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af Sunday 1 December

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    af Sunday 1 December

    MAE folks – Sunday afternoon here on 1 Dec. Not my usual time for tea and coffee but I hope you are enjoying your brew if you are reading this at breakfast. I also don’t have the jokes that Mick provides.

    Hope everyone here from the US is enjoying their long weekend. Great that people are enjoying it without the poison of the past.
    I have had a cruisy weeken – cooked quite a bit altho no special reason to do so. Made strawberry icecream yesterday in my new gizmo –and it is disgustingly wonderful. Didn’t use eggs but did use dairy (low fat - well the milk but not the cream was:H). And lovely fresh berries.

    Hope you are resting after all your cooking Lav. And keeping toasty warm.

    Pauly – pity you had to return to work. I guess its busy for you at this time of the year.

    PPQP- hope you weekend is going well.

    Det –you must be away. Hi there SF. Also hello to SL, Bear, Patrice, Mr G (congrats on 40 days:goodjob, Sam, Sun and all others.

    Narilly – well great news on 30 days AF :goodjob: and stick to the Perrier. I have been quite firm in my sobriety in minimizing time spent in family situations that I used to drink through . I either spend the minimum time – or I just avoid – I don’t care if it upsets people if I decline invitations.

    Lately people have been asking me about my 60th birthday party. I find this annoying because (1) my 60th is 2 years away (2) I have not thrown a party for decades and have never celebrated my big birthday numbers with a party (3) I don’t like adults’ birthday parties. Especially dress up or themed ones. That was OK before the age of 30 but not now. Recently 2 people were horrified that I would not have a party on my 60th so I shut them up by saying that I don’t enjoy boozy parties now that I don’t drink AL. What’s the point especially if its your own party?

    That's enough from me. Have a super sober Sunday and catch you later!

    af Sunday 1 December

    TT - I hear you about the was the same for me when I turned 50 earlier in the year friends were even suggesting I go back to NZ and have a huge party ?? WTF? Like you, I don't do adult birthday parties and themed ones give me the creeps. My idea of a great birthday is a couple of friends, nice food and conversation ( ok... until recently they involved Moet too)
    I spent my 50th alone with my 8 year old, it was a Monday night and I loved it. Yes had I been in NZ it would have been a bit different.. but it was all I needed
    Hi to everyone


      af Sunday 1 December

      Patrice, TT,
      It's not quite Dec 1st here in Calgary but only an hour away.
      Ya, my 50th is next year and I definitely won't be having any party. No one has suggested it yet. My idea of a good birthday would be to go out for a nice supper with my family. That would be nice.

      It's a good idea to avoid events. I am not going to our company Christmas party this year. That's a big deal for me. I Never miss the annual Christmas party. Tonight At my in laws they had wine and for a brief minute my brain was telling me to have one. I just had to push the thought aside. I can see how easy it would be to go back to old ways.
      Glad I didn't. SO glad!
      Anyway, bedtime for me. Thanks for all your support. I will be checking posts in the am.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        af Sunday 1 December

        Thanks Patrice. I probably sound grumpy - didn't mean too. I guess I am also feeling a bit yuk by the 'party season' here. Some people treat excess food and drink like its not on offer at other times of the year (oh hell I sound like Scrooge again). At least alcoholics don't need an excuse like the birth of the Christ child to get drunk!
        I mean I like celebrations and rituals - in small doses - and I like conversation/laughs with family and friends - with or without food/beverages. I don't care if the others drink AL. And yes, I used to be what they called a 'party animal' - part of that was also because I was interested in the opposite sex. (I had better not dig this hole bigger than it is - helppppppp:blushing:


          af Sunday 1 December

 stopped right when the story was getting juicyadlock:

          Talk about all this birthday stuff is making me feel young at 42 I am an introvert by nature and don't care for the center of attention to be on me. I did have a 40th....but, it was in conjucntion with another friend who was also turning 40.

          I prefer quieter holidays....and have made mine that way. I hate the craziness that Christmas stirs up......why does work need to have a holiday party anyways? Now who sounds like a humbug? Wednesday I have to go out and deliver Christmas cookies to all my clients. I just find it odd....that they choose Christmas as a time to send out gifts. Religion and business don't really mix. This year I took the time to send out Thanksgiving cards to all my clients. I wrote a personal note in each one....that had nothing to do with business. Each and every client either called, e-mailed or texted me....saying how great the card was.

          Lav-I am sure the music is a bit better at our Honky Tonks. Here is the great reflection of the day. When I was trying to stay sober and failing biggest thing was how much I was going to miss going to them. I could not imagine not being able to go out to them ever, never again. Turns out....I really prefer songwriter this is where the real creativity is showcased. And drinking to excess is a huge no-no....most don't drink at all. Its really that illusion of "fun" that alcohol creates. Was I really having fun or just drunk all those times out....probably the latter.


            af Sunday 1 December

            Hey all glad we're all doing well without booze,nice to see Guitarista again,it's been a while.Day 13 for me here - up early ready for rollerderby,not playing - doing an officials role as not ready for full contact.Had planned to do run/weights before but now gonna do after.

            Floor laying here going a lot lot more slowly than planned due to slopey floors/wonky walls(1890s house,they didn't do straight lines!)What is down looks great though.Hope done soon so can put tree up - trying to remember am grateful as house is all upturned as well!Guess I can always put smaller decs up.happy sunday and 1 dec
            one day at a time


              af Sunday 1 December

              Happy Rollering - Bear!

              We have our tree up. And an advent calendar (its a fabric one that I put wee gifts and chocs in) So much for my Bah-Humbug mentality!


                af Sunday 1 December

                I love Christmas decs - and everything about Christmas. I can't wait to get them up and ready.Think my lovely adopted cat is constipated,trying not to think it's serious, always jump to worse conclusions and it doesn't help anything.

                I'm going to put him in a room on his own for 48 hours and see what happens in litter tray,hard to see with 3 cats who is doing what!
                one day at a time


                  af Sunday 1 December

                  Good morning Abbers,

                  Sunny & below freezing once again

                  TT, as much as I hate to admit it - I am turning 60 on the 19th of this month. Not sure how the hell that happened
                  I do not like being the center of attention either & sincerely hope the day just passes by quietly as possible! I am trying to keep my head in gratitude-ville, things are not perfect but could have been much worse, if you know what I mean?

                  Hello to Patrice, narilly, SF & bear! I hope Mick is having a fantastic time in the sun (and keeping his head covered) :H

                  I've owned dogs all my life bear & don't know that any of them ever experienced constipation. Can you feed your cat something with more fiber?

                  OK, off to refill my coffee cup then figure out what I am doing for the rest of the day!
                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af Sunday 1 December

                    MAE folks and Happy Sunday!

                    Was up awfully early for a Sunday and am working today.
                    Here's to hoping that next week there'll be no power outages, etc... mind you, I'll be gone Tuesday and Wednesday anyways. I have an MRI for my back scheduled at 5:40pm on Tuesday (odd time, ain't it?) and the hospital is over 2 hours away. So, I'll be staying with my daughter and Peanut overnight and leisurely drive back on Wednesday

                    May I chime in on unnecessary birthday bashes? Not my thing, either. I'm with Patrice.
                    Tree... :H Keep digging!
                    Bear... laying floor (or any reno project) ALWAYS goes slower than anticipated. I think it's designed that way Good luck on the kitty watch. Hope the little guy/gal is alright.

                    That reminds me... I acquired a stray cat at the barn some time ago (like summer). Very much a feral kitty... ran like hell when a creature of the human persuasion materialized anywhere near the barn. But he/she seems to be getting braver. I saw it peeking around the corner when I had my morning treat ritual with the horses yesterday and I sort of tricked him/her into coming into the barn while I was still there. Should have seen the look on that poor kitty's face :H But he didn't turn on his heels and I just quietly backed away and left. Maybe we'll become friends in time. I'm stunned beyond belief anyways, that her highness, Miss Bubbles, tolerates this one.

                    Ok.. enough of this, I need more coffee and to get back to work.
                    Have a grand Sunday, everyone!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      af Sunday 1 December

                      Mae everybody,im with you all on quiet holidays nothing wrong with just kicking back,however my family knows i love presents so the more the better for me haha! had a similar irritating moment on thanksgiving,Louies dad said"we gonna get f**ked up tonite"i says yeah he says"hell yeah its thanksgiving and were mexican"i just shook my head,he said i was welcome to come,uh no thank you let them have it if they want it i want no part,ugh slept too long again feel groggy,i hate that feeling,i have an advent calendar too tt,last year my son ate all the chocolates in one day i was pissed off! so i gave him warning this year,anyways hope everyone has a lovely sunday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        af Sunday 1 December

                        Hola Pauly. Are you Mexican too?


                          af Sunday 1 December

                          Hi Everyone,
                          Its going to be a beautiful day here in Calgary.
                          Thanks for the reminder to put up my Advent Calendar. I have a nice fabric one too made special for us. This year I can actually get stuff in it before my kids wake up because I am not in bed with a hang over.
                          Sunshine, you must be pretty rural that your power goes out. We haven't had that happen here for a long time. At least not where I live, but I shouldn't jinx myself. It is going down to -30C or something crazy like that on Tuesday. Brrrrr!
                          Pauly, good on ya that you didn't go out drinking.
                          TT- I always was the party animal too. So many crazy things I have done over the years, its just not worth it anymore.
                          Lavande- I went to the farmer's market yesterday and bought a huge chicken, eggs etc. I love farmers markets. Its tough to get fresh produce here that actually tastes good. Farmers markets are a great alternative to the grocery store for sure. My veggies actually taste like they are supposed to.
                          Bear, I love the fact that you are in roller derby. You Go Girl!
                          Hi Det, Mick, and anyone else I have missed.


                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            af Sunday 1 December

                            No tt,not mexican im native american of the shoshone tribe
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              af Sunday 1 December

                              I think I'm just too damn old to be a party animal anymore - now I just feed & clean up after animals :H :H

                              I have many farmers markets around here narilly so I feel fortunate
                              Fresh, home cooked food does taste the best!!!

                              pauly, glad you declined the offer to go out, sounds like a nightmare. I take it the father figure doesn't know you quit drinking
                              I didn't make any major announcements when I quit, I did quietly tell the ones closest to me. It takes a while but even the block-heads get the message sooner or later
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

