Everyone: I realize so well how easy it would be to relapse. All I would have to do is slack off. So, I'm keeping up w/my meetings & readings. Last night's BB meeting was "Into Action." That chapter really outlines specifically what actions we have to take to recover. The chapter is called "Into Action"...not "Into Thinking" or "Into Contemplation." The action part of the program is what makes AA so unique. Yes, we have to examine our lives, but we also have to change them. I'm leading a step meeting later on tonight. I feel grateful that I've made AA such a big part of my life. Mary
No announcement yet.
December AA Thread
December AA Thread
Everyone: I realize so well how easy it would be to relapse. All I would have to do is slack off. So, I'm keeping up w/my meetings & readings. Last night's BB meeting was "Into Action." That chapter really outlines specifically what actions we have to take to recover. The chapter is called "Into Action"...not "Into Thinking" or "Into Contemplation." The action part of the program is what makes AA so unique. Yes, we have to examine our lives, but we also have to change them. I'm leading a step meeting later on tonight. I feel grateful that I've made AA such a big part of my life. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
hi just popping in. Im considering going to an AA meeting but am TERRIFIED. never feel confident in social situation (sober). Im.still not sure how a meeting goes. i.have this.idea that i.have to say my name is.spud.and i.am an alcoholic. this thought.sends me into.a.panic. any advice or insight.into.a.first.meetingToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
December AA Thread
Hey Spudling!
I'm assuming 1. and 2. are the same everywhere:
1. Yes, you should introduce yourself, no - you do not have to classify yourself as an alkie
2. You do not have to say anything at all. Many newcomers simply say "I'm xxx - and with that I'll pass."
3. Every group does meetings a little differently. I go to 3 different groups. One, is a women's group only (my fav) and it's very much a real discussion group. We start out by introducing ourselves and state how our week has been/where we're at. The next group is a 12&12 group (12 Steps & Traditions) - we read one chapter (taking turns), and then go around and talk about something out of that chapter we can relate to. (Or not. Again.. you could just say your name and pass.) The last group is an Open Discussion meeting where we pick popsicle sticks from a cup. Each stick has a word, or phrase, or a specific step written on it. We relate to the stick we picked (or not).
Spuds, I live in an EXTREMELY small community and was very worried about the anonymity factor. I have not had any issues at all and one of the old timers walked up to me after a meeting (where I had mentioned the fear of 'people finding out').. He said: "Ya know... we all thought that when we first came... after all these years, lemme tell ya.. people don't really give a f*ck!" :H
There's actually a lot of humor in the meetingsIt honestly feels like a very warm, safe, and supportive environment. Do give it a go... you can always decide you don't like it.. but you may really be missing out if you never go to find out.
:lOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
December AA Thread
spuddleduck, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. you can just go sit in on an open meeting and see if it's something you want to pursue. the only requirement for AA is "the desire to stop drinking". :welcome:
we read out of "daily reflections" for dec 19th last night, and it was about not judging other's in their struggle to get sober...it was a great discussion. you cant take other's inventory, all you can do is show up and do the work, and hope that that will inspire someone else who is struggling. on that note, I find it is important to share in meetings because what I say might help someone else in the meeting. I never pontificate or talk for long, but I feel like at least one person in the room, might need to hear my story, and it is my duty in AA to pass it on. I ALWAYS hear something in meetings that helps me, and I want to do my part to, hopefully, do the same for someone else. :l
my sponsor and I hung out the other day and exchanged gifts for the holiday. it is so lovely to have a person who knows me so well, and whom I feel so comfortable with, to talk to. we aren't; best friends, or really even that close, but we know so much about each other, and are so comfortable with each other, that it is always a good thing when we spend time together. I felt renewed and inspired!
anyway, I am rambling, but I have one more thing to spout off about! I began running again! some of you know, I fractured my hip last spring while running, and it finally resolved around august, but I was too scared to run on it again, in spite of the ortho dr. telling me it was fine and stronger than before...well, I finally overcame the fear and started running last week, and it feels GREAT! I don't want to let fears rule my head!
happiest of holidays to you all, and a very happy new year!!!
December AA Thread
thanks.sunshine. i.really should just.bite.the.bullet and try it. if.its.not.for me i don't have to go.again. most.of.peoples.response.has been positive. even those.who.say.it was not.for.them have.agreed.that.they.are.welcoming to new people. the.idea of.even speaking scares.the.shit.out of me. its.crazy.cos Im sure.i would be fine once i.got.there. i tend to overcompensate when Im nervous and.become a.total.chatterbox in fact too bloody.cheerful. its.just taking.that.first.step.through.the.door.Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
December AA Thread
spud: I can echo what Betty & Sunshine said. I too was really, really scared to go into my first meetings. I didn't identify as an alcoholic...though I am one. I just said my name is Mary. I didn't share for a very long time either. As far as anonymity is concerned: I have seen many people I've known from the community walk in the doors of AA. I know when they see me, they say: "Wow! I didn't know Mary was an alcoholic!" I've said that a few times to myself as well. I'm a retired teacher, & I've seen students at meetings. It's a little disconcerting, but I tell myself that I'm getting well & sober, & there's nothing to be ashamed about. The shame for me was while I was drinking: the lying, deceit, betrayal, etc. Now, I'm trying to live the way I'm supposed to.
One word of warning: there will be talk of God or a Higher Power. You will eventually hit on your own conception of this. It's a process we've all had to go through...actually I still struggle w/it at times. All you have to do is listen & see if AA is for you. You don't have to understand everything by the end of your first meeting. Try to go to 6 meetings before you make any kind of decision. There's a saying in AA (actually there are a lot of sayings): "You might not get AA right away, but eventually AA will get you."
Please let us know how it goes should you decide to go. I didn't want to join AA though now I couldn't be happier that I did. I just finally discovered that I couldn't stop drinking on my own. I needed face-to-face contact w/other alcoholics. Good luck.
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
Spud: Should you decide not to go to AA now, that is not a problem. Don't feel as if that's a requirement for this thread. Or, you may go to AA & not feel you fit in. That's entirely up to you. However, keep an open mind & give it a chance. As I said above, I could not get sober on my own or even w/MWO (which I love). I needed AA...& still do. MWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
Mama B: I couldn't manage to stay sober wo/AA. I'm so glad that I've made it a part of my life. I'm sure if you went back to your old meetings, they would all welcome you back. That's the beauty of AA. Please feel free to share here. I don't get around this forum the way I used to. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
hey peeps! hope everyone is enjoying the time of year! I have been eating too much shortbread, but I really don't care, at least im not drinking!
this si my second sober Christmas and I am so grateful for that fact...I shudder to think of all the years I was drunk, unbeknownst to my family, and not really present, or the years that I was grumpy and annoyed at not knowing when I could get those drinks in me, so I could stop being such a bitchy person! the peace in my heart is something I wish for everyone here at mwo. there is help. there are people who understand you, and there is more to life than the misery that alcoholism brings! it used to be fun, but when it stops being fun and you are just living for that next drink, its time to reach out and help yourself...life is short, be there for it!
all the best to everyone on this thread, your words always sound familiar, and I am glad that we have this little fellowship here on mwo!
happy holidays and happy new year!
remember , there are "alcothons" that happen during the holidays. they are 24 hour a day meetings that are there for people who struggle during the holidays...call your local AA hotline to find out where they are!
December AA Thread
BG: You said it so well. I too am having a wonderful, alcohol-free Christmas. My husb won't drink, & my son is a recovering person, so I'm not alone. I got 4 bottles of sparkling juices in different flavors. Our grandsons think it's so cool that Grandma gets those & enjoys them. We too have many, many meetings for those who are having a hard time. Merry Christmas everyone who celebrates it. Take care one & all. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
Everyone: I thought I'd bump this thread up to the top in hopes that someone sees it. We've got our son staying w/us...his girlfriend gave him a tic home for Christmas. He just went off snowboarding w/his sister/BIL/& 2 nephews for a day of fun in the cold. It's been nice having him, as he's been sober for quite a few years. No tension, no worries.
I'm doing well. I'm planning on a meeting tonight. I missed one yesterday, as my son is using my car to get around. I'm feeling fine regarding alcohol. Every day is another sober day which reinforces my sober lifestyle. I love that.
I hope all is well. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
December AA Thread
awesome mary!
isn't it cool to not have that constant urge to find a minute to sneak a drink (or 3)? I feel free this year, more so than last year because I have more than a year behind me now. I don't feel complacent, just less obsessed and at peace with my sober life. I love that I rarely think of drinking, and if I do, I acknowledge it and move on. just because I have thoughts of drinking, doesn't mean I have to drink. it always goes away after a bit...always.
enjoy your time with your son! that's great that he's sober too