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Delightful December AF-Week 2

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    Delightful December AF-Week 2

    Good Morning Friends,

    I can't believe we are into the second week of December! We were blasted with snow looks so festive. It can go now!:H

    I will be at home today but traveling to Atlanta tomorrow, and I have many tasks I must accomplish today so I just want to wish everyone a serene and sober Monday. My friend and I had fun playing bingo yesterday but I did not win. Oh well.

    Dill-no, I didn't take a picture of my mom's manger scene, and probably won't be able to do so until I see her December 22nd, but I will try and post it. Are you still on jury duty this week?

    Big hellos to Lav, Star, Cyn, DTD, Narilly, SunniGG (come out, come out), and all lurkers and visitors, happy AF Monday

    Delightful December AF-Week 2

    Chilly dark morning, brrrrrrr...

    Have the fireplace on, kitties around, coffee at hand. Warm blanket wrapped around me. These cold temps call for hot AF drinks, warm clothes, blankets, soups, and anything WARM. This time leading up to Christmas is fun. I love my tree and went to my friend's and helped her decorate her tree. Now, I am thinking about food...

    Rusty, yes I do not want a job that is not more sure financially. Just not in that position. I hate having money issues, it stinks. I agree that you have to interpret your dreams, not anyone else. We know what our subconscious is telling us, hinting at, if we take time to reflect. How kind of you to put up your mom's Christmas stuff, she will appreciate that all month!!!

    Dill, I have a notebook next to my bed, as soon as I wake up I try and remember what I dreamt and write anything down, even if it does not make sense. Later, I think about it and it does make sense. For instance, I must have eaten something with nuts in it or something I am sensitive to as my lips are chapped and rough. Last night I dreamed that my Dad ate something that was not what he thought. Isn't that weird? I ate something that had an allergen in it. So, I have to really try and stick to whole foods this week and see what happens. I tell myself I will remember my dreams as I go to sleep too. This is sounding time consuming but it is really not. Hope you are doing well Dill, is your son coming home soon?

    Lav, the weather people are rarely right, why do we watch them? I love the weather, reports, weather channel, and weather on my mobile phone. Another instance of science thinking it knows what will happen and the Universe having other plans.

    hello to DTD, Cyn, Narilly, and all. Have a great Monday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Delightful December AF-Week 2

      (My) afternoon all

      Star, I look like the Michelin man in winter - our houses are built to be cool, so wintertime means bundling up... Mum has the Christmas menu all planned - nothing warm, it really is too hot for a cooked meal over here.

      Rusty, have a safe trip.

      Visited some friends who live on a farm yesterday - I was amazed at how severe the storm was we had a couple of weeks caused. They were very lucky, though - the trees that came down did not damage any buildings. Lots of driftwood that piled up around tree trunks, and rocks that slid down the mountain, for instance. Incredible, the power of in full flood.

      Have a lovely AF Monday, everybody.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Delightful December AF-Week 2

        Good morning friends,

        Yep, it's week two, yikes!
        I still have so much to do to prepare for Christmas but I won't let it make me crazy

        Rusty, we had more than half a foot of snow yesterday & more coming tomorrow. I saw on the that flights in & of Philly were delayed 4 hours & just cancelled in some cases. More snow due tomorrow. I hope Atlanta is in better shape for your trip

        Star, I hope your job settles down to a place of comfort for you. I well know that feeling of being stuck in a not so great job purely for financial reasons. I also know that things can & will change when you aren't looking

        DTD, glad your friends survived a flood, wow! Water & nature can be fierce!

        I just want to mention an old friend of our Jolie flew into the Newbies nest today. Funny that I've been thinking of her quite a bit lately, hope she drops in here as well

        OK, now to go deal with the ice & snow for a while
        Hi to Dill, cyn & everyone. Have a great AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Delightful December AF-Week 2

          Hi Friends,
          Rusty, thank you for starting week 2. It'll be Christmas before we know it the way the weeks are flying! Yes, I have jury duty again on Wednesday. In fact they added a day to our service! Now we have to be in service on New Year's Eve, eve. Can you believe it?!

          DTD, I notice you are on line at the same time as I am. It's about 3 in the afternoon here so it must be around 10 pm in your part of the world. Hope you had a nice day and evening.

          Lav, thanks for the head's up on Jolie. I hope she is not struggling too much and I too hope she pops in here.

          Star, my son was home yesterday. We had a really open discussion about things. It was good to have the open exchange that has been missing between us for so long. I also told him it was wonderful to have him returning to us. For so long he has been here, but not really. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, he is doing well. Thanks for asking. And your son? Is he doing OK?

          I got a new vaccuum cleaner and spent time using it today. It's a Hoover Wholehouse. I love it! Have a peaceful AF Monday evening everyone.:h

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Delightful December AF-Week 2

            Hallo Dill, lovely news about your son; hope he continues doing well. Getting ready for bed - sooooo nice to have a good night's sleep, every night. I still have trouble falling asleep, but I've been battling that since childhood, so I'm pretty used to it.

            I'll talk to you tomorrow - have a great day, everybody.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Delightful December AF-Week 2

              Dill-I wish I would have had time this morning to start us off with a meaningful quote, and I didn't and I am sorry. You always start us off with a quote that we can take us wherever we go. I will try harder next time. I am so glad your son is fully "present" now and the lines of communication between you are open. I am sure my mom felt the same way you did about your son when my drinking was at its worst. It was obvious that I was trying to hide my drinking and the seriousness, but I wasn't doing a very good job. She wanted to confront me carefully and lovingly, and just couldn't. I didn't have the courage to be honest with her. I'm delighted he confides in you....he must trust you. Bummer again about the extended jury duty!!! Arrgghh! Have fun with the new vacuum cleaner. I need a new vac so will follow your suggestion. Did you ask Mr. Dill if prime rib is ok for Xmas dinner?

              Dream-I saw on the Army Thread that the kitty in your avatar is your own. What's its name? Lovely, just lovely. I'm not a cat lover but your cat is simply gorgeous with all those colors. Sleep well. Unhung, uninterrupted sleep is the best, isn't it?
              See you tomorrow.

              Lav-thanks for tracking down Jolie. I have missed her posts.

              Back to decorating. I'll be back later.


                Delightful December AF-Week 2

                Rusty, not to worry about not finding a quote. Sometimes there just doesn't seem one comes along that is a good fit. I actually looked this afternoon before I posted but I just didn't find anything that rung my bell, so to speak. As far as prime rib.....when I suggested it he was like, "why wait until Christmas?!!!":H:H Oh, he's definitely on board.:H And, your situation with your mom does sound so much like what I have been thru with my son. He was hiding his drinking but not well at all. Mr. D and I both tried to get him to see, but he was in denial. I'm so glad he is facing his demons....This treatment program has been incredibly helpful to him.

                DTD, thank you for your positive comments and encouragement. I'm with Rusty, that cat is beautiful!

                Time to get settled in for the evening.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Delightful December AF-Week 2

                  I am settled in - pretty much

                  Dill, I'm happy to hear your son has made great progress, that's wonderful!
                  Crawling over that wall of denial is rough, but it can be done.
                  Isn't it funny how a something like a new vacuum can make a person so happy? :H :H I'm the same way with stuff like that

                  I can't believe we are supposed to get another 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow morning. Seriously, this winter is going to be a looong one

                  I am feeling sad about a young friend of mine, a girl I worked with for many years. I found out last night that she's been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Fortunately she is being sent to a good hospital in Philly where they do the best neurosurgery. Right now I am receiving info via email from another girl that we worked with. This just isn't a great time of the year for this news. But I am hopeful she gets the treatment she needs in time.

                  OK, hope to sleep soon, good night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Delightful December AF-Week 2

                    Good morning...

                    Lav, sorry to hear about your friend. Thanks for the encouragement about my job, I am struggling with wanting to take the other position, but it is not practical. There is just some stupid drama there currently and I find it a waste of time. I feel stressed about all to do for Christmas too, but know I will get it done.

                    DTD, love the picture of your kitty, beautiful. I AM a cat lover and know your baby is lucky to have you.

                    Rusty, isn't it great to be honest with your Mom and yourself? Drinking just makes us lie to everyone, keep secrets, cover up. Hard way to live and we don't have to. Hope your decorating get completed. I love coming home and turning on the Christmas tree lights, it is so dark and cold right now.

                    Dill, it is amazing to hear that your son is clean and being open with happy. Addiction is such a serious disease, place to be, it needs time and treatment. My son is in the middle of finals and is stressed out, being crabby, but not home much. All he has done for the past four months is work and study, not even hanging out with friends due to lack of time. I can't complain, he is doing the right things. As is your son.

                    Really cold right now, a little snow, lots expected tomorrow. Keeping warm is priority. Have a great day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Delightful December AF-Week 2


                      Sitting here at work with tears in my eyes - how is it that there are people like you in this world whom I have ever actually met in person, but have touched my your heart the way you have.

                      Rusty, Dill, Star - I am so happy to be back here - have day 1 under my belt. Can't begin to say how much I loved waking up this morning - no guilt, clear head, no anxiety about what I'm doing to myself, feeling proud of myself for just completing day 1

                      Believe me, I know it's early and I have a ways to go but I'm determined and will be checking in daily. I have missed you all so much!!

                      DTD - I know what you mean about sleep - had a cup of sleepy time tea and also took some melatonin before bed. Slept pretty soundly considering. Hope your sleep improves!

                      I decided I have an awful lot to be grateful for so I need to get my life in order! I'm going to be a grandmother in February - my son and his wife are having a little boy!! So excited I can hardly stand it. Also my daughter is getting married in April - busy spring for me so I need to get it together and be there 100% for my family.

                      Well for those that are dealing with the latest snow storm, stay safe and hope everyone else has a great day!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Delightful December AF-Week 2

                        Good morning snowy friends

                        Aw Jolie, so glad to have you back & congrats on your up-coming granny-hood :H
                        The arrival of my first grandson is what finally motivated me to get my act together. I have a special bond with him He just turned 5! And you have another wedding coming up - geez! Good for you & your daughter! You have plenty of motivation now & lots of good friends here to help you meet your goals!

                        Star, glad to hear your son is working hard. Everything will fall into place for him

                        Well the schools are closed around here. I imagine the kids are happy!
                        I am caught up on work at the moment so I'm just going to putz around in the kitchen & bake some Christmas treats. I really hope the power stays on

                        Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a wonderful AF Tuesday for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Delightful December AF-Week 2

                          One of those super silly busy days here so this will be brief.

                          Enough with the snow already!!!! Another school closing today. AAaaargh! Yes, Lav the kids are least somebody is!:H

                          Star, I hope your son does well on his finals. Sounds like he is doing well at the moment which is good for him and you and Mr. Star. The thing that was interesting with my son is that he acknowledged a problem with narcotic addiction well over a year ago. He has been seeking various levels of treatment since then, off and on. But what he absolutely did not acknowledge was that drinking was also a problem. He was in deep denial about it. When I pressed him he brushed me off with "one quit at a time". When he decided to go to inpatient I think it was because he finally realized that he needed to stop the al and that it would be harder than stopping the narcotics. The outcome here is uncertain, of course so prayers are welcome.

                          Jolie, congrats on becoming a grandmother! It's a good motivator, to be sure. So glad to have you back and checking in on a regular basis.:l As LBH used to say, "Alone is harder."

                          Hey, this one got longer than I had planned. Gotta go! Happy AF Tuesday.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Delightful December AF-Week 2

                            Good morning...

                            Jolie, welcome back, it is so great to know you are willing to give this your best. How great to have grandmotherhood and another wedding to plan for and look forward to. Being AF will ensure you are at your best and at 100%. Lav is so supportive, she is the best!

                            Lav, we are getting snow today, so I get to drive in it. I have a feeling it is going to be a long, cold and snowy winter. I wish I got snow days.

                            Dill, so happy to hear your son is on the right track...with support from his wonderful parents. I understand early days and will keep sending you and yours hope and strength.

                            It is amazing for us who have continued this thread for how long now? To support each other and anyone who wants to join us, welcome. I always feel it is a good thing when someone comes back and finds us...what do you think?

                            Have a great Hump Day.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Delightful December AF-Week 2

                              I think it's awesome!!


                              Have a great day Star!
                              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

