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af Friday 6 December

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    af Friday 6 December

    Hello Abbers,

    It has been a while since I posted. I logged in and saw a pm from Mick just wondering if I was okay. Totally sweet and completely grateful. I have friends here.

    I am sorry I have been absent.

    I went for a bit just posting in subs for some reason. Not sure why. Just felt "safe" there and always will. I have good friends in there.

    But. I quit posting or a while.

    Not because I fell off the wagon or anything. Just because I was so busy with work and family that I didn't come on here and post.

    No excuse. Please forgive me.

    I had an incredible holiday with my family at Thanksgiving. They held in on Friday so that I would have time to make my pies. I am the queen of pies. :-)

    I flew in on Wednesday night late, we got home around 2:30 a.m. and fell deeply asleep. Poulan in bed between us. :-)

    Hubby and I went to see mom at her home. I was so fearful she would not know who I was. Well. I walked in, I saw her flirting with a man at a table and she looked up and saw me. She hugged me back and was so happy to see me. I am sure she had no idea how happy I was to see her. It was a defining moment in my life.

    Our conversation with her was the usual we had no idea what she was talking about. Her words are so garbled with her dementia. But hubby and I both just held on to the fact that she knew who we were and she was happy.

    I went home and made the pies.

    Friday, I had the entire family sans Mama who really can't leave her home anymore. Grandkids running around and playing. Granddaughter very proud that she had gone hunting that morning and got a deer for the first time. I know those who don't like eating meat and killing things won't appreciate this but she got her deer and her family gets all the meat. A huge boon for them. They are very poor.

    I came back to work here and got sick immediately. Probably one of the grandkids. I have acute bronchitis. However, doctor gave me meds and I am on the mend.

    As far as worrying about being sober over the holidays? I would rather be sober. Period.

    I have spent many holidays not sober and missed so much of the fun and love.

    I am grateful to be sober and looking forward to going back home and spending time with all the grandkids, sober. It is so much more fun that way.

    It is good to see all the "oldies" here and seeing the newbies here, too.

    Stay warm where it is cold.

    I am doing well and appreciate the pm, Mick.

    AF April 9, 2016


      af Friday 6 December

      Hi cinders,weve missed you
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        af Friday 6 December

        Yucky weather here....35 degrees and raining. They let us out early due to possible freezing rain. Cold, rain and no sun for the next few days....I want to just sit a watch TV....but, I keep thinking of all the things I could be doing...but, really don't want to.

        Det....I have only used youtube for certain poses, not an entire class. has all kinds of classes....first 2 weeks are free....then $18 a month....something like that. I prefer a studio....but, thinking of amping up my home practice. Nice to do whatever class you want, whenever you want. Of course...that does not include hot yoga...unless I crank up the heat to 105

        I've cancelled going to my work holiday party. Not because of the drinking...I just could not justify shelling out money for a dress for one night. I see these people all the time....not like I have to go to some party to see them. Going to hubby's, but I can get away with wearing something i already own. His is at a nice place....but, not formal.

        I'm already thinking of a tropical Christmas next year....I hate crappy the motivation right out of me. I think I need to invest in one of those "happy lamps".

        I've done Christmas sober and drunk. Sober is preferred. It is really more enjoyable. I just remember opening presents feeling thanks.

        Bear I used to be pretty good at worrying. I finally realized it accomplished nothing, caused me pain, took a lot of time and sucked the joy out of life. Pretty much like drinking did.

        I recently let go of the regret of the drinking years. They seem like a bubble in my life....part of it.....but, not defining it.

        Nelson Mandela was a great man. His legacy will not be forgotten. He spent 27 years in jail and went on to change a country. I spent 20 in my own jail....his life gives me thought to what can I really accomplish now that I am sober?


          af Friday 6 December

          Great to see you - I have been thinking about you too
          Sorry you picked up kiddie germs, kids are walking germ factories. Hope you are better soon!

          Narilly, Carol Kicinski is one of my favorite gluten free authors. She publishes a magazine, has a great website & I've downloaded several of her books
          Gluten Free Recipes | Simply Gluten Free
          I don't even tell the rest of the family that they are eating gluten free. I'm doing this to support my daughter & myself

          Hi Det & pauly!

          SF, sober holidays just rock - that is all
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

