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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

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    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

    hi loamers, well busy week and i am exhausted but having a coffee so thought i would have a catch up, not that i have not been reading but just busy.

    LC i so could not sit for an hour and meditate, i would be climbing the walls and i dont think as much as i tried it i could succeed. My mind just does not stop and im not a really relaxed person. Let me know how it goes. Way to go on your 7 days too. I was more for blaming my electric toothbrush LC but i am sure the baggage handlers were looking from behind to see who would get that bag. As long as a toy has batteries they are all fine by me!

    Nar, now creepy mmm, i have met a few men that are creepy let me tell you. I am actually meeting a guy next tuesday for a drink whom i have met before so that should be interesting. I met him in my drinking days, not that he knew so it will be interesting to see if he asks why i am not drinking but i figured i will tell him al and i were becoming way too good of friends. Baths, i used to love baths when i was pregnant, could stay in there forever, now if i have a bath, i get in and think "what now" so get out. I so dislike waking up in the dark and getting home in the dark in winter and i hate driving when it is dark, blind as a bat. You deserve some heat!

    Oh MR how lovely is that, maybe just what you need on your recovery path and an incentive. Does she live close to you? Keep us informed. Well i have not found that plane today. I said to someone at work that they should send a bunch of women to look as we find everything whereas men cant find the bloody scissors when they are looking at them in the face.

    NS that picture was a classic, i am the one clothed from head to foot. Start in the middle and then end up in the back, meandering along. Hope you are well lovely. Glad you stalked HR and found out she is okay. Go mother hen!

    pav you had better do a really long post on the weekend i need something to wake up to please. I am glad you had a lovely day you deserve it totally.

    Jvo i love that "be happy" song, it makes me smile when i am in peak hour traffic driving to work. As i say, i wish i had you as a teacher. maybe i could come and sit in and get a free pedicure and manicure please.

    SL be strong lovey and fight like the crappers for your child. My Liam has ADHD and ODD and the shit i had to put up with was unbelievable. The would suspend him for 20 days just to get him out of school and i arranged a meeting with the principle and vice principals and teachers and walked in there and the principal asked me what his problem was and i just turned around to him and said "obviously you have not fucking read his file". he hadnt. Eventually i got him into a school for kids that could not handle mainstream schooling and he finally got his year 10 certificate. Even when my other kids went to school the teachers would tell them not to tell certain teachers that they were Liams siblings. I was furious but i fought for him tooth and nail. My ex tried to avoid going to the meetings lol as he knew what i was like. I only wish i had done it sober, oops but i was still very vocal.

    LB big hugs, i think sometimes we dont want to be the strong ones anymore, we want to be thought of and appreciated. I hope whatever you decide to do makes you happy as damn you deserve to be after all you have given. I have a spare room for you to crash in for as long as you want and they wont be able to find you. I had to make the choice with my ex to stay and be the one who did everything or leave and see what happened. i left and it was so hard but now it is the best thing i ever did as he is still exactly the same and even though he promised to change he never did. He was my 5th child but i wanted a grownup and a husband and i did not get that.

    giraffe, neck hugs from me, glad you are sounding fine and dandy.

    LC it is now 7.14pm on the 13th March and i live in Melbourne. No idea of the time zone.

    Well i am going to post this as my laptop is having big dummy spits at the moment and it will probably turn off soon.

    I have nothing really to report that is interesting, looking forward to the weekend and i so have to pack as only 3 weeks till i go away. its funny but yesterday i was talking to my mum and we were ending the phone call and we always used to say "love you", well yesterday she says "love...." and nothing. had to catch herself so she did not say it. i just thought oh ffs, grow up mum but just said "love you" and hung up. going to be a long 2 weeks but have my plans in place, i am not going to drink AT her at all, i am not going to drink AT anyone.

    be good guys xxxxxxxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

      Narilly, I have just finished reading Glass Castle - it's a very good read and very well written. Sometimes one doesn't know whether to laugh or cry (mostly both).

      Little Beagle, I'm sending my most positive thoughts your way. Thinking of you and hoping things will get better sooner than you think. xox
      AF since 28 October 2013
      600 days on 20 June 2015


        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

        Available, thank you for you for the neck hugs!!!
        Day 136 for me. Big fat goofy grateful smile.
        AF since 28 October 2013
        600 days on 20 June 2015


          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

          Hey loamers, checking in again......trying to get myself going AF again;
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

            Giraffe, day 136 wow, i am not jealous now i have made the 100, i figure now that everyday is just a great day af and only another 200+ to get to a year and it doesnt seem that far away now. Another big neck hug on your great achievement.

            Daisy what are you struggling with lovely? Its hard to get your head around to stop again but you know how good you will feel and maybe you need to post like a lunatic for awhile to achieve what you so want. Dont lose heart though, each and everyday af is a bonus girl.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

              :lOh my. Lots of reading I missed. Skimmed over and will reply later. My day didn't end like it started, although to expect a perfect day is kind of silly. To expect a sober day is not.

              SL, LB, my thoughts are with you girls. You are remembering to take care of yourself through these difficult times. That's not easy, but it would be much harder to get through with a hangover, depression and anxiety. Hang in there.

              Hi Daisy, glad you're back!

              Nar, Glass Castle was a good one. Read that years ago. I pulled out a lot of my memoirs and am rereading.

              MR, how wonderful for you! I know you can mend a good relationship. True friends are will always come back.

              I'm late. Need to get into shower and get into my "happy" mode. Just not feeling it right now, but I haven't gotten through my first cuppa!

              Have a great day all. Group hug!:l:l:l:l:
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                NS, hehehe, I saw that three post thing. The internet was slow and I kept hitting the post quick reply button.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                  Hi Ava and J-vo; tried my best to post regularly before and It did help. Just coming on to read today has prompted me to get going again. I have Pmt symptoms right now that really drag me down. Even after falling off the wagon at 26 days I was able to do quite well by staying AF 4 to 5 days a week. Then I get PMT and back to daily drinking; and as we all know too well, that is how it continues.....
                  So fed want to be and stay sober.......
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                    If we dont make an effort Daisy we wont succeed. I have pmt also and just want to kill, maim and destroy which is what al did to me when i drank. now i just have to go with the feelings and know they will pass in a few days. Maybe you are lacking something in your diet around this time but my diet is crap so no good advice from me.

                    You will do it Daisy just keep positive and be happy with those af days you had. Hugs to you.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                      Thanks Ava; I will get there - I am determined that I will get and keep sober this year;
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                        Good luck Daisy; thinking of you and rooting for you!
                        AF since 28 October 2013
                        600 days on 20 June 2015


                          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                          Daisy, life is so beautiful, we all don't want to waste another minute of it! Glad you are getting back on track. YOU can do it!!

                          J-Vo, hope you have a great day. I just had my first Cuppa and it was good.

                          Seems like a lot of us are reading or have read The Glass Castle. Jeez, I thought I was the first one

                          Ava, you made me laugh about taking a bath. You get in and say "now what?" Haha! Girl, you gotta learn how to relax

                          Giraffe- a big bear hug from Canada!

                          Back to work gals. I feel great today. I JUST LOVE not having a hangover!!!!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                            Lunchtime! I'm going to lady's house tonight to organize the basketball banquet gifts and make the table decorations. I will not drink. No worries. And I will not say much unless someone asks, which I will respond, "I gave up drinking for lent." End of story.

                            Daisy, those yucky feelings do pass. I was listening to Brene Brown, I think that's her name, and she said if we try to numb those feelings, then we numb good feelings as well like joy, peace, happiness... So we have to have a little bad so we can have good.

                            LB, I hope you're doing better today. Thoughts are with you.

                            LifeChange, you're sounding so chipper.

                            Ok, hafta go!. Have a wonderful day.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                              :lHumble???? We miss you.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                                Ok, ladies, now you'll really know what a stalker I am but I like knowing what time it is where you are:

                                So, I'm at the center of the universe with MossRose and LB and it is ~9:50 am

                                Ava is in Melbourne, 16 hours ahead, and it is 1:50 am Friday
                                Giraffe is in Johannesburg SA, 7 hours ahead and it is 4:50 pm today
                                LC is in Berlin, 3:50 pm
                                I think Daisy and Roxy are on London time, 2:50 pm (is that right?)
                                J-vo and MaryLou are on US eastern time, 1 hour ahead, 10:50 am
                                Narilly, SL, HR, and Pav are on US western time, 2 hours behind, 7:50 am.

                                You're all on my iPad world clock and I think of you when I look at it, hoping you're all doing well :l.

                                EDIT: I didn't see DB on here the last couple days but I bet she'll be back - she is with the US East coast contingent. Hi, DB!

