ferocity! Yep, the tsunami went through here, too.

                                Yes, me too, been in and out of threads, trying to find a home that I'm comfortable in. I just pm'd someone for help with this exact question. What thread could I join that I'd be comfortable, that isn't overflowing with people that I can't keep up with? OMG, and lo and behold, I logged on and saw this thread. To boot, we're all in the same age range, and probably have the same tsunami's going on not only with our thighs but our triceps! Thank God for good bras these days. Why haven't they invented support for the triceps? Oh! that's right! We need to exercise. Yep, that is one of my goals and I intend to work on this throughout the holidays. I was never able to do that, especially through these stressful weeks, but I think that's gonna be my goal so I can not only be sober, but working off the stress as I walk.

                                Ok, Ladies, let's keep on bein' focused!
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

