Yes, yes, yes! I actually have discussed this with them many times. I have told them I have a real problem with controlling my intake. Once I have one glass of wine it is difficult for me to stop. I tell them to be careful because they might have the same thing as me. Now, after Nov 1 when I lectured my son about smoking pot when I was drunk, the day after I told him that that was it. I was not going to drink again. This is a big reason why I cannot and won't drink again. Try my best anyway.
Honestly, I am just like you, I always thought they didn't really notice, they just thought I drank too much once in awhile.
You can just say that you have a little trouble with control and that you need to be really careful, that you would rather not drink. Maybe that would work? Your kids might be grateful for your honesty.
My kids are 17 and 18.
Be strong AofM! You know you are