Now I have another weekend I am worried about and it is not until April. I am going out of town to a beautiful mountain town by Calgary with my best friend who I have known since I was 4 years old. She was the first person I drank with. She is a moderate drinker. Anyway, I told her I did not want to drink on that weekend and she said "of course we are going to drink! We can have a glass of wine with dinner, we have to celebrate that we are turning 50!" I said "ok". But I am obsessing about that weekend now and I don't want to do that. I also don't want to drink so I have to figure out how to deal with it. I will be coming to you gals for help

This I can relate to ....... I constantly got that / get that - from various people. If you don't see her very often & want to avoid a 'big scene' - i'd lie :H
I've found that those who 'just have a glass' do not really care and you having water will not be an issue. It's those who know THEY have a problem who zoom in on my not drinking - and to be honest I take a warped sense of satisfaction saying 'no I don't need a drink' to them.... ( evil )
So some suggestions:
- Bring the car
- Be taking antibiotics
Tell the truth :egad: