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Sunday May 6th

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    Sunday May 6th

    Hi Pansy - I understand the anxiety you are going thru. I'm single too and have those feelings of 'what would happen if?" I have no one else to rely on. I was basically out of a job about 3 years ago and could move for a position but didn't want to. I did temporary positions within my company - and more task force situations came up than I would have imagined- and 5 months later there was an opening for me that just worked out great.
    I felt panicky too. In fact one morning I was supposed to get a call with an offer for two different positions - one within my company and one from another company. I was so nervous I started drinking at about 9am. And the only thing I had in the house was whiskey - which I dislike. So I paced up and down my living room taking shots of whiskey while waiting for a call. So I kinda get it.
    Somehow, you have to believe that it will work out though. For one thing, it will. You will find a job. You are smart and hard working (right ?....something will fall in your lap at the last minute. Have faith and keep sending out resumes.

    Hello to everyone else tonight too! Popeye...walking is working some magic on you I think. I'm so happy for you - you sound great.

    I had a good day today and a pretty good weekend. Kept busy. I did do something kind of different - I tried non- alcoholic beer. It was pretty good too. I had two. I'm going to try using it as a treat during the summer. I thought about trying non alc wine but that might send me down the wrong path. I drank mostly wine and not beer so...anyway, I'll see how that goes.
    Going to bed now. Getting up at 4:45am to get to the gym and sweat. Then I have external auditors meeting me at work at 8:15 anyone jealous?? A week of auditing- lucky me.
    Have a great night - sleep extra well.


      Sunday May 6th

      Day 7 abs for me. Today is the sort of day I'd want to come home and get a nice buzz. Lots of massages, running around the spa. I'm wiped out. Hubby came home early from his trip, good thing I tidied up a bit before leaving for work. While doing massage #6, I started daydreaming about how nice it would be to sit in our local wine bar, with the outdoor seating and - the thought STOPPED, I mean, it was strangely easy to change the subject in my brain - could the hypno tapes be working already? I have only been listening for three days. Anyway, congrats to everyone for hanging in there, slips, trips and diversions.
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

