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Aloha Friday

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    Aloha Friday

    woooo, I get to start a day here....

    doing well, still working on the sewer on the house....ick. Had a really good/hard workout last night and pretty sore and happy.

    be well friends,

    Garlic Man
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Aloha Friday

    Deter- I'll delete mine....
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Aloha Friday

      Ah-Deter ya' beat me...:batLOL! We posted at same time! Sewer clean up sound like fun (yikes).

      Hello All!

      Ah, the weekend!

      They thought my dad was going to be moved to his own room, had soup/jello, he went for his first walk, they started to take out his some of the IV's but by late afternoon he had an irregular heartbeat, respiration not that great-back with the IV's and another stay in ICU. I had my first hint of tears when i left his room cause it was a little scary when those monitors hit those yellow & red zones & you start to hear those beepings.

      Anyway...We're supposed to have a beautiful weekend-so tommorrow the gardener comes out in me! Busy, busy.

      Have an Uplifting AF Friday everyone!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Aloha Friday

        Hi Determinator, Hi Breez, and Hi to all,

        I'm on Day 11 here and just coming out of a "funk." I guess the depression was at least partly related to the alcoholic relapse.... someone on here metioned that it takes about 10 days for all the toxins from alcohol to work themselves out of your system and guess what, I'm starting to feel better.

        Breez -- hang in there, I'm sending good thoughts your and your family's way.

        "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


          Aloha Friday


          Wow Dx, you had quite a s?%& Friday trashing out that sewer of yours, ey? Mamma Mia? Found anything useful in there, apart from the brown gold ;-)

          Here's the Process as watched by the Dx's neighbour! Mr & Mrs Dx at work (well Mrs Dx doing the cheer - leading, ha ha) just joking, of course, sorry Dx, but the Topa is just having a strong effect on my visualisation power

          :b&d: :moon: :flush:

          Me ok (apart from being stressed out by people today). Must be full moon again (:moon

          Well, have yourselves a good w-end!

          (And yes, Breez - lots of positive thoughts coming your way from me, too! Hang in there)

          By the way - had a funny forward in the mail today: A picture from the guy from Star Wars with the Caption:

          May the 4th be with you!
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Aloha Friday

            Hi everyone,

            Yes hang in there Breez.

            Happy to be here and really thankful to MYO. I'm on day 7 af and dont' think I could have done it without this place to help keep me sane.

            Have a good Friday and a great weekend everyone.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Aloha Friday

              Yes, happy friday all, though this is my monday! I'm on day 5 and feeling pretty good. REad MWO last night, got the kudzu in the mail a couple days ago and I'm going to see how I do with just supps. CDs should arrive any day now. I've been reading lots and lots of threads and stories, so much is resonating ... you are all my inspiration!
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                Aloha Friday

                hello everyone, hope your all doing well. Bella xxx


                  Aloha Friday

                  You'll never guess where I just came from.....Ha, ha ha!

                  Gosh oh gosh have I been tested this week! :H
                  A bar! Not just any bar-but a bar before noon with all the barflies! LOL! Here I go dropping off my son at nursery school & walking into a bar!

                  All jokes aside-It's a bar attached to a small banquet facility & I needed to drop off a check for the catering I'm using for next weekend. Too funny. Brought back post college memories of when my drinking buddy & I used to meet up on Sunday mornings at a pub(yrs & yrs ago). How I knew these barflies were there since 10 this morning. Gosh to waste a beautiful day inside a bar.

                  Hubby asked how I felt: It actually felt like a prison in there-dark, small & crowded. When I walked back outside it felt so nice to feel the sun on my face, the fresh air, ready to take on the rest of the day -aaah LIFE!
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Aloha Friday

                    Paddy, you are strange and bizarre man.
                    Does this fiance of yours have any idea what she is getting into?????

                    :H :H :H :H
                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Aloha Friday

                      sorry to "jinx" you Breeze! and don't let those medical alarms freak you out...he's up and eating and walking...your Dad sounds like he's pretty strong.
                      good to hear the AF days all yoos guys and gals!
                      had a stressful morning with employee drama...arg! I'd have thought about heading home and get a few belts of booze a couple months ago...but the thought only crossed my mind as a joke today. Maybe my brain is successfully rewired a bit better now? ha!
                      Run Dx, Paddy's cartoon circus is coming!! LOL I needed a laugh.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Aloha Friday

                        Mrs Dx, my fianc?e, you know what she says? If you weren't here yet, you'd need to be born (that must be some Spanish expression, ha, ha). Her humour is as wicked as mine. I guess the two of us combined will be like ... remember Bridget Jones 1 (when she was at that very posh party and she started speaking really unposh language, grin ...).

                        Sorry about the employee drama. It's not easy. And you've got to deal with all kinds of legislation pertaining to employee protection, which is all fine. But who is going to make sure to ensure our right to have a job well done? I'm in a similar position where I have 2 local admin staff doing secretarial tasks. But whenever I'm not in, it's pretty much easy, easy - internet surfing and all that jazz - which I have the luxury of doing, but not them, grin ..

                        Anyway, enough work. You enjoy your weekend;-)
                        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                          Aloha Friday

                          Hi Honies....I'm hoooommmeeeee!!!!

                          Love and hugs to you Breezie my treasure...tell Papa to take it easy. You are sounding upbeat through this so the melon bows low before you dear.....keep that pecker firmly up lovey!!

                 were my absolute inspiration when I got here...I seemed to stumble across a lot of your posts when I really needed them at the beginning, and also have now forwarded them to my dear Dad who is unfortunately back in re hab for the 3rd time....I send much love to you dear and hope your spirits give so very much and i just hope that the universe/karma/whatever it is that governs these things, sends a whole sackload of peace your way....if there were a magic wand....mine would be whisking around your lugs as I type...thinking of you ....:h

                          And to all others, love and hugs and the usual portion of licky snogs....

                          I'VE MISSED YOUOOOOOOOOOOO......!!!!!!!!
                          5 calender months of sobriety on Monday for me...........thanks chums..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx


                            Aloha Friday

                            Welcome Back Wee! Glad to see you out and about on the boards! Way to go for the 5 calendar months on your AF! GOOD JOB! You must be feeling like a million buckeroonies now!

                            Oh and hello to the rest of you ABs! Although for some of you it is Saturday now. Nighty-night all, bed time for me.

