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af Monday 2 December

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    af Monday 2 December

    MAE absters - thought I better start the daily thread although I only have decaf coffee and green tea on offer at this time of the night here. Its been a busy but uneventful day for me. No birthdays here!
    But happy birthday Nora:goodtime:
    And Lav we will quietly celebrate your 60th birthday soon - a very healthy 60 year old lassie you will be for sure!
    Pauly - great that you did not succumb to temptations over the long weekend - see you have lots of strength and you are a battler.
    Hope the Polar Bears have their heating on - no electricity cuts - thats you Sun, Narilly and PPQP.
    Det - hope your week goes more smoothy than usual after the holiday.
    SF - the play sounds lovely. And true, many people just drink water or coffee. My girl has her end of year drama production in a few weeks time.
    Patrice - how was work today - or are things winding down esp after the beach party?
    Bear - how did the weekend, umpiring and all go? Hope it was a good one.
    Sam - everything OK with you?

    We haven't heard lately from Cinders or YahYah. Also Blondie in WA has gone MIA. Soif you are lurking -drop in and let us know what the score is.

    Have a productive and energising Monday - hangover free of course. Lovely warm day here - sun still out, blue skies and its 7.30pm.

    af Monday 2 December

    hey TT, happy unbirthday!
    It was good,great to see team,feeling loved and can't wait to get back to it properly in the New Year.I missed my run yesterday and this am as I was so tired - up at 7.30 both days to get rooms ready and cats locked away for floor laying. One and a half rooms to go and beading and doors to be re-hung. Hoping one room to be complete by tonight - can't really cook as all wood piled in there by cooker - not helping healthy eating.I need to plan round this though and buy some additive free ready meals and fresh veg packs.
    It looks great tho and very grateful to friend and OH for doing it,I really want to put my decs up too!

    So I had a lie in today - got up late,planned to be in for ten after run at gym,instead I'll be in at ten after lounging. I need it though. Managing anxiety about today's round 2 with difficult employee,allotting myself worry time really seems to be helping - I never thought it would!

    I'm out tonight with the rollerderby girls - one of them turns 30 today and I am off out for food - not sure when or where but I am running at the gym before I go no matter what.I don't want to lapse with my programme - apart from anything else it helps my sanity/I can feel my muscles getting stronger already.

    Have a great sober day everyone,day 14 for me.
    one day at a time


      af Monday 2 December

      Hi all,
      Well the beach party derailed me a bit.. knew it was too soon but I did have 2 glasses of wine and left early.. things apparently became very raucous later on in the night with the usual OMG behaviour and many people looking slightly green around the gills still today. It was mostly those under 30 who got really hammered...the people around my age group didn't drink alot. We were talking about that today and most were saying that they just physically cannot drink like that anymore ( the implication being they could in the past!!)...Anyway no one over the age of about 40 was drunk..
      Anyway I'm back to Af..I've got so much to do at the moment just feel completely overwhelmed..lots of reports to write, kids Xmas carol parties.. it's endless but there is a light at the end of the tunnel because my little boy is going away for a swimming competition in another city at the weekend so will at least be able to get some Chrissy shopping done and hopefully relax without that little 'Mum can you..., Mum can I..." every 5 minutes!!
      Take care all and have a great day!


        af Monday 2 December

        MAE ALL...

        Quick check in as I prepare to leave for work in a blizzard this morning. Only -11 atm but temps to drop all day.

        Patrice....sorry to hear you succumbed but glad to hear you're back on track. Maybe it was just too soon for you.

        Bear...good luck with round 2. Sounds like you're getting a handle on the anxiety/worrying.'re probably in snooze land now. Hope you have a restful sleep.

        Narrily...stay safe out there.

        Have a great AF Monday all and all to come....PPQP


          af Monday 2 December

          Mae everybody,sounds like everyone has a lot going on,thats a good thing on yesterdays thread Lav had asked if Louies dad knew i had quit drinking,yes he knows however hes heard the whole"never drinking again"phrase come from me too many times to know if its real or not this time,its the same as we see on the forum,people doing so well for a bit then being roped back in,such a shame i just want to be done for good! just like Patrice said,drinking over 40 like these young ones do,recovery takes me about 2 weeks forget it,well hope everyone has a great monday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af Monday 2 December

            Good morning Abbers,

            No sun here but also no snow so I won't complain :H

            Greeting TT!
            If we have to be old ladies we may as well be healthy old ladies, right?

            bear, keep your focus, don't get overwhelmed with so much going on, OK?

            Patrice, I honestly stayed home for almost three months when I quit. I wasn't about to put myself into any situation that could possibly derail me. I really think that helped a lot.

            PQ, our resident snow bunny :H
            I hope you stay safe today!

            I do see YahYah almost everyday on Facebook.

            Hi to Pauly, Det, Narrily & everyone!

            I have tons of work, sadly have to skip my trip to Curves, oh well.
            Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Monday 2 December

              Good Day Af'ers!!!
              Mick has texted me and asked me to give you his regards as he is on vacation!!! He's enjoying great food ('Food is aces', he says) and seeing the sights! He is unable to get proper internet reception to check in here!
              Isn't that just like him....he found a way to check in. That's how strong his commitment is to his friends! I know you miss his daily uplifting posts and jokes, I know I do. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!! Byrdie (and Mick!)
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                af Monday 2 December

                Hello everyone,
                Well we have Blizzard conditions today, right PQ? It is supposed to go down into the minus 30's over the next few days. That is celsius!
                No hot toddies for me this year, I will be drinking hot coffee and tea. Yum! That is all this gal needs You to eh TT?

                Nice to see you Byrdie, I quoted one of your lines in another post and will quote it here:
                Love Byrdie's quote:
                "no matter what and no matter who". To get this done, the choice has to be not to drink no matter what holiday or party, no matter what someone else does or doesn't do, no matter what - that option just has to be off the table if your goal is to be completely free of this addiction."
                That is awesome!

                Lavande- sounds like you are super busy! Hopefully you can get a work out in sometime soon.
                Bear, love that you are feeling in better shape. I brought an exercise ball into work today and am sitting on it. Hopefully it makes some difference.
                Patrice- ya, we are way too old to drink like that anymore eh? What is the point? Who wants to see a drunk 40 or 50 year old really? I think we have had enough already right Pauly!
                I came out of a restaurant the other day at about 8pm and saw 2 older couples walking and the one woman was half dragging here drunk 60+ year old to the car. He was staggering all over. I thought that I NEVER want to be like that, especially when I am that old. What a nightmare that would be!

                Keep warm everyone!

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  af Monday 2 December

                  happy un-hung Monday ABeroooooos!

                  so glad to report I had a wonderful AF and super relaxing Thanksgiving weekend with my family in Vegas. it's amazing what a couple days off can do for a person! my super-slamming work schedule has eased so there is hope for my sanity yet!

                  Patrice, glad you pulled the brakes at two and made it back here.

                  Narilly, I agree. seeing an elderly drunk person is just frightening to me also.

                  on the drive down to Vegas we saw some cool wild burros (donkeys). I'll see if I can get a picture up.

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    af Monday 2 December

                    big donkey! we thought they were cows at first.

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af Monday 2 December

                      Aww hes so cute Det,glad you had a nice trip
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        af Monday 2 December

                        How do all?
                        hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend! blizzards and such. I hear the NW is suppose to be some nasty weather. Been trudging through the mountains the late couple of days. Worked Sunday to avoid the hunters.

                        Byrdie, you're suppose to post Mick's jokes as well!! I'm Jonesing!

                        Hey TT, how you been? I'm here, just tired physically from work. Glad that our T-Day is over. Had moments that were trying but busied myself and made it through!

                        PQ, I love the thought of "only -11 atm but dropping" that's sounds pretty dern cold!

                        best to everyone
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          af Monday 2 December

                          Det - us Kiwis certainly know how to spot the difference between a donkey and a cow/steer!:H


                            af Monday 2 December

                            Haha tt,we dont see too many burros here,although i did see one on my last trip home,but he was in a pen someones pet i guess
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              af Monday 2 December

                              A lot of people keep miniature donkey around here. I hear they can be quite mean but they are cute
                              The Amish farmers use the large donkey on their frams. I've never mistaken one for a cow though :H

                              Glad your trip was good Det!

                              Hi Sam!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

