been away for a bit struggling with the collapse of my personal life (don't worry, for those who don't know me, I am a toughie), but have to confess I have been kind of moderating ( = half a bottle of wine a night, with some nights off)
ok, so what?? most (non MWO-ers) people would say??!??
Dunno really. Why am I bothered about this?
I am totally functioning. get 3 kids up and to school every day then home again for homework, meal & bedtime etc. am not driving under the influence. am not losing the plot. am not yelling at any one. am doing my job.
but I don't like the amount I drink.
even though I am going through a divorce and my husband is up in court next week on domestic violence charges (not a sympathy ploy guys, please)
I am doing the whole MWO programme. 150mg topa plus supps. why am I feeling so damn guilty about the amount I am drinking? should I increase the topa?
answers on a postcard please... Kate
