Ava, I'm glad it's Friday for you! TGIF! Enjoy your day.
NS, where have the LOAMERS gone? We need to make a list and call them out louder. Maybe they'll here, or Ava can do that. She's our motor mouth.
Nar, walking, yoga, swimming with DH! Aw, c'mon! Now you're getting me going for sure! Good for you!!!!
My sister asked me the other night about bike riding this spring and summer. There are a lot of nice trails around here and in the city. I'm going to do it. Gonna buy a bike. I think that'll be a great outdoors activity. She said we can bring lunch and make a day of it. I love the idea, and DH already has a bike, too.
Baseball Boosters meeting tonight! Here we go!
Have a great night all.