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Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

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    Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

    Hi my friends,
    Saturday morning, May bank-holiday week-end! I have been looking forward all week to the arrival of very dear friends of ours from Wales, just a flying overnight visit by them.
    We have shared many a bottle of wine together.....we love their company.
    The thing is I have been AF since March 20th. I gone through most of the trauma, over the hump so to say. I feel much better in myself, I can now drive whenever I want (without checking the alcometer). I have read the MYO book. I am taking lost of supliments (probably too many). In comparitive terms I'm great!
    My first thread "Not a cross roads but a T-Junction" would explain where I'm coming from!
    However, I really would like to have a few drinks this evening BUT I wonder will it be the ONE that will set be back on the slippery road? I think not, I hope not, I am determined not !
    I appreciate only I can decide but the mere fact that I am anxious really should say enough.
    The Sun is still shining here in the Emerald Isle ("Ireland" in case someone hasen't heard) but there is water (rain) forcast for tomorrow - I hope it wont be tears
    Well just in case anyone has a comment I will check back later.
    Have a wonderful weekend all and happy holidays to Paula and whoeverelse is going on vacation.
    Love & best wishes,
    Rowland. xx

    Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

    Hi Rowland,
    You can make sure that it doesn't end in tears, or you can take your chances.
    Either way, enjoy your holiday.


      Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

      I'm with Popeyemy furry rat friend, and I think you know the answer to your own question or you would'na be asking........

      Enjoy the friendship....enjoy sunny Oireland......enjoy your you need the booze to do it? Is moderation an option....if you're really not sure, why not take time out from the vino tinto and see how it goes as a sober rodent...hopefully, you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

      Have a great sounds like the conditions are just fine!!
      Much love
      Kevin the gerbil


        Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

        Hi Rowland,
        Have fun with your friends, just plan ahead what you will be drinking instead of wine. I'm withe WeeMelon - See what it's like to be AF for a nice visit with your friends. YOu can do it and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
        "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


          Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

          HI your instincts, they can be your best friends..and you may enjoy your friends even more AF. :0)


            Will I or Won't I - danger looms!

            I would like to add my bit here Rowland.. I think if you are not sure then don't do it, at least not yet, wait for a while longer.. If you do have a drink or two with your friends, be sure to let us know how it goes..

            Good luck,
            Louise xxx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life

