Daisy do you know what triggers you to drink. Being at home was my biggest trigger also but i had to change my way of thinking. I got rid of all al in the house and stayed away from the bottleshops, i went changed my shopping routine so that the bottleshop was closed when i went. i put away all wine glasses or whatever i drank out of (i still have my fav glass hidden away safely), mind you i broke so many! come on here religiously if you feel like a drink. watch those al docos on youtube they are horrible to see and made me realise what al actually does. a total mind change it has to be, you dont need to drink and really you dont want to drink. you know it is better when you dont so next time when you say fark it and go for that bottle try and remember how good it was to be sober.
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Daisy do you know what triggers you to drink. Being at home was my biggest trigger also but i had to change my way of thinking. I got rid of all al in the house and stayed away from the bottleshops, i went changed my shopping routine so that the bottleshop was closed when i went. i put away all wine glasses or whatever i drank out of (i still have my fav glass hidden away safely), mind you i broke so many! come on here religiously if you feel like a drink. watch those al docos on youtube they are horrible to see and made me realise what al actually does. a total mind change it has to be, you dont need to drink and really you dont want to drink. you know it is better when you dont so next time when you say fark it and go for that bottle try and remember how good it was to be sober.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Mary my thoughts are with you. I am so sorry. :l
Daisy I agree. Watch some of the documentaries and read as much as you can stand. Rewire your brain. I think of it as brain-washing. Make your self positively hate the thought of drinking. That's what I did.
Ava I am getting excited to see your pics from vacation. I know you are going to have a blast and no regrets.
Gardening is a lot of exercise and I am tired. Have a good one ladies.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Quick check in w my phone. Son has computer to watch a movie. Hate typing like this as I am very slow. Didn't want to miss a day though.
Thoughts are with you Marylou! So happy you checked in instead of drinking. Think how much more present you will be to deal with it all sober and with no hangover. Stay strong and remember we're here for you if you need.
Yes, SL, spring is crazy at school! Sorry about those girls and what they're going through. Stay strong for them and for yourself - you all get through the harder times so much better if you're sober.
Ava read your gazette. Jealous of Thailand. Hope that 99 year old doesn't want to play checkers. Unless he's Hugh Heffner who is probably pretty good at it still.
Night all. Fingers are tired! Will check in w a regular computer tomorrow.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good morning Loamers,
Mary, my thoughts are with you as well. Big hugs and love and strength to get you through this period of time.:l
I am having a relaxing morning with the little one and her friend-- contemplating going shopping...
Ava, thanks for the morning edition-- sorry you had to work. Did you postpone the date or call it off completely? I have to say I am envious of your upcoming trip! Especially the massages, yoga, shopping, FOOD! Can't wait to hear all about it. Have you finished the packing?
All this talk about pedicures and I feel like I should have one! But to be honest, I don't understand what all the rave's about..? Do they also massage your feet? Does it feel good to get a pedicure? I like to go for reflexology, but have never had a pedi... may be time!!
LB, are you planting vegies out in the garden? What kinds? I only have a small balcony, but last year was quite successful with herbs-- even had enough to dry for the winter. So you have inspired me to go out and get some soil. I just don't trust that it won't freeze again!
SL, hang in there. Just being nosy, but what do the girls say about their school performance? What are their reasons for not doing as well as they could? It sure isn't easy to motivate kids-- the teachers who manage to do a great job are few and far between, it seems. It's a hard job, underpaid, -- it seems most people go into teaching enthusiastic about the possibility of change, the possibility of making a difference and then after a few years realise how f***** the system really is. At least that is what I remember and that is what I still see here. ??
Speaking of good teachers, though, How are you, j-vo? How did the week finish up? How did the testing go?
Hi Daisy, I wish I had some good advice, but I don't know. For me it's just keeping it in the moment. And not drinking no matter what. I have had some terrible struggles this week and each time it throws me off. I just want it to be easier. And sometimes it is. But when that craving/urge comes on it's like the devil and it's all I can do not to give in. But I guess that's what it's about.. Ava's advice about really planning not to drink, changing shopping times, or just NOT going shopping if need be is working for me. Yesterday I sent the girls out to fetch what we needed 'cause I didn't trust myself.:h to you..
Hi Nar with the pretty toes. Did you tell us what colour you got? I can't remember..
Hi Pav!! Hi Jane!! Hi NS-- thinking about you today, the day before your daughter's wedding-- Hi Moss! Hi Giraffe..
A wonderful Sat. to you all.. see you in a bit..
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good morning ladies.
LC I am planting everything. Veggies, herbs, flowers. Last year I was too incapacitated to do anything. What little I did just didn't produce much. Except the cucumbers.
We will see this year. I hope the struggle gets easier for you. I know my first 30 days were the hardest. Maybe it will get better after that. But you have us here. And can talk about it which I know helps.
Pav it took me a minute, but I got the checkers thing. Funny. First laugh of the day!!!★No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi ND of course anyone can join, i have seen you over in the NN. Glad you are on a mission to stop drinking. Most of the girls live your way but i am from Aus so on when the other lovelies are asleep. We stalk anyone at anytime lol. Glad to have you with us and at no time at all you will get to know us all. we keep each other on the "straight and narrow" and are kind but firm, caring and funny.
Welcome to youAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I finally bought a stove today. It had all the features I wanted and not so many to confuse me. It will be delivered next Friday. Got 6 months same as cash. DH is happy that the shopping is over. Also bought a new curling iron..old one would not heat enough to curl my hair...I have had it forever so I got my moneys worth. Also bought some makeup. I have been taking more care of how I look now. I dont look like I have been drinking all night any longer so I felt some new foundation would help and the gal put some on me and I looked pretty darn good. IMHO..
This lifestyle is the best!!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE Ladies,
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
SL, yes, it's the time of the year where kids get a little funny. I've always said this was the most difficult time of the year. My son brought home a low C on a research paper, and I guess he could have done better, but oh well. You and they will get through this.
Ladies, been in and out today with DS and DH. Getting them ready to leave for Florida. Big baseball tourney in Bradenton. DH is leaving Tuesday morning and DS Wednesday after school. I ordered antabuse, as I'd never been by myself, and the way I've been feeling, I'm not too confident yet in myself. So it finally came in the mail today, and just knowing i have it makes me feel a bit safer.
Tomorrow, we will start to pack (for the boys). Next week is a busy week at work, Three state testing days, I'm getting observed on Wed, big meeting after work Thursday, and Friday and Saturday I'm on my own, which I'll have been taking my medicine, and I just need to find something to do. I'm really looking forward to seeing two movies - Divergent and God is not Dead. They both look really good. I may call my sis and hang out with her. I'm not doing anything big, just relaxing, and enjoying the quiet time.
I hope everything is good with everyone. I"ll talk to you tomorrow and let you know how things are going.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Morning from me Loamers
Well thank fark i had a great 8 hour sleep finally. Not sure why i am not sleeping like the dead but im not. after these 8 hours i woke up feeling like i had a hangover from hell. So glad not to wake up to one of those anymore.
LC the date is postponed until further notice but of course i will tell you all about it. I am not in a hurry these days, gone are the going on dating sites drunk. Oh god i cringe at what i used to say haha. I would have taken anyone with two hands and a heartbeat i reckon. Now thank god i am happy with myself. I will be on everyday posting as i really am just going to relax, mum is 79 and she does love shopping but the days of all day tours are over and one can only look at so many temples until you become "templed out". Pedicures are great, they get all that dead skin off your heels and your feet feel so good and look pretty afterwards, well worth the money when you have some. i as usual always smudge the nail polish.
Daisy i hope today is better for you, keep posting on here like a lunatic (note to ND also), it does so help in being accountable. I know if not for posting on here that like an idiot sometimes that i would not be where i am. I dont and wont fail anymore and god forbid the airfare costs of the loamers to come and punch my lights out and hit me with bricks. When we fail it really not only hurts us it hurts the ones who have supported us also. I dont mean that to be harsh or push anyone away and i know how hard it is to stop drinking but for me i feel as if i have failed in a way also by not helping enough or saying the right words. I dont want to hurt or disappoint anyone on here so that makes my determination even stronger and is totally helping me on my thoughts with my holiday. It feels like all the loamers will be with me everyday helping me along in saying no to al.
LB i wish i had a green thumb, i get keen to grow vege's in summer but hey they dont live if you dont water them. Were you sick last year? Those first 30 days were hard werent they? Then i got to 30 and had to really think again if i could moderate and in my heart i knew the answer was no, definitely no, totally no, so then i had to get my head around that and plod along and still plodding along quite happily now. You are sounding good girl.
Mary i am still sending you hugs and hope you are staying strong.
NS how was the wedding, i miss you.
Jvo i hope you are still being strong and in control and dont let life stress you too much. You are a wonderful person who deserves sobriety, dont ever forget that. When do the boys in your life go away. we need to discuss your plans i think.
Quiet on the loamers but i can totally understand as this site is driving me nuts, freezing all the time, double posting, wont load. i am just hoping they are upgrading mwo and not planning to knock it on its head.
well today i am off to the drs to get my valium for flying, i hate flying, before i used to drink in huge quantities to handle the flight, now i will take my valium and earplugs and laptop. i will be fine. Oh and instead of procrastinating about packing i am going to pack. Maddy does not like it when she sees the suitcase and i really dont want to leave her for 2 weeks but Mia has her so i really dont need to worry but i will.
have a great one ladies and for all that i have not mentioned come back and post and let us know you are ok.
xxxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Dot glad you got the oven. Xpost i hate that. How is maddy going? i meant to ask in my epilogue before but forgot. I did not realise that ovens were so hard to buy, i dont use mine so you could have come and got that one. Happy for you that you feel so good about yourself, i used to use makeup to hide all the blemishes especially the red nose, gone are those days but i do like makeup to hide the wrinkles. DH might get worried that you are on the prowl lol. You are sounding so damn good.
Jvo thank god the AB arrived, not that i dont believe in you but if you feel it will help then take it every single day while they are gone, dont think you dont need it as then it is the al brain starting to get in. I will be here for you at the times the other lovelies are not. remember to ask for help if needed and just enjoy your time to yourself, i would love some ME time.
xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
ava Maddie is doing very well. He runs and plays in the back yard with the dogs. He still gets scared of loud noises or all the other dogs barking at once. He loves to lay next to me on the couch. I think he will loosen up after time. He is a special little man.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks for the confirmation j-vo. Low C would be good just now:upset: Last weekend we celebrated the two F's going to D's - and this week they are back to F's!She says she wants to improve and aims for college - but saying and doing seem to be totally different things. Then my youngest who is a straight A just went and got an F in class where she has had A's for the subject grade for the semester!! WTH! LC - I think the classes are too biig, with too many students of different levels, I have no idea how the teachers manage, but my eldest is a left behind kiddie - in Ca where the policitcal standard is no child left behind - yeah right! The teachers are in class before school, lunch and after trying to keep the kids going, my munchkin is a quiet one and won't stick up for herself, she goes in and comes out saying they were too busy to speak to her...
Well, got to 30 days and in the grand scheme, this seems the easiest time for me - I think this is my 4th or 5th 30 day period - so next goal is a whole calendar month - only done that one once before - after that will be to beat my best record which is 42 days...this has not been easy for sure, but seems to have been doable.
My Christmas gift (three months of it) arrived, so I have a box with 6 bottles in the garage and they have't been calling me - weirdlooking for a good place to donate them - maybe any teacher who gets my girl to C or above??
LC -pedi's are big here - I never had before - they are a fun treat with my girls. I am not so bothered by the coloured toes, but they do massage and best of all, they get rid of all the dry skin, and my feet are terrible! Getting my toes done prevents my heels from cracking in summer - and I am a big flip flop wearer!!
OK - one bed done, onto the next, then mine - clean bed is one of my luxuries in life- I love clean sheets!! Still have winter bedclothes, hate changing duvet covers, but cats love the flannel and I hate cat hair - woe is me!
J-vo - I have thought about antabuse, never done it - but wondered about it for trips etc - is this a first for you? It worries me as it is not kind to livers and worrying about my liver health is why I started this journey (many more reasons now, but that was the first...)“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"