Holy smokes, that was like a Pav or Ava post!!
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
YOU are awesome! Thank You for all your help. Sugar, Sugar.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Finally home after a lot of driving for 1.5 days with some fun in between the trips - luckily we beat the snow home. Hope to XC ski tomorrow.
So how was the parade LB and what did you do with your free day LC? Sometimes I end up frittering those days away because of no time pressure (but frittering can be fun)
Are you still sick, Ava? Hope you feel better soon. I used to never catch anything - maybe pickling microbes was one of the few good things AL ever did for us.
So, J-vo, I hope tonight was calmer and more fun than last night. I'm proud of you for making it through.
Pav, did you go for your hike in the wonderful rain? Sounds like a good way to celebrate 90 to me. If you want to know how to find threads by a particular person, just let me know.
DB, I congratulated you for 6 months AF on the 100 day thread but once is never enough so WAY TO GO!!! :goodjob:
Moss, what a big step to see your ex-husband and not be upset. It sounds like you may be ready to forgive him - one of the best gifts you could ever give yourself (right up there with sobriety!).
Nar, this has taken me awhile so you're probably off on your excellent AF adventure. We'll be looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow!
Has anyone heard from Daisy?? I'm concerned about her.
Night, all. :h NS
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Whew, what a busy day!
Narilly hope that you are safe tonight.
I know that my dogs notice me being sober. My Pip was so depressed when I drank. She was always lethargic and wouldn't participate in activities. She is totally different now.
Final count. People throw those big beads like they are trying to knock you off that ladder. Ouch!!!! I have one fat lip, 2-3 knots on my head, various bruises on arms and legs, and a HUGE feeling of accomplishment. Just last year my life was on the downhill slide. This year, I was happy, present and loving every minute of my day. A little under a year of hard work and my life is turned around.
Many of the people we see at the parade, we only see once a year so a night and day comparison.
Beating that old al up and denying him access to your life is SO worth it.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
LB, that sounds painful! Great that you had a good time!
SL, glad your back.
Tonight I stayed sober. AL free for me! It was not too difficult as I took it off the table. The option to drink was not there. I wanted to but then I didn't want to at the same time.
I am Grateful for driving home sober. Now I am going to bed at 1am, sober. YES!!
J-Vo, I think I missed something about pot? Hope you are doing great tonight sweetie.
Goodnight from Sober happy MeNarilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Love the dancing bear NS!
Good for you Nar!!!! I'm glad you had a good time, too. DH and I went out to dinner last night with my sister and DH. It was a really nice restaurant and I had such a nice time AL free. What a wonderful thing, to enjoy conversation and great food and not to focus on what's in my glass.
LB, gee, you worked for those beads! Glad you had a great time.
Nar, I think Pav was referring to the rustafairan (sp?) banana that is smoking a joint (icon) that I posted. I didn't know he was smoking a joint!
NS, glad you're home safely.
Ava, what a nice post in your story above. So proud of you.
Dot, glad Maddie is doing well!
We're getting lotsa snow today. That's fine with me. I like to be trapped in my house on a Sunday. I'll check back later.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Lol! Feeling great today.
Thank you ladies!
Love the dancing bear Sugar!
J-Vo, oh, I get it. Pot smoking Rasta.
Glad you had a nice dinner with your hubby and didn't drink. It's amazing that we can have fun without drinking. It's so nice to be able to speak clearly and articulately. I bet he enjoyed that too.
Last night my friend drank a whole bottle of wine by herself. Of course, I was watching. I would have done the same thing if I was drinking AL. I would have been hungover today, which I'm not. It feels great to be me today!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Oh, Nar, just imagine how she's feeling. I'm going to imagine it too, and be grateful I'm not feeling like that yesterday or today or anyday. We have to keep remembering those depressiing hungover days because we don't want to repeat that beahvior. We can feel bad for others, but feel good for ourselves.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Loamers hello
Well Monday here and i do wonder where the enthusiasm goes overnight when work is involved on Monday.
Moss i went on Ravlry and am now knitting another scarf with a bit of a pattern for my daughter now so thanks so much for that. the first scarf was one ball short and of course i could not find another ball as it was in the "reduced to clear bin" , damn and bugger. So glad it went well with the ex, you are right, maybe it is what you needed to see to start healing. why cant you take the dog? I feel sorry for my ex, he is still doing exactly what he was before i left him and doesnt work, smokes pot and drinks at 50 and his fiance goes to work. MMM maybe he does have it right!
Nar i was holding my breath this morning about whether you had drank or not and so proud of you girl for not drinking and dont you feel better, i know i do, that you didnt drink that is. I am sure my dogs know i am sober, they get so much more attention and are always excited to see me, more so i think now. I'm not up to cardy's yet just scarf's but having so much fun. i can knit and watch a movie woo hoo. No trying to juggle a wine glass as well. Loved your long post too, keep it up, i can never get enough of what you girls are up to. Only A WHOLE BOTTLE, loved the way you said that Nar like you were shocked. God a whole bottle was nothing to me previously, give me the other one please and thank you. Its good how our mindset changes.
NS i never got anything either so i think wine did have a positive in keeping me well but i seemed to have sick days for all the wrong reasons when i was drinking. i am not looking forward to what i have to face at work today but such is life. Where did you go tripping to? No bruises on this tripping i am thinking. I so love not having bruises anymore. Its the simple things in life haha.
LB your day sounds fun, i think! Except for the bruises it does sound like you had a ball and sober to boot. I am so glad those drunken days are gone, remembering everything is such a good feeling. Hubs didnt manage the pink dress then?
Jvo another one to be proud of, going out to dinner and not wanting al, especially since you had a hard time the night before. as byrd says the urge doesnt last two days in a row. We must remember that one. My boys smoke pot and i used to, still do if i have an urge but no urges now. When i gave up drinking last time i smoked pot but not this time. strange. God imagine me stoned girls, might make me type less but laugh more.
SL, DAISY, ROX where are you? I hope that Pat comes back to the loamers also.
Humble how did memorial day go? Sad as it was i hope that you had a lovely day remembering your son.
Hello Giraffe and Dream, hope you guys are being strong and safe.
Well hi ho, hi ho its off to shower i go. Love you guys. xxxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom