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Delightful December AF-Week 2

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    Delightful December AF-Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Wow - a lot can certainly happen around here in a day! Papmom - so sorry to hear about your health issues - that just sounds crazy that there were no warning signs and you had just been checked out. Would the EKG have caught it do you think? Don't stress about the things you can't do right now - just take it easy and concentrate on getting better! Sounds like you have a good support group in your family and your Dad will be just fine!

    Lav - sheesh I must have missed your post about falling - hope you are doing okay. That black ice is a killer. I've been walking my dog every day for the past 2 months (we lost our other dog back in September - had to put him down due to cancer. He was 12 and our other dog was initially just lost without him). A lot of the time it is dark when I walk him and I'm constantly looking for slippery spots - I've fallen several times with my dogs and one time bruised my ribs very badly! Hope your knee heals nicely. Ready for the snow???? You will probably get a little more than me and I have to be out until noon but you can bet my butt will be home right after that!

    Rusty hope your flight home was okay and on time. Sounds like a nice weekend planned for you!

    Star - "pile of fish"? Had to laugh out loud at that one - I've never heard of it. Hope your son meets someone wonderful.

    Dill - my sister was on the grand jury and I remember she loved every minute of it!

    Tried to knock out the majority of my Christmas shopping yesterday - got to the mall around 11:00 a.m. - what the heck? The annual "fighting for the parking spot" has already begun! Really? I hate the mall during those conditions - if I could do all my shopping online I could. Wrapped all my presents for my new grandbaby last night - that was fun.

    Okay - off to get ready for my day - hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe wherever you are!!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Delightful December AF-Week 2

      Good morning to all...

      We are predicted to get a half foot of snow, but we'll just drive slow and do what we normally do. At least I will. We get so much snow that if is nothing to get excited about. What an active winter, all around the country. So happy I have my various boots.

      Pap, my really good friend just had stents put in and her life has changed too. She goes to rehab daily, has to think about her eating, and supposedly quit smoking her cigs. I feel for you, it is a shock with a health crisis and takes time to adapt and get used to the new rules for living. I was remembering when my husband found out he had a chronic illness, it took us weeks to get through the grief part: shock, denial, sadness, anger, confusion, bargaining, acceptance. Not in that order, either. My friend is really enjoying going to rehab, hope you do to. Will your Dad now live closer to you and will you get to see him more? Hope so, since in the next month or so you will not be working. So good to have you back on our thread, missed you.

      Rusty, sounds like a long week, it is snowing in Chicago, so hopefully they are keeping the runways cleared. Sounds like great plans with your Mom.

      Lav, busy busy as usual. I know your area get snow but not this much, right? Did you slowly over time change your cooking/eating or was it more quickly. I am in a food rut right now.

      Jolie, I went to a big mall yesterday, it was crowded!!! Knocked that out, and now just shopping around my town, not as big of a deal. Need to wrap presents today, go to UPS, Sam's Club, Sears, and more. Whew, Christmas is a busy time. Nice to do it AF.

      Dill, Cyn, DTD, have a great Saturday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Delightful December AF-Week 2

        Good morning/afternoon friends!

        Papmom, I am so sorry to hear about your heart attack!!! OMG! Where were you when it happened? Were you at work or at home? Were you alone? How scary!!!! I'm really glad you are on the mend and are back here with us!:l We'll take good care of you, I promise.

        Jolie, I was shopping yesterday and it was absolutely crazy. I don't like to shop even in normal times, so Christmas is a trial for me! But I did get a lot done. I wonder if you ever feel "done". I can't help but feel there is somebody I am forgetting....

        Star, I didn't know Mr. Star was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Is he doing alright? Is it managable with diet and meds?

        Lav, snowstorm #3? And it isn't even officially winter yet!:upset: Are you recovered from your recent fall? I hope so.:l

        Rusty, why do you and your mom go to a deaf/blind event? I hope you got home from Atlanta and are enjoying time with your family this weekend.

        DTD, how is the summer progressing? Is you garden doing well? And your herbs?

        Cyn, are you finally done with your job? And how are you doing physically? Have you recuperated from your fall?

        Happy Sober Saturday everyone!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Delightful December AF-Week 2

          Good morning friends,

          Glad you're all out in the virtual world & not in the same room with me. I've been awake since 4 am with gut grumblings & aches & pains head to toe
          I suppose my grandsons were still carrying the virus that got them last weekend, yuck.
          I was just going to hang around & do some stuff here today anyway but geez

          Star, food ruts are common for me as well.
          When I realize I am no longer able to digest a certain food, I eliminate it & go on a search for an appropriate replacement. I have to admit the dairy-free is a must! Gluten-free is a choice but I do feel much better when I go for a few days without. Red meat had to go years ago, it goes down & sits like a rock - not good. I'm fine with a little chicken & turkey but when I get bored with them I pull out the vegan books

          Papmom, remember this link I posted a while back? It might be helpful to you now:
          20 Cheap Heart-Healthy Dinner Ideas Under $3

          It hasn't started snowing here yet but it sure feels like it's on the way. Stay inside woman & let the others deal with it, OK?

          Greetings to Dill, Rusty, DTD, cyn, Jolie & anyone else popping by today!
          Stay safe & warm, let it snow!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Delightful December AF-Week 2

            Evening all,

            Dill, i was home. the pains started at 9pm, I took an ambien and went to sleep for a few hours but the pain woke me up thank god. Nope, no warnings that I knew about but hindsight says there were. I'm not sure if an ekg would have picked anything up on the 19th. Probably not since this was so acute.

            Rusty-did you make it home OK?

            What happened to Cyn?

            Star-take it easy with the snow even tho you're so used to it!!

            Jolie-I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. It's never easy even if they are really sick.

            Thanks for the link Lav. Now I really need it!!

            I had a scare this morning. I was finishing breakfast around 10:30 (slept pretty late LOL!) and got a phone call from my medical group. Apparently my potassium level was too high and they wanted to redo the labs and while they were at it, do an EKG and get checked out. So, a phone call to Dad and I was on my way. Luckily the labs today checked out just fine as did the EKG. It was a lab error that had my level too high. Whew! Dodged that bullet!

            It started snowing around 1:30 this afternoon and so far isn't accumulating much but I expect that to change overnite. There is no way I'm going to try to shovel-never was my favorite activity anyway and I still remember how out of breath I became last year. My nephew will come over at some point and take care of it for me.

            Hope you feel better Lav! Nasty virus. Go away!

            Be safe everyone! :h :l
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Delightful December AF-Week 2

              I'm getting better, no worries
              Why oh why did YB come over here this afternoon just to sit here & be sick
              He was exposed to the grandsons Thursday too so he got the virus. The kids were fine, can't believe they were still carrying the viral load - oh well.

              The snow stopped - about 2 inches I guess so no complaints here.
              Glad your lab recheck was good papmom!

              Be careful & be safe everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

