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Delightful December~AF~Week 1

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    Delightful December~AF~Week 1

    Hello everyone,
    Another AF day for me here in the cold north.
    DTD- love your house, so beautiful. We have mountains and snow here. Today is blizzard warning. We had to stay home last night because some of the roads were closed, crazy!
    Lavande- you are always cooking something delicious, lucky people at your house

    I loved your quote Dill, very inspirational.
    Rusty, thats great to enjoy your nephews and nieces. they are lucky kids.

    Anyway, I just dropped in to say hi.
    Gotta go back to work,

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Delightful December~AF~Week 1

      Morning friends!
      That really is snow on the mountains - see why I joked about castor sugar. Unfortunately that's not my house - but I would love to live in it. It used to be the old village museum.

      Dill, I haven't worked out or Googled the time difference, but your post has a 01.20 pm date stamp.

      Star, I like the idea of Christmas as a time for families to get together, but I hate the over-commercialised circus it has been turned into. That's one of the reasons I've decided on hand-made gifts this year - nothing fancy.

      Rusty, I love showing off my pics, so beware.... I too would love to see a baobab draped in Christmas lights: they're very big trees - my field guide says 10-25 metres - and they grow much farther up north; the neighbours are safe.

      Hallo Narilly! Hope the blizzard got lost along the way!

      Everybody, have a wonderful AF Wednesday!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Delightful December~AF~Week 1

        Good morning even though it is still pitch black. I had someone tell me yesterday that his favorite day of the year is 12/22 as each day has more sunlight. I liked that idea to look forward to.

        DTD, thanks so much for sharing your part of the world with us, I know little of SA except it is a beautiful county and what I read from a novel. Love to see any pics you have, so feel free. I am so happy for you as you have more time AF, it has to feel good. Tell us about the changes.

        Rusty, sorry about the cold, you'll get those ornaments up and it will look awesome. I am so enjoying my Christmas decorations. I am thinking of downsizing with certain people, but my husband will freak out, he loves to buy at Christmas. Another difference we have to work on. I am loving the music at work, decorations and soon the food. We just bought a new dishwasher, no instructions, but it is so nice to have a new one. They are worth gold to me, all I was doing was constantly washing dishes.

        Lav, not to fond of ham at our house, just my son-in-law, so I usually get a small ham for him. He is a snacker. I never get tired of turkey, lots of soup. Glad you are busy and happy.

        Just wanted to say I was so happy to get online this am and connect with all of you. Have a great day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Delightful December~AF~Week 1

          Good morning friends!

          Happy belated thanksgiving - I'm glad that people had family time. Diligent Dill - a new name for you, Dill, I love it - so perfect. Or maybe Dedicated Dill, or Dependable Dill....

          Lav, I am so scrooge-like that I basically cancelled Thanksgiving here at our house. Well, OK, we had a festive dinner over the weekend; but I cajoled HB and Stepdaughter to help cook - a first. More about all of that some other post. Star - I'm getting to the point where I feel not just stressed-out about the holidays, but also trying to disengage from all the madness. I've never been a banner consumer anyway, but this constant push to purchase stuff is really making me feel like I'm at the mercy of a big machine. (Except for things like Lav's of course - make by a human being with love!) For the past years, I've concentrated on giving stocking stuffers and small things, and give the Xmas money to Charities in my family's name.

          Rusty - a few days after reading your post about your 1 year anniversary of your concussion, I slipped on our basement steps and tumbled down, hitting my head on the cement. I didn't lose consciousness, so I just kept on going into a really hellish week, which of course did not go well. My osteopath really warned me about the dangers of just keeping going, so I had to slow way down and use 'screen time' just for my job...a real challenge, as I had been putting in 6 - 8 hours a day on the computer. So anyway, I am feeling better now and just had to put a post up here.

          I'm just keeping my eyes on December 15th - crossing fingers that all will turn out OK with my job, and I can extricate myself with dignity.

          Good luck, one and all with all the challenges of life - you are all so caring for those around you - that's the true gift you give. I'm thankful for you here as well --
          to the light


            Delightful December~AF~Week 1

            X-post, Star! And I meant to say congrats to Dream on 50 days - wonderful! Keep on posting pictures, I love them too.
            Take care, one and all --
            to the light


              Delightful December~AF~Week 1

              Good morning December friends

              Sunny & chilly at the moment & that's OK

              Cyn, my blood just ran cold when you described your fall down the steps
              So glad you are OK! I just passed the 13th anniversary of my big fall & subsequent head injury.
              We really need to take these events as WARNINGS! Possibly from angels? I don't know, maybe
              I counting down days with you!!!

              Star, the ham is for the benefit of the others, I don't eat more than 1 thin slice. I get into side dishes myself especially the perogies :H

              DTD, the time stamp on our posts are usually 2-3 hours ahead of the actual time. Don't know what that's all about :H

              Hello to everyone & wishes for a great AF Wednesday.
              I'm getting out of here for a while today. First a trip to Curves then on to Longwood Gardens where I'm meeting my daughter & granddaughter for a stroll in 55 degree weather - yay!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                Morning friends!

                Star, the days getting shorter is why 22/12 is not my favourite day of the year! Were you up earlier than usual?

                Cyn, that fall must have been scary! And well done to the person who actually managed to persuade you to slow done. Only a few more sleeps to the 15th and some peace and quite...

                Lav, is your time set to your particular time zone? It looks as is we're about 7 hours ahead of you - Uncle Google tells me 8:30 am here is 1:30 am there?

                Thanks for the good wishes on the 50 days - quite proud of each and every one of them! I could not have done it without the encouragement of the everybody at MWO; in fact, when I went for the 30 day challenge, I was convinced that I would not be able to reach it - so glad, for once, that I was wrong.

                OK, so who is going to string the Xmas lights up this baobab? This one has a hollow trunk, and was used as a bar at one stage! Not quite as tall as one of your redwoods, but big enough.

                Life and work await, so have a lovely AF Thursday, everybody!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                  Good morning to all...

                  Cyn, nice to hear from you, horrible that you fell down the steps and scary too. Please take care of yourself, and the heck with the job after the 15th. The last job I had, I was told that the six weeks notice I gave was not enough...after that gave about two weeks. Sometimes employers are ridiculous. You quit, done, not your problem. So, put yourself first.

                  DTD, what a huge, gigantic tree. So happy for you with 50 days AF. You must be feeling better physically, emotionally, etc. Let us know.

                  Lav, have fun at Longgrove with your daughter and granddaughter.

                  Dill, Rusty, hope you are doing well. Just work work and more work here. Glad it is Thursday.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                    Good morning friends,

                    Very foggy here this morning (outside), glad I'm OK :H

                    DTD, your post shows a time stamp of 4:39 AM. The actual time here right now is 8:23 - I'll never figure it out
                    That is a massive tree, certainly would be nice to get some lights on it.
                    So glad to have you here & part of our group

                    Star, Longwood Gardens was nice yesterday, very pretty holiday decorations. I always feel inspired after a walk through there. Hope work is not too bad today.

                    Dill, I saw this blog today & thought I'd share it here. There is a good reason for us having so much hands-on time with the grandkids:
                    Thank Your Grandmother For Advancing Human Civilization

                    OK, work & hungry animals await!
                    Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                      Morning friends!

                      Sad day here. An exceptional man has passed away. Sahla kakhule, Ntate.

                      Have a good AF Friday, everybody.
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                        Good morning...

                        DTD, Nelson Mandela was an amazing man, his loss is our loss.

                        Lav, so glad you enjoyed Longwood Gardens, it sounds just wonderful. I read the great link about Grandma's, as I hope I will be one in the upcoming year. What a cool website with lots of great articles. I have lots to do today, but want time to mess around too and hopefully will have time to revisit that site. I woke up sooooo early today, don't know why. So, more time on the internet and lots of coffee. I have planning to do for my Christmas gifts, cards, etc. Decorations are being much enjoyed. I have been doing this cool dream journal, suggesting to myself that I will remember my dreams, notebook by the bed. Messages this week...there is only so much time, do the right thing. Isn't that interesting? Anyway, thought I would share.

                        Some things happened at work, so I am going to stay for the next few years, at this point. I still have an interview today, but do not feel I can cancel. Sometimes life gets complicated...

                        What about that big storm that will be hitting the Midwest...Dill, I bet you will be affected. I am far enough north and should be OK.

                        Hello to everyone, hope you are well, keep up the AF lifestyle, it is worth it.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                          Good morning friends,

                          Darky, gloomy & raining at the moment - better than ice & snow, that's for sure.

                          DTD, sad news about Nelson Mandela. I think he must have had a couple of rough months & glad he is at peace now.

                          Star, I've never attempted a dream journal. At this point, when I do dream it's usually about something that has recently transpired - nothing deep & meaningful :H
                          A few years ago my dreams were kind of crazy & fueled by deep seated fears, glad they are gone.
                          I enjoyed reading about Grandma's value in a child's life. It's not just about being a babysitter

                          Hello to everyone else - Dill, Rusty, cyn & anyone dropping by today!
                          Be safe if you are stuck in the snow & ice storm.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                            Hello AF Friends, I'm back after a 2 day hiatus. Life just got out of control busy for me, but looks to be settling down today. I was in the grand jury room for an entire day on Wednesday. Usually it is only half day but this time we did the regular cases and then were asked to review a fatal shooting that took place in April to see if we believed it to be murder or self defense. It was very interesting but I was exhausted at the end of the day! Yesterday was my volunteer day at the food pantry. That was exhausting too because I was learning new jobs and a computer program. Plus, the pantry was very busy! So many desperate and hungry people. It's sad.

                            Thank you Lav for the link to the Grandmother blog. That was an interesting article. I feel much more important now.

                            Love the baobob tree, DTD. I would love to see more pictures any time you feel like posting them! And I'm sorry for your loss. Nelson Mandela was a great man to be sure. There will never be another quite like him.

                            Cyn, I'm glad you are on the mend from your fall. That sounded awful!!! Hang in there, it's only 9 more days until you are done. Just close that door and walk away! Too much stress and who needs it at this time of year? I like your ideas about keeping Christmas simple. I always try, but it seems like I just can't cut back. I must be like Star's hb.

                            Hey Star, I hope this is your year to become a grandmother.:h We had a snow day today so the children are happy. Me? Not so much:upset:. Any way, I hope you have a peaceful and productive day.

                            Rusty, sorry about your cold. I hope you get over it soon. You really planted a seed here. When I read that you liked the tradition of prime rib at your sister's I thought that was a fantastic idea! I'm going to copy cat you.

                            Hello Narilly I'm glad to see you. It's been awhile, it seems. Don't be a stranger!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                              I just google the time zone difference. I don't know where in S. Africa you are but I am thinking the WC stands for Western Cape. If so we are indeed 7 hours behind you here in the Eastern Time zone of the US, DTD.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Delightful December~AF~Week 1

                                Morning friends!

                                Dill (my fellow coffeemaker...) you have been busy. You're on jury duty till Xmas eve, or do I have it wrong?

                                Star, so true about life being complicated... You sound unsure about all this development at work?

                                Thanks for the kind words about that great old man - but it's not just SA's loss: he was an inspiration to practically everybody. (There was a nasty post on G's thread, but I decided to ignore it.) Lav, this is something you mentioned in NN, but yes, you guys actually heard the news "before" us. In fact, I read about it here first - I come here first thing in the morning, then read the online papers.

                                I'm off the brave the wind to get the paper, so have a wonderful AF Saturday, everybody.
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

