Hi Ladies! You are all sounding pretty darn good!!
I will check over at Soberistas tomorrow, too-- but as well don't know if I will sign on until I HAVE to. In this situation I will be a follower.

Pav, I understand exactly what you're saying about wanting to concentrate more on living and less on not drinking. I'm really happy that the pity parties are letting up and that the gratitude is coming more naturally. It's a great feeling isn't it? I don't think you have to have such long wafflings (though we all LOVE them!) but you will continue to check in every day, right? I would say in retrospect, that that was a mistake I made-- letting go of the ritual of my "group" therapy. And somehow before I realised it, it was too late. I'll also have to think more about exactly why. :lilheart:
Ava, I am so excited for your trip-- I always start packing 2 weeks in advance if I'm going somewhere exciting. You will have a wonderful time and I don't think Madison will end up in the freezer. I did have to chuckle at the thought of a dog in the freezer though, as it reminded me of 2 cats (Chloe and Clancy) who each spent a long winter in the freezer until the ground was soft enough to bury them. Clancy died when I was 16 and it became a bit of a family "joke"-- "Hey could you go fetch the .... out of the freezer..I think it's just to the left of Clancy." He made it to 16.
LB, we had so much fun shopping today! She has just begun to care about picking out her own clothes and it's so fun to see what she really likes. She's got such a great, unique style-- no dedicated follower of fashion, which I am so happy about! We also bought the first sports "bra"! It was much less painful (for me!) than getting my first bra. I be you're having a fun day at the parade.. I am spacing on where you live. How's the weather there? EDIT: AHHH Baton Rouge!! Of course you love parades..
The wind is so strong here today that I was almost blown over on my bike! Now I am cosy at home and getting ready to cook dinner and watch a couple of films.
Hope you all have a happy Sat.--:h