But happy birthday Nora:goodtime:
And Lav we will quietly celebrate your 60th birthday soon - a very healthy 60 year old lassie you will be for sure!
Pauly - great that you did not succumb to temptations over the long weekend - see you have lots of strength and you are a battler.
Hope the Polar Bears have their heating on - no electricity cuts - thats you Sun, Narilly and PPQP.
Det - hope your week goes more smoothy than usual after the holiday.
SF - the play sounds lovely. And true, many people just drink water or coffee. My girl has her end of year drama production in a few weeks time.
Patrice - how was work today - or are things winding down esp after the beach party?
Bear - how did the weekend, umpiring and all go? Hope it was a good one.
Sam - everything OK with you?
We haven't heard lately from Cinders or YahYah. Also Blondie in WA has gone MIA. Soif you are lurking -drop in and let us know what the score is.
Have a productive and energising Monday - hangover free of course. Lovely warm day here - sun still out, blue skies and its 7.30pm.
