Just an informal one in my living room. We just work on strategies to keep clean and sober. And try to have a little fun too.
No announcement yet.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Evening, Lovelies:
LB - What an amazing mom/wife you are. That is so cool that you used MWO tools with your family and that you had fun as well.
Jennie - Sorry about what you went through. That is a lot of stress to put on a child.
Marylou - welcome to this thread. Serious and fun - that's what I like about it.
Actually, NS, your journey was what convinced me that a)I wanted to quit (that took a while), b) it was possible, and c) "rock bottom" doesn't have to mean a gutter - it can be that you've just had enough.
Humble - close to 100 - WOW!
OK, I would love to reply to you all, especially because I know Ava needs something to read when she wakes up, but I can't keep my eyes open. Phew, what a week.
Hope all of the rest of you are great and thinking about making it through any cravings or urges this weekend.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
good morning from a soggy england
day 2. the sleep monster wasnt too bad last night. i went to bed at midnight and listened to the radio. last thing i knew was 12.45. then 3.30. then 7.30. think i got off lightly.
hello to all loamers, cant name you all as i have shocking memory! no doubt AL induced.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Loamers
Well i am just emotionally exhausted so i am sorry i wont be rattling on and on and if i did it would take me at least a page to reply. Just know i am still reading and thinking of you all.
LB i admire you more and more with each and every post you put on. Your strength will rub off on your family in time i am sure and great work with hubs not drinking.
Rox you have made me a happy woman thank you. Sleep when you are tired and eventually your sleep pattern will settle. Mine took weeks so be prepared but others sleep like babies. So tomorrow you are on day 3 and i am on 70. Im very proud of you and the weekend means nothing to alcoholics remember that, it is just another 2 days in a week.
I went to visit Maddison today, she has pancreatitis and so has been in a lot of pain and is having painkillers and intravenous antibiotics and fluids. She has stopped vomiting and they will slowly introduce foods so as not to aggravate the pancreas. So she is still in hospital but was so much happier today although she did not talk to me at first as i think she was pissed off i left her. Bloody hell does she not realise how much better she is now.
I had a thought today that god a wine would be nice to de-stress to, just to sit down and have a wine and to relax. it wasnt a craving or an urge it was just a thought. I let it go as i know it will not relax me or de-stress me, it will just make me want more and more and more. Even at 70 days guys but there is no way i am going back to day 1. Fark that!
My boys are annoyed with me as they said they didnt realise that i wanted support and i said if i ask i want it. I have banned them from having friends over and they are not impressed at all. I have been told to "get over it" and yes i will when they have proven to me that they will be there when i ask as i am for them. It is not rocket science, but they are men. Thank god i had 2 girls. If i had 4 boys, i tell you i would have drowned two and tried for two girls ha ha. I am a cruisy mum so they are a bit put out and think they can get around me. When i was pissed everyday then yes they definitely would have but now i am sober, its not happening. Shock, gasp, horror for them.
Mary hello and welcome and post away, we love reading and reading. NS calls me her newspaper and i am much more interesting than the crap they try and sell us.
My lovely lovely ladies, thank you all so much for caring about Maddison. I am so going to try and put a link on this weekend. Humble what do you use again? Is it Blip?
100 tomorrow Humble, wow, over to the 100 day club. Two threads now so that will keep you busy as you cant leave here.
xxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
hi ava
succint post as usual :H
glad to hear maddie is leveling. pancreatitis is apparently more painful than childbirth. or is that kidney stones? anyway, its painful.
im going to fine today, i didnt wake up with 'that' feeling, so no need to talk me down today (phew she says).
your boys (men) are having to adjust. yes, i can well imagine they could play you when you were drunk all the time and they prefer you sober, but it comes at a 'price' for them. they didnt expect that!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
If it is anything like that feeling i had today then it is hard to say no. The feeling i had was starting to grow and start at the pit of my stomach so i stamped it on the head and it went away. There is no reason to drink but there are plenty of reasons not to drink. But i must be on my toes as i have been pretty stressed and it would be easy to give into my boys to shut them up and get rid of a bit of the stress but if i have to suffer then they do too.
I am glad you are being strong Rox, really glad. How long is the longest you have not drank for?
God they used to ask for money and i always said yes then i would look in my purse the next day and think wtf i had money, who stole it. then they would remind me and i still would not remember. Those were the daysAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
erm, let me think. 2002 i did 1 month, then moderated, though we know where that leads.
4 years in the 80's. though that was a lifestyle change and it wasnt hard, it just happened. when i started drinking again, i was a 'normal' drinker. was often the designated driver, because i had the car :H
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
im impressed you remember 2002. I seemed to let loose more so when the kids were teenagers, had the opinion of "well ive done my job" lets celebrate by drinking even more and more.
Well the 80's werent that long ago!AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
available;1623884 wrote:
I had a thought today that god a wine would be nice to de-stress to, just to sit down and have a wine and to relax. it wasnt a craving or an urge it was just a thought. I let it go
Ava, so glad Maddison with the many other names (Rosemary Elizabeth? something else?) are better - pissed off is a good sign in my book!
You know, I get those It would be nice to have a glass thoughts every once in a while, and like you, not a craving or anything. It's like thinking It would be nice to be in Provence (or wherever) - nice thought, but it won't happen. Shake head, move on.
Boys are boys Ava - they don't really get emotions. And they're young, so they don't actually think. Again, shake head, move on.
You'll need Photobucket to post pics - Dave did a couple of posts, search for PB and you should get something.
roxane;1623889 wrote: succint post as usual []
im going to fine today, i didnt wake up with 'that' feeling, so no need to talk me down today (phew she says).14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
im guessing it was 2002, i just picked a year lol.
i dont have children so i can only go on how imagine things are.
im not painting yet, saving it for the weekend lucky me.
ive got some series lined up on iplayer for later, been meaning to watch it all week but i didnt have the concentration for it.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good morning ladies.
Finally Friday. Short day for me and then I am getting some rest. I am tired! That is what weekends have come to mean to me. Extra rest.
Ava I hope Maddie gets to come home.
I will see you later.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
available;1623891 wrote: If it is anything like that feeling i had today then it is hard to say no. The feeling i had was starting to grow and start at the pit of my stomach so i stamped it on the head and it went away. There is no reason to drink but there are plenty of reasons not to drink.
Pav, that makes me feel good that my experience helped you make this most liberating choice :l. I guess we never know how we're affecting people - just have to hope it usually is for the better.
Have a good day Loamers. I'm off to the gym (it is fun to love exercise again).
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good MAE Loamers,
Thank you for the warm welcome! Just finished working out (step while catching up on the news) and catching up on the posts.
Ava - you are such an inspiration, I relate to so much of what you post. I had a wonderful dog, Sammy, that had pancreatitis when she was a bit younger than Maddison. It sounds like the treatment both received is very similar. Sammy responded very well and went on to live happily for years. We changed her food to a low-fat variety and she never had another bout. I hope Maddison is home soon - and - congrats on your upcoming milestone.Mary Lou
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Sorry to hear about the circumstances when you were young. That's really hard on a teen, as I know my son has seen me sloshed more than once. The good thing is that you're here and you're staying strong. It is good to be able to release those things we have inside us.
Ava, happy 70th to you my darling! I'm so proud of you as we all are. You're such an inspiration to everyone here on MWO. Love you!
Daisy, busy is a good thing! Keeps us out of trouble.
Marylou, so glad you're with us. And good on working out. It feels so good to have those endorphins alive and kickin.
LB, that's an awesome thing you're doing by having family meetings and mixing it with some fun. You are a strong lady, and so supportive.
Pav, yes, NS is such a great role model here on MWO, WE LOVE YOU NS!
Busy night tonight, so I'll check in later before the game. Have a great day!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.