I am so happy to be done with work for the weekend! 3 days this time and the BF is going out of town Sat. and the kids are with pops, so I have almost 2 whole days on my own which I have been DYING for! Last time it didn't work out as BF ended up coming home early. So now....
Daisy!:l I was just wondering about you this morning and wanted to PM you after work and here you are. I don't know what to say as I know you know what it is you have to do-- we each have to figure it out and have something somewhere inside us CLICK to get up the power and the will to really give it another go. For me, in the beginning, it's all in the mindset. And this time I made a commitment to just stay as much in the present as possible. Not to worry about yesterday or tomorrow or this morning or this evening. Just NOW. I finally wrote out a plan and made the commitment to PM or email an "old timer" every day at least once. There is no better time than NOW to start. We can always talk ourselves into tomorrow or next week-- You know all of this. And you know that everyone is here to support you and love you.
Ava, that means you are 10 hours ahead of me-- so you must be all snuggly in bed right now. You know that before I did my first meditation course I couldn't sit still for 5 minutes. I'm not kidding! I tried so hard but couldn't do it. But after A LOT of practice I was able to sit still easily for 1 hour 3 times a day-- my mind wandered! I think that goes on forever. But the practice of coming back to the present once the wandering is noticed is great. Having said that, I have signed up for another course at the end of May which I am nervous about 'cause this time I KNOW what I'm in for!!

Nar, you live in Canada? What part? Squirrel hugs to you!
J-vo!! I need at least 2 in the morning before I'm up and about! Hope you're on your toes now!!
Will check in again soon..