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Saturday May 5th.

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    Saturday May 5th.

    Good day All,
    Well, another Friday has come and gone with only a thought of booze.
    It was quite hard last night, to stay away from the shop, but I stayed away.
    I'm feeling a little nervous this weekend.
    I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off and I intend to enjoy them.

    Saturday May 5th.

    Hooray my muscle armed Popsicle!!!! Many congrats on veering the thought processes down the right path....the weather is turnin' wintry here in Kiwi a gogo, so I guess you must have a lovely springtime in bonny Scotland...enjoy walkin' the dales and traipsin' round the glens with a vino free sporran...everything looks so much more beautiful when seen through sober specs...stay strong Popeye...extra spinach for you my boy...

    Love to Breezy and MikeupNorth today especially, and for anyone else who needs a bit of extra tlm (tender loving melon obviously)...I've been away, so sorry if I have missed anyone, kisses to you dearhearts xxxx

    I am on Saturday evening and having a restive weekend after 5 weeks of non stop workiepoos...luckily, I LOVE my so called job, so although I can hardly keep my rindy lids open, I am a stress free zone...AAAANNNNDDDDDDD

    Watch out motorists...melon is now going to learn to drive now she is a boozy free zone. Yup, that's right, 37 years old and never careered around behind a wheel...good job really, there would have been many a d.u.i. under this fruits belt otherwise, of that, I have no doubt...
    I have taken my scratch and sniff multiple choice thingy test, and have had one 'go' in a mercedes viano van with my boss...probably not the best learners vehicle in the world but lawks.....THE POWER and size mean that I am KING OF THE ROAAAADDDDDDD...yayyyyy
    I am now desperately advertising for dim witted folks to allow me to use their precious mobeeelz to hare around the local streets in, but so far have not had a taker....can't think why????????
    Any offers?????? Anyone got a hummer or a sherman tank they'd be willing to let me have a trot in?? Go know you want to...
    'part from that, I'm just settling back into life at Melontowers...washing the cardboard bed clothes and shovelling up the dust that seems to have escaped the dearly beloveds notice while he was here on his own for a month....tomorrow, it is my misfortune to have to take to the lawn with a machete and a troup of sherpas with 3 days worth of provisions ......if I don't log on again for another month...someone please come in and find me....


      Saturday May 5th.

      Hello all,

      And a big thank you for the TLM! Melon, you do have a way with words!!

      I'm up early getting ready for a flight to Los Angeles for a conference... at the end of the conference, Sean will be meeting me there to fly back to Alaska and live here with me. Big changes! It's a bit staggering and I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about it but I'm also trying to just surrender to the experience... Of course I have a tendency to overthink things. (That's one of the things I got from alcohol: it would allow me to just "be" and experience whatever was going on. It seemed to quiet some parts of my mind and open up other parts of it. I want to learn to do that sober!!)

      OK well I better be off. I'll have my laptop with me so I'll be checking in from time to time while at the conference. Be well!

      "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


        Saturday May 5th.

        Hey melon,
        You are BRILLIANT!
        It's really good to read your posts again.
        You may well be the second best driver in the world....after me.

        Hi Mike,
        posted at the same time.
        Best wishes.


          Saturday May 5th.

          Hi WeeMelon - It's good to have you back! - can't hope to compete with the verbal outpourings of wit, so will stick with my staid and steady contributions . Glad you had a fabulous time away - having only got snipits of what you actually do I'd be interested to know the details. Certainly sounds like job satisfaction is way up there! Of course will come and find you if you don't materialise in a few days! I'm also so, so sorry that I'm not there to lend you a car - I hope you find a brave (oops, kind) soul to help you out!

          Popeye - well done on getting past the shop and onto another sober weekend - enjoy! Hope the weather in bonny Scotland is better than here and you can head for the Highlands.

          Mike - have been reading your posts so want to welcome you back and wish you well for this new step in your life. I'm sorry you went through the recent trial with booze, but it probably now arms you even more for the times ahead and for Sean to already understand this is a great foundation for your relationship. So many of us are trying to hide the truth so your honesty and openness can only bode well for the future!

          Without spending all my waking time on here I find it difficult to keep up with everything and everyone, so to those of you who are having a tough time I just want to send you :l and warmest wishes - and for everyone for whom the sun is shining, the flowers are bright, the children reasonably quiet and well-behaved, and you see the silver lining before the cloud, Congratulations and long may it last!

          To all, warmest wishes for your weekend
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
          Days 1-7 DONE
          Days 8-14 DONE
          Days 15-21 DONE
          30 days DONE
          60 days
          100 days


            Saturday May 5th.

            Morning All!

            Pop~enjoy your long weekend off. You deserve it with all those long hours. You're doing so awesome.

            Mike~keep in touch & enjoy the conference. I always say change is good. And like me-I ALWAYS over think things-my only flaw....LOL. One moment at a time is all we can do.

            Arial~thanks for the warm wishes. May you also have a great weekend!

            And for the "keep the motor runnin', headin' for the highway, lookin' for adventure"~my WEE

            So you were learning on a Pictured you in a more colorful . That's wonderful news.
            Sorry to hear of your dad as well. Hope he is doing well. And congrats on your 5 months....I'm right behind ya!
            Have fun conquering your "jungle". Ever thought of renting a goat while you were gone?

            Have a great AF Saturday Everyone!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Saturday May 5th.

              wow, everybody is mighty creative early in the morning this Sat! or maybe it's that I slept in. So glad to see our tiny fruit-headed one back in the script! and Popeye, our ongoing Moonlander challenge should keep you away from the ale this weekend Big howdy also to Mike, Breeze, Ariel and the lot of yas. Off to my last jiu jitsu class for 8 days...hopping on a plane sunday early to the east coast for work and wont' be back 'til following sunday night. At least Dx is coming with me and should have internet access...otherwise I'll be going through the MWO detox! Be well everyone.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Saturday May 5th.

                Hey D!
                up... up... left...ARGH!!!... I meant right.....ARGH!! UP...UP...UP....:H


                  Saturday May 5th.

                  Lushy made me post this!

                  Oh sweet Lord, Melon's on the Road! Is there anything closer to DOOMSDAY???!!! QUICK!! ANYONE CALL AUCKLAND POLICE FORCE! Well OK, Kiwi Police, HMMMFFFFF ......

                  I tried earlier - unsuccessfully (the phoneline was ok ...)

                  The Conversation went as follows:

                  Police Officer: Yeeeessss Heeeeleou, theeesss essss de Royel Peleeesss Foooooosss ef Njeeeee Zeelend!

                  Paddy: Yes, hello, this is Paddy. I'd like to warn the People of New Zealand. Someone called Melon's is trying to disturb the Queen's Peace by learning how to drive.

                  Police Officer: Milen es try'en te desturb de Queen's Piss by learning how te drive?

                  Paddy: No, I said someone called MELON is TRYING to DISTURB HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN'S PEACE by learning how to drive.

                  Police Officer: YES!! Thets what I've just sed. Don't thenk we're stuped. De Kiwi Pelees Fooss knows Englesh! We heev tiksbooks. We have sex on the table.

                  Paddy: Righhhhhhht..... But, that's besides the point.

                  Police Officer: What or what is not besides the point is MY job to tell you! Goodbye SIR!

                  So, Melon, to cut a long story short! I wanted to warn your fellow KIWIS to at least put up rubber trees and a rubber army of traffic signs ... but, alas, too late!

                  In any case, best of luck with your driving ...

                  And for all the others, have a great weekend - for the subscribers - particularly those in ASIAPAC region, don't forget VIDEOCHAT at 2 pm Hanoi time/5 pm Melbourne time.

                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    Saturday May 5th.

                    While I adore The Melon, never have I been more grateful that she lives in another country if she is learning to drive. Can you perhaps mount a video cam on your dash so we can see how your lessons are progressing?

                    Wait, is it possible I actually read a Wee Melon post and understood it?? Hallelujah, this is a great day. I love ya Melon.

                    And hello to all in abs land. Sorry to intrude.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Saturday May 5th.

                      Now look here!!!...............................

                      When I logged onto MWO many months ago, I understood it to be a caring supportive place...I am writing to the Mighty RJ directly to advise her that THAT particular piece of advertising may well be unfounded.....

                      Now I know that you probably feel that your doubt and mockery have been veiled behind a few randomly interspersed caring phrases (????????????), but the melon is well aware that there is a definite tone of what some may describe as 'pisstaking' as the undercurrent of todays thread....

                      Now I am afraid that this sort of behaviour cannot be allowed to go unpunished...there must be an example set...wot on urf will newbies think if they stumble across this juvenile finger pointing and nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah as their first encounter with MWO....

                      Therefore...the Noo Zilland Puleess have the names and descriptions of the Lushy, (Criminal no. 959:AKA worlds premier Bitch, and don't you forget it Mister) the Paddy (criminal no. 473:AKA profesional fruitloop and Kiwi accent masher) and the Breeze (criminal no. 287:AKA get your kit off wherever you can and let it all hang out in the wind!), and are under strict instructions to leave no stone unturned until they're rounded up and bundled into Melons learners mobeel, where they will live until she has succesfully mastered the art of driving (bring your pension books along....this looks like being a long ride....hahahahahahaha)....they will not be issued blindfolds, and are to be denied any sedative activity, but will have their foreheads glued to the windscreen so that every swerve and leap is 'enjoyed' in full technicolor driving experience will be overlooked.......and remember.....the melon has VERY heavy feet

                      Be very afraid.....


                        Saturday May 5th.

                        Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                        April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                        wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                        wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                        wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                        wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                        wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                        wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                        I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                          Saturday May 5th.

                          Lushy is going to be cuffed! Can't wait!


                            Saturday May 5th.

                            omg Lucky! nice outfit! Very festive!
                            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                              Saturday May 5th.

                              Yeah Ducks...problem is she'll enjoy it rather too much I fear!!!
                              Probably has her own set of monogrammed pink fluffy ones she'll expect the 'bacon boys' to use!!!! Gawd 'elp us

