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First day of the rest of my life

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    First day of the rest of my life

    Hi all,

    I haven't posted in this section before, but I'm wanting to go abs, totally abs, no more excuses and no more slip ups!!!! and I'm hoping by announcing it here it will help me stick with it and also get encouragement from you all.

    For the past 25 or so years I have drank when I'm socialising, happy, upset, worried, angry and alone.I can go for days weeks and have even gone 3 years sober, then the demon pops out and I'm back to square one. I am making a promise to myself now to stop this and just deal with life SOBER. I'm tired of disappointing my family and having relationships with crappy men because I don't think I deserve any better.

    So, please God, let this be the first day in the rest of my sober life!

    Thanks for all and any encouragemet, Jas xx
    :thanks: :h

    First day of the rest of my life

    Hi jasmine, Nice to see your feeling positive go for it!!!!!1

    I can completely understand the bit about going with crappy men because we feel we dont deserve better, the only thing is with me doing that it made me drink more, so like you no more crappy men we deserve better!!!!!!

    luv Keepon :l


      First day of the rest of my life

      Hi Jasmin - Good to see you here :welcome: I personally found this forum the best place to come to find inspiration and motivation for keeping AF so I hope you find the same. It's also good to check in with long-term abs sometimes, as you pick up tips to arm yourself for the future as well and it gives you things to think about as a life without alcohol becomes more of a reality.

      I can't imagine what 3 years without alcohol must be like - what an achievement! I can only look at that figure in awe, and wonder if I'll ever get that far! It's interesting to read that you returned to alcohol, though - I seem to be reading things from a few people who have managed to abstain for long periods of time but who have then relapsed - I'm wondering what makes that happen and if there's anything I can do to arm myself against that possibility?

      Anyway, love the positive attitude - you're right, no more selling yourself short - you're worth, and you deserve, the best in life so don't accept second best in anything!

      Good luck with complete and utter AF - it's great when you get used to it and, as you know, life sober is a gift to yourself.
      :rays: Arial

      Last first day - 15th April 2012
      Days 1-7 DONE
      Days 8-14 DONE
      Days 15-21 DONE
      30 days DONE
      60 days
      100 days


        First day of the rest of my life

        Jasmin, a big welcome to a super place on the forums. Arm yourself as Ariel said...if you haven't already download and read the MWO book. Self esteem issues are a lot easier to tackle sober than wasted as I'm sure you know already. Looking forward to learning from you. Take care.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          First day of the rest of my life

          G'day Jas

          Welcome aboard. I happen to keep posting in this section, too. Not so much because I'm entirely true to the goal, but at least I'm trying to ... But hey, we're all on the same wagon. So, fasten the seatbelts, ey? And join a fair dinkum ride!

          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            First day of the rest of my life

            Hello Jasmin,

            It's worth it.


              First day of the rest of my life

              Thanks everyone, day 2 and going strong, lol...
              :thanks: :h

