I checked it out and signed up.
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
scottish lass;1637876 wrote:
I did sign into Soberistas a while ago, but just can't get settled there - I am a creature of habit (who knew - wish some of my habits weren't so ingrained:H) - ans I am comfortable here where I know where to go and what to do - I left MWO a couple times when I stepped into the wrong places - and don't want those growing pains again - I hope this site survives...
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
little beagle;1637883 wrote: I checked it out and signed up.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
If it ever happens, yes, lets go on to Soberistas.
I won't set up any Facebook account. I share your concerns NS.
SL, I tried to use WFS (women for sobriety) for awhile and I just couldn't get settled in there either. I guess I am a creature of habit too. Actually, I know I am. I go to the same places, restaurants etc all the time. I just think "hey, if its good, I'll to back" My hubs thinks its funny.
DTD xo
Talk to you later sweet ladies!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
what a depressing thought that i could lose you all if this site closes down, c'mon guys be positive, i am sure Roberta would say something before she closed it down. maybe we could all donate 50cents and buy mwo and install a "like" button.
I have never been on any other site other than here which i found drunk of course and whatever we all decide is fine by me. i will check out the site later.
Had a great 15 minute sleep in today. woo hoo but funny how i dont feel tired like i do when its a week day. God it feels great to wake up without a hangover, i keep thinking that occasionally as now i forget what i used to wake up like.
I have to start packing today, 2 weeks as of wednesday till holidays and i must say i am so looking forward to going away and having a break, i just hope that maddison is not in the frozen section of my freezer when i get home. i know the boys will look after her kind of but i will have to fb them daily to remind them to give her her epilepsy tablet and to feed her her gourmet meals of cardboard (thats what it looks like, mixed with cement) but my daughter lives close and so i know she will come and see how my girl is.
Found the plane yet? This is going as long as a pregnancy i am thinking. It would be lovely though for the families to find out what happened to their loved ones.
Well i am actually going to try and nap again for a bit, the boys are quiet so i have to take advantage of that as it seems that when they wake their first task is to open my door and say good morning and this is at 20 and 25, thought they would have grown out of that stage by now.
xxxxxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi ladies,
I also post on WFS, SMART and looked into soberistas but got a little confused there. I hoipe this site continues. I feel like I fit better here and have made friends. I hate starting over and this site can get a little off color without anyone smacking us...WFS has "rules" and sometimes I just want to vent and cuss....so I am hoping this makes it advertisements and all.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
little beagle;1637920 wrote: I am trying to figure out the soberistas site. It doesn't seem as user friendly, but I will persevere..
Let's hope MWO stays strong (and fixes its avatar problem!).
I think the articles on the site are good though, and they have book recommendations and a book club.
I'm pretty change-averse, too, and hope things stay ok here. But, you know, mother hen worrier types like to have back-up plans...
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I also like to be prepared and will need something if this goes down, but really could not find my way around soberistas - if others make it work, I can give it another go.
I think there are concerns about privacy and fb, but I think the concerns are pretty much the same for lots of internet sites, and not sure that this one is much more secure than others??
Maybe they are just working on this site behind the scenes??“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
A Loamers meltdown i can see coming if anything happens lol. How about we get one persons email and then if anything happens we can email that person. Now i am a slackarse so probably not a good idea it being me but .............
a bunch of worry warts to boot you guys are. i know someone will keep me in the loop!
we will all stick together i am sure, we wont end up where the plane is!AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom