Saturday morning, May bank-holiday week-end! I have been looking forward all week to the arrival of very dear friends of ours from Wales, just a flying overnight visit by them.
We have shared many a bottle of wine together.....we love their company.
The thing is I have been AF since March 20th. I gone through most of the trauma, over the hump so to say. I feel much better in myself, I can now drive whenever I want (without checking the alcometer). I have read the MYO book. I am taking lost of supliments (probably too many). In comparitive terms I'm great!
My first thread "Not a cross roads but a T-Junction" would explain where I'm coming from!
However, I really would like to have a few drinks this evening BUT I wonder will it be the ONE that will set be back on the slippery road? I think not, I hope not, I am determined not !
I appreciate only I can decide but the mere fact that I am anxious really should say enough.
The Sun is still shining here in the Emerald Isle ("Ireland" in case someone hasen't heard) but there is water (rain) forcast for tomorrow - I hope it wont be tears

Well just in case anyone has a comment I will check back later.
Have a wonderful weekend all and happy holidays to Paula and whoeverelse is going on vacation.
Love & best wishes,
Rowland. xx