Cross post SL. Thank you so much! I appreciate that and I will hold on to it with all I've got. You're sounding wonderful!!!!
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I am feeling pretty good j-vo, and long may it last!
How funny, I was just in the 6month thread and posting there when you were here - it is a good read, and cementing my thoughts as to how to get there one day - I am behind you j-vo, but happy to tag along behind...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
j-vo - not a stupid question. Since I live in an apartment, I don't have a yard anymore, so I checked around and found a community garden near me. It's just an area set aside by the county for gardeners without their own land. Pretty cool! So we each have our own 10' x 10' plot, but it's one big community garden. Should be fun. And hopefully, I'll meet some new friends along the way.
SL - good to see you sticking close.
I too read through the "six month" post tonight. We must all be on the same wave length. LOL. And I just found the gratitude thread. Don't know how I missed that one, but going to try to post there every day.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies - please visit the nest if you get a chance. K9 needs our support. She gives, and gives and gives. And now she needs us. Thanks.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Moss I have raised beds in the back yard...I cant wait to get planting. Tomatoes, peppers and lots of greens....maybe something different this year. The fresh veggies are so good. Made lots of pasta sauce last year with the first tomatoes and still had enough to eat....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, all:
J-Vo! CONGRATULATIONS! I honestly can't remember if I already typed this or not - I feel like I did somewhere but I can't find it. I think you have been sober all but three days since October - you've been a support and you were the first person to reach out to me in a PM and welcome me to the loam thread. Thanks for all you do around here! I know this is your LAST day 30!
I figure I'll garden when the kids have grown up - no time right now, but I AM jealous of you all.
Not enough sleep lately and TOO much work. I'm off to bed. See you all tomorrow!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hello, Friends
Where are some of you???
K9's posts about drinking after being AF for over 2 years really struck me -- this is a chronic condition that requires constant attention. I don't think this needs to be a burden, though, or even negative at all. I enjoy interacting with all of you and would miss you very much if I (or you!) drifted away.
Everybody has "daily maintenance" chores (and there seem to be more and more of them the older we get) - attending to our sobriety just needs to be one of them. For me that means spending some time with people who share my values and goals on this subject.
I jumped the gun on Lent and walked my dog yesterday - it was very sunny and relatively warm (as in more than 25 F) so I thought I'd better take advantage of that and begin my Lenten commitment. Since today is colder and gray, it's a good thing I've already begun!!
Hope you all are doing well - please let the rest of us know :l.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I also read about K9's slip. You're right, NS, this is a chronic disease/condition that needs to be attended to each and every single day we live on this earth. And also right about it not needing to be a burden, but something we're we need to do for ourselves, like exercising and eating right to keep our machine working well. "MWO" is on my daily to do list. I like lists! Even though I know I'll get online without having to look at that on my list, it's still there. Now I don't write brush my teeth, but I've been doing that for much longer!
I was just reading an article that Mama Bear had posted awhile ago on Robin Williams relapse which was sometime ago. He relapsed for three years after 2 decades of sobriety. What did he learn from this? He said people in recovery must ask for help and attend to this addiction daily.
In some way, shape, or form, whether it's coming here and posting or reading, reading an article here or there, writing in a journal, having a personal conversation about how you're feeling and where you are is what we need to do. And now I can see why recovery is such a healthy road for so many people and why they're so thankful for having this addiction in the first place. If they didn't, they wouldn't have been forced to spend so much time on themselves, interact with others by helping and supporting them, and continuing to get healthy in other areas of their lives. Early recovery is just the start of becoming a fulfilled, confident, happy, peaceful, and loving person. Gratitude. There's so much of that when that beast is not beating you down daily. Peace. Yep. Thanks for listening.
Pav, you already did congratulate me, but I'll take it again! Thanks!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hello ladies,
Sun is out and I am catching up on laundry..dh cleaned out the vents and now I am washing much fun.
I am going to visit a local gym next week..this week I am busy getting everything ready for the flea market I am organizing for the train club. I want dh to go with me but not sure he will..but I can ask...he needs the exercise as much as I do but he is just stubborn...
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
This is from the article:
Williams? problems with drug abuse were not confined to only alcohol, with reports of cocaine use in the 1980s. He quit cocaine following the death of comedic peer and friend John Belushi from a 1982 drug overdose. He describes the return of the addiction in terms of a waiting period, saying the addiction can lay low for years but crept back into his life once he felt he finally had control of it.
It was his ability to realize that he couldn?t master or control the addiction without help, says Williams, which marked a turning point. Like many people battling substance abuse, he says there is a belief that a person can manage by their own abilities ? but once it is admitted that they need help, the healing can begin.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
J-Vo, I read about Robin William's addiction. Wow, how crazy is that! It is good for us to remember that no matter how much time is behind us it is still easy to slip. It can happen anytime.
Way to go Dottie, hit the gym!
I did a fitness class at lunch today, it was good. Lot of weights using the kettle bell. I always feel so good after that.
Back to work!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I am new and do not have much to share but I am a techie and can tell you that having Netflix ( use with DVR or down load to tablet computer) has been a life saver for distraction. I have found several shows that has kept my mind from wondering into our bar area. My latest love is the series Call The Midwife. Such a sweet shot of goodness it makes me want to be a better person. ie... not drunk.