Though I have nothing to say.....
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav, good for you on turning down the vodka; the danger is when we are given alcohol at a weak moment, which has happened to me in past quits.
Ava, now Marylou is getting the knitting out! Time you went shopping for your wool!
I did think of posting mid-craving - was very quiet here over the weekend, although I did read here and that helped a lot.
I actually think over-exercising could have been part of it. I was going to the gym then doing 50 lengths some days, along with little sleep. So I am adjusting things, swim and gym on alternate days.
Glad to see more action here today - missed you all at the weekend.IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi All,
Yes, it's true, I have been hanging in there and appreciate NS checking up on me! It's not my intention to bail-like SL, it's hard to keep up. But I'm here! You all are doing well and racking up the days-awesome!
One thing that I am noticing is how much stuff keeps coming up emotionally. In a way, life feels rosier not drinking; in another, one has to deal with all the stuff one has shoved aside. "One" meaning "me." Sometimes I don't know where to turn with it all! I know many if not all of you understand this. I have kind of parted company temporarily with my therapist-SO much $-and although I love my sponsor, and I do-I just feel a little lost.
More to come. Keep it up everyone!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
acadiaofmaine;1628568 wrote: I have kind of parted company temporarily with my therapist-SO much $-and although I love my sponsor, and I do-I just feel a little lost.. I know I can't leave it there forever but it is hard to bring myself to get it down and work with it when right now I'm very happy and have many things I want and need to do. At least I'm no longer pretending it doesn't exist. It does, and when the time is right, I know I'll work on what got me into this mess in the first place. For right now, I'm going to just enjoy not being there anymore
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
No Sugar I think sometimes just enjoying our new af life is more important then wading through theroblems of thd past. A clean start so to speak. I have found that leaving some things in the past is just where they bellng. Left.
I am a little under the weather. Just worn out. I really need a break. But that is not to be right noe, so I am going to just hang in there.
Narilly I too do better in my day to day routine. So I am glad you feel better.
Ava we are getting ready for the weather to turn here shortly. My spring flowers are poking their heads out. I planted a lot last fall and I can't wait to see them bloom.
I'm glad to see you Pav.
And you Roxy.
Marylou talking things out with your hubby. Good. My hubby and I are talking a lot more these days.
He is 180 days af today. I am so proud of him for that. I was proud of him this weekend when we went out. We didn't get invited places for so long because of BOTH of our drunk behavior. But these days you can tell that people enjoy our fun, sober company. Actually I am proud of us both.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
LB, that's wonderful that both of you are sober together. Same with my husband. He and I both stopped on the same day, if you can believe it. During our marriage, he was never as much of a drunk as I was, but he had his moments. Now we too enjoy ourselves and others enjoy us, sober.
Ava, congrats on 80 days! You sound strong, as usual.
NS, I am also just enjoying being AF right now. It's all I can do at the moment. Like you, when the time comes, I might have to look at some things that got me here in the first place. I'll be able to do it because I will have forgiven myself by then.
Marylou, Rox, Pav, Daisy, Dottie, Dream, Acadia, Nar and all, have a great AF MAE wherever you are!Every AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi all,
Went to a dinner at the hospital for the folks who volunteer to run the train display at Christmas. It was pretty good for hospital food and there was a nice speaker and slide show after dinner.
New doggie is so shy and scared but I parked him next to me when we got home and he has been there since...I am just trying to get him to like attention...he had a rough life before us so he deserves some loving .....
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
That's nice Dottie, I can't believe what people do to dogs.
My dog is a rescue. She has issues: hates water, scared of vacuum, broom, other dogs. She is so affectionate and I love her.
Hubby's colonoscopy was clear so I am thankful for that.
SL, nice to hear from you.
I am glad to be home with my routine again.
I just read all your posts and they are so pertinent to all of us. It is interesting all these emotions coming up. Ya, I don't just dull my feelings anymore, I feel them,I am ALIVE
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE Lovely Ladies,
Just a quick check in before bed - all is good.
Dottie - Maddie is very lucky to have such a loving home. We bought our little Benji a new toy today. Benji is a rescue we adopted May 1st last year. The toy was called "Invincible." Benji weighs 19 lb and had the ears torn off in five minutes! I took it back seeing there was nothing invincible about it, and exchanged for an indestructible Booda bone.
I haven't had any al cravings but I've been grazing tonight - nuts, licorice, rice pudding! Yikes -the sugar monster. I don't care though - I won't have a hangover for which I'm grateful.
On this occasion of my 100th post, I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful day/night.Mary Lou
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Marylou,
I have also been eating sweets like no tomorrow. NS is watching us...:0 But tonight I limited myself to one cookie and 4 big jelly beans...I feel like a kid who can't keep her hand out of the cookie jar. I am with you--I'd much rather have a sugar buzz than an alcohol blackout. Happy 100th post!Every AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good night, Loamers!
I am fully on the sugar, too. Ice cream has become the reward I give myself for staying sober. I think I should find a new reward, or at least not give it to myself every night! I figure I'll straighten that out soon as I really feel so much better if I can avoid it.
Nar - Alive and kicking! Routine is important to me, too. J-vo and I were talking about this in relation to being teachers - the unstructured summer could pose a problem. I'll have to book myself up and make sure I have plenty of (scheduled) things to do that don't involve AL.
Dottie and Nar - I got a rescue dog who was so needy that my mom had to re-adopt him from me since she is retired and she can hang out with him all day. Plus, she lets him sleep on her bed, a line I couldn't cross because I am such a light sleeper. Glad those needy dogs found such amazing homes!
Off tomorrow for another short excursion. May have a bit of time to check in (certainly will in the morning). It is quiet around the whole site these days - NS, is this normal? The ebb and flow?
I keep saying goodnight, but I guess it could be good morning or afternoon. Hope all is well.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hello sleeping loamers
Well it is pouring down rain here so no walking the dog. damn ridiculous though as the ground is so hard it is likely to flood now. It is gorgeous listening to the rain i must say.
Mary thanks for the congrats, i like the days building up but i am getting confused on what day i am and i dont want to be more than i should be. Sometimes they go quicker than other days but doesnt worry me now as everyday is a bonus and i have never ever ever in my life done 80 days cept the pregnancies of course. Life seems to travel the same but i find i get bored at night as that was sooo my drinking time, this is why i have to go and buy some wool. Pot holders are no good for me i dont cook anything. I would like to try and remember how to crotchet and i am sure i will be a granny in a year or two so thinking i may start knitting for the bub as they are little things that i may even bloody finish. Not long until it is a month for you woo hoo! 30 was huge just like 100 will be!
Nar they had a crackdown on the trucks delivering the fuel and most of them were taken off the road due to brakes etc as a bad accident with 5 people killed or something last year. Trucks are dangerous at the best of times but put fuel in them and hello! Bang! Did your hubs say anything when you started drinking? Is he supportive of you? I know if i picked up a drink my children would knock it right out of my hands as well as knock my head off. Just a thought i have. Glad everything was fine with dh. Cancer is a shocking disease as we all know. Knitted dishclothes? That sounds weird Nar, very weird.
Daisy hello hello, dont go overboard lovely, we dont need to put too much pressure on ourselves at an early stage. I've gained kilo's, eaten a sugar factory plus the one down the road but i am not drinking and i dont care. I care about my quit and the rest will come when i feel the need though i do need to move my lazy arse in saying that!
Hey Aca glad you could check in. Some of the girls on here never stop posting but i do love what they have to say! The emotional stuff we have to deal with daily is hard, i have had a couple of anxiety ridden moments lately and i just knew al would not make anything better. I think i am lucky as i have been dealing with my emotional crap for a few years after i nearly had a breakdown, i am so not there yet but i feel i am handling not drinking a lot better this time around and the crap that i have to deal with i dont want to atm and so i wont. Its not going to make my life any better but I think it will make me more happier and settled in myself. I cant change what people think or events that have happened but they dont have to make me bitter and angry anymore and they dont. Hope that makes sense!
NS my closet needs cleaning one day but there are only a few things that need to be sorted through and i know what they are but atm i am liking me and i'm not going to upset myself or jeopardise my quit by delving into events that have always been there and will be there when the time is ready. Life is good for me atm and i plan on keeping it that way.
LB i cant believe hubs is on 180 days, you should be so proud of yourself and him. I am thinking if not for your hard work and dedication that he may not be doing as well as he is. Either way it doesnt matter but never forget the time and effort and love and support you have shown your family and us also. You hang in there but you also look after yourself please. We all know the triggers with al and i see on posts that it doesnt matter how many days, years that we can still slide back to al. I dont want to be worrying about you, but i will as you are a dear friend.
Humble was it a competition with you lol, i can get drunker than you!!!! I just didnt want to share my al so i drank more, i still dont like sharing! Forgiveness, thats a hard thing isnt it. I look back on when i was drinking and so wish i could have done things differently but alas that is not to be. I did the best i could like us all but it still doesnt make up for things. My children have forgiven me but they also said that they have nothing much to forgive me for so i am blessed really.
Oh Dot i cant wait to see a pic of Maddy, everybody deserves to be loved. In a week or so he will be driving you nuts.
100 posts Mary, go girl. Some have amazing numbers here oops! i always wondered how you became a "senior member", oh thats from posting like a lunatic!
Rox you always have something to say so dont be shy girl.
Work was busy today so i actually worked, novel experience really. A sales rep i know said to me how much younger and well i looked. she asked if i had given up smoking and i just smiled and said no. That spun me out and bolstered the ego. So ladies i must be finally starting to look normal.
All my talking about not drinking has rubbed off on my best friend who is engaged to my ex husband. she has not had a drink for 2 weeks now or a smoke (anything i can do she can do better, true though but im not worried, shes always had issues with me) and i am very proud of her. she has stopped enabling my ex with his drinking and he has slowed down a lot but wont give up. she was saying today that she is getting headaches and had withdrawals for 3 days and didnt think she drank that much to go through it. She could not understand why she did not feel a million dollars. I wonder why i dont some days too! So i had a feel good moment today and she is so proud of me for not drinking so a plus plus all around.
Glad the loamers are now back. Hugs to you all. Pav 80 days woo hoo girl and Pop too. Amazing how we just "keep on keeping on" and through shear grit and determination we are still "walking the walk". Hi to anyone i have missed or is MIA.
God this post is going to be so long, i knew that about 6 paragraphs ago sigh! Oops, shit and sorry xxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
how can anyone follow that ava!
hello loamers.
congrats on 80 days!!
as well as knitting, have you thought about patchwork? use up old clothes, go to op shop for cheap materials. make cushion covers, bedspreads.....
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE Loamers!
Busy day today. Funeral then big playoff game this evening.
I was thinking of a few things that have come up here. Yea, I know, "really j-vo? Thinking again!?" Yep. So the first is dealing with emotions and past baggage. I think I try to tackle too much at once. Another shocker, I know. But I think what I need to do is just take these emotions as they come, recognize them for what they are - just sadness, just anger, just this or that. If I'm angry, I can do some deep breathing. If I'm sad, I may need to cry and that's ok. But the main thing is identifying what it is, and knowing that these are normal feelings and don't need to be numbed. I need to leave the past in the past for now. I agree with you, LB and NS. This first year should be about the present, and dealing with daily "stuff."
My next thing is when people say "You need to do the work to stay sober." Then I hear "Keep it simple and just don't drink." Well, what is it? Work or keeping it simple. What does each entail. Am I looking too deeply into this? I think the things that are helping me is coming here daily, saying my daily mantras, praying, dealing with each current emotion as it comes, posting, supporting. Is there more? If so, what?
Pav, are you at 80? Congratulations!!! Enjoy your next sober excursion.
Dot, hugs to Maddie! Glad your dinner went well.
Ava, glad you're feeling better and that you're getting the much needed rain.
Marylou, great communication with hubby. DH and I need to do more of that. Don't worry about the grazing for now.
Nar, good advice as far as the kid...although I will kick his ass if he's drinking now. Only 16! Glad to hear your husband's colonoscopy went well. I had one a few months back and the stuff you need to drink is just horrid.
Daisy, overexercising can cause your body to become too tired and not energized. Take it easy, lady loamer! Don't overdue. We alkies tend to overdue a lot.
Acadia, good to see you! Glad you're well.
LB, Congrats to both you and hub for doing so well. And especially for 180 for him! Wonderful!
Humble, Rox, NS, and all you ladies, have a great day.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
J-vo to me "work" means coming here, reading, posting, and being honest. Dealing with things as they come up.
I spent some time really stressing that I wasn't working at this hard enough. Nearly had a break down. I really was acting crazy.
But this is MY way out. We have to do what is right for us as an individual.
Part of my work does mean I try and help others as they seem to need encouragement. That has been huge for me. Reaching back to someone just starting out. Seeing someone who you might have a bond with and pming them. It really has made my quit easier. I have others to think of.
Ava, this is my way of life now. Af. Good days, bad days, and everything in between. No al allowed. As hubby says when I whine about something trivisl. Just deal. And that's my motto. I will deal and not drink. Tomorrow I will be glad.
Someone on here said today and tomorrow are joined at the hip. I want a good life, not regrets.
Sorry if I got preachy.
Dottie I am glad you have Maddie. What does he look like? We are waiting for details.
Have a good MAE all.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.