Just to be clear, I picked the stitches out of the crotch area....
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Just to be clear, I picked the stitches out of the crotch area....Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
available;1642049 wrote:
NS 3 years ago you were drinking, how the heck did you manage that?
It didn't affect all of the 'normal life stuff' for me like working, managing the house, making meals, working out, volunteering, etc. - I just didn't have any enthusiasm or passion for them or for that matter, for anything else so I no longer did the creative, or kind, or interesting, or just plain fun things that should be part of a person's life. Like LC's quote reminds us, we need to be in love with our lives and I definitely wasn't.
The house obviously has not stayed "January-perfect" for 3 years but fairly minor efforts every now and then bring a particular "bad spot" back in shape pretty quickly. I also tend to be a purger, like Narilly, and try to keep things only that have actual value, that are useful, or that for whatever reason, I or someone else loves. I don't like generic "stuff" that is used to fill spaces and had accumulated too much of that over 30+ years of marriage. I like letting it go to someone who actually wants or needs it.
available;1642050 wrote:
NS can you just get Lglut from the chemist? .
It has been tested in gram quantities per day and found to be safe as long as you don't have cancer or liver/kidney problems.
Some people take it daily at particular times or dissolve it in the water they drink throughout the day.
I used it only as needed by putting a 500 mg capsule under my tongue and just letting it dissolve slowly. It tastes fine. I don't think I ever took more than 2 capsules (1 g) at any one time and at the most ~ 3 g/day. I didn't ever want sugar-producing carbs (or alcohol) until late in the day so it just wasn't an issue until 4 pm or so. I still have it around - just rarely need it.
It is very unlikely that this would affect body weight, Jane - there are only 4 calories per gram so it essentially is negligible. I noticed no other effects from taking it. What did you experience, Roxy?
Nar- this is the most hilarious punishment I've ever read! So much more creative that some of the "punishments" that make it on the news!
narilly;1642068 wrote:
Then I proceeded to pick the stitches out of some of his new fancy underwear and workout shorts. He kept wondering why all his stuff kept falling apart!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Narilly :H:H:H
Jane I clean house for other people all week. I do try to have one day a week I clean for me. Trouble is everyone else keeps sending me their stuff they can't bear to throw away. When I started doing this for a living one of the first things I did was throw away most all dust catchers. AKA knickknacks. And no it does not stay clean for ant length of time, but I live with it. Oh well.
Lifechange I am working on that, I just hadn't put it in those words. Falling in love with life. Beautiful idea.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE Ladies,
please dont give up on us who have gone away for a bit. We are here and reading, just can't post. Please keep the srength going. You're all so far away form me but so near. I hope we can get a skype or facetime together for all of us.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
good grief - busy days, but I am hanging in...
Way too many meetings and not enough work getting done, and will have to catch up on it somehow...
Another day of meetings tomorrow, and Friday maybe manage to get some to do stuff crossed off the list - I am exhausted.
Tornado warnings around here tonight, lots of rain....makes for good sleeping weather, hate getting out of bed in the morning.
Glad to see everyone hanging in....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav, thanks for your post the other day. I will try to take compliments and believe them. My mom does that all the time. If I compliment her on anything she will say "oh no, it's because of so and so" or "I was just lucky" or something like that.
Hey J-Vo girlie. Keep coming backyou CAN do it!
Ava, isn't it amazing how much better we do at work when we are feeling good. Amazing.
SL, have a great sleep tonight.
Jane, Life, hugs to you
Sara- hope you are reading
LB, all those knick knacks drive me crazy. It's great that you can ?ctually clean your house after cleaning all week!
Well, back to darning my hubby's undies....kidding!
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE, Ladies:
Oh, my goodness, Nar - that had me in stitches (heh heh)! That must have taken some meticulous time... I remember some time ago (years) I read an article about a woman whose husband had an affair - a mid-life crisis - and they were healed and back together. It was the first time I got the idea that a mature, healthy marriage could actually survive something like that. Leave it to NS to put it so poetically about stitching it all back together...
I have a deal with myself to try to get to bed earlier tonight, so I'm going for the short post.
J-Vo - COME BACK HERE! (How's that??)
xo to you, Loamers.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Late post but I did have a productive day.
Dinner out was a challenge. Went to Olive garden and they brought a bottle of wine to the table...dang them anyway...but I had water with lemon....and a nice dinner. Brought half home for tomorrow.
Much to do tomorrow too. No clue how I got everything done when working.
Happy that the taxes are filed and I just have to wait for our refund. We had a lot of medical expenses last year and are now paying for our medical insurance too..not cheap to retire. But I still highly recommend it...
Night ladies...
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
NS, that was pretty poetic for sure.
Good to have such a knowledgeable gal like you around for our suppliment and nutritional advice.
Pav, no cross post tonight. I'm going to sleep too.
601 posts for me!
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good Morning, late afternoon, Ladies!
After a wonderful night's sleep and waking up to blue skies, I feel in love with life.:h
I do have to head in to work for 1 hour to give some direction then will head DIRECTLY to the gym! I have been avoiding it for about a week.
Dottie, good on you for keeping strong last night. I know that you ARE strong in your quit and that you wouldn't derail it for a glass wine at the OG, but still. Why do people always have to drink wine at dinner? Especially those Italians!!I was always amazed in Italy how our friends would open 2 beers to share between 5 people at lunch-- or they would open a bottle of wine and serve the tiniest glass. I always wished I could be so "civilized"!
You are inspiring me with your gym work!
Nar, you also had me in stitches with the stitches.. Your hubby is one lucky man to have such a strong, forgiving, loving woman. And one who can sew!!!
j-vo, I am glad you are here reading even if you don't feel like posting. But I wonder if it would help you to post? Even if you don't really feel like it.? I will head over to your thread today for a :l..
SL, hold tight during those storms! I know what you mean about not wanting to get out of bed sometimes! Nice when it happens on a weekend!! We had that last weekend and I was secretly happy to have an excuse not to go out and about..
AVA, How's the packing going? Did you buy a new polka dot bikini?Do you even have a suit? as you said you don't like going to the beach.. Just a few more days to go and you are off-- how long a flight is it for you?
Jane, have been thinking about you with your doggie-- have you decided what to do? I have never had a sick pet so I don't have any experience. When we got our cats, I told myself that I would not pay outrageous amounts of money for operations, etc. But of course they become a part of your life and things change. Do you trust your vet? Are there any "natural" remedies you could try first? Does he/she still seem to still be in pain? I guess my problem is that I don't tend to really trust doctors.. Takes a very special one for me to believe in. Let us know what you decide.. Did you clean off the chair?:H I wish I could send you pictures of my desk/dresser. And you should see the state of our bathroom. But that's more because I've been on strike!!
Shite, I'm waffling and am late for work!
love to LB, Pav, Marylou, NS, Daisy, who else?? are any lurkers out there wanting to join in?
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi again!
Today I am grateful to be able to go everywhere by bike! Had a chuckle seeing all the post ladies (mostly) out on this beautiful spring day delivering the mail by bike... just don't get stuck in the tram tracks!!
Here's a short video someone made about bike riding in Berlin. I shouldn't forget how lucky we are..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuJHyXXTZMQ[/video]]Riding Bicycle in Berlin - YouTube
How are you wonderful women doing today??
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Life, that is awesome about bike riding in Berlin. In Calgary we are getting more and more bike friendly as time goes on but we have a long way to go. The car Rules here.
I ride my bike in summer to work and like to go for rides in the mountains. My hubby is a huge bike rider and goes in all kinds of Cancer rides and Grand Fondo races etc.
Now I want to go to Berlin! Actually a bike trip around Europe would be fun. Put that on my bucket list!
Dottie, way to go! You are one strong woman. That would have been hard for me, next time that happens I will think of you and I won't drink.
Hey, I have been doing really well with being non AL. It is awesome. I actually make appointments on the weekend in the morning. I NEVER used to do that! I have drank 7 times since November 1st and only once did I get a bit carried away so it has been good. I have to keep on trying not to drink at all because if I say I am going to moderate I will start drinking every weekend for sure and that does not work for me. Soon enough I will be hungover every weekend and then I will start drinking during the week. It is a Domino effect.
Anyway, have a wonderful day beautiful ladies!
Ava, is your suitcase getting full?Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I need some time to think about your financial scenario.
How much is your house worth? One thing that jumps to my mind is sell the house and car and move to your Condo like you said. I have to read it again and see if I can figure something else out.
Btw in my first career I was a financial advisor so I have some experience with money matters. I might be able to provide some insight but I did not deal with estate issues.
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Wow, Jane, you're way out of my league! Wanna know anything about food and nutrition :H???
Hope someone with a lot more knowledge about this than me has some advice for you.
LC, I'm very jealous of:
1. Your nice weather (so far this is one of the nastiest springs I can remember around here!)
2. The bikeability of Berlin
3. The fact that the gym was on your list of activities today
I have a massive head cold and don't think I'll be doing much at all today, I'm afraid. Everyone around me has had it so I'm not surprised (but kind of disappointed).
The discussion about the inability to take compliments is so interesting -- why do we do that??? I try really hard to just say things like "Thank you, it was fun to do" or whatever but
the urge to minimize my accomplishments or deflect praise is always there. Maybe because "good" girls don't brag or show off? And I know many of us have spent years trying to be perfect. I also tend to think that if something is fairly easy for me, it is fairly easy for everyone and so no big deal.
J, please post and let us know how you're getting on during your time alone. I hope you can enjoy the vacation from wifely and motherly 'duties'. Good job at the Olive Garden, DB. Booze is gonna be all around us for the forseeable future so we're the ones who have to do the adjusting, I think. I posted a link a couple days ago about a program I listened to about new, trendy, hip dry bars that are popping up in England. That sure is a step in the right direction!
Nar, you're sounding great. Knowing what always follows from that first drink is critical. LuckyFlower has a thread explaining what happened to her on day 120 --- it is a good reminder.
Ava, have you practiced with that iPad you're taking to Thailand? I expect the Ava Gazette is going to be a Pamphlet! Typing on iPads is not all that much fun. Or do you have an external keyboard?
LB, let me know if you want any more trinkets! I have a collection in a bag just waiting for a good home.
Good to see you Pav and SL. Hope you both got good sleep and are waking up soon to a great day!
xx, NS
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi again. I left because my AF stint didn't last. Not sure if this is a place for only AF people, or can include those of us striving for more AF days than not. At any rate, I love your support for each other.
Jane, wow! I/We are kind of in same place except that we both have 2 children. My son (our financial advisor) is presently working on an Estate Plan for us. Personally, I don't like that word "legacy" either. My dh wants to leave money to kids. My son thinks it's important people leave a legacy. I figure this way. Die broke. Our kids are better educated, have greater potential to make more money than we ever did, and I'm happy about that. We both have life insurance policies and long term care insurance so we won't be a burden to our children. And now we are enjoying retirement and spending our money.
Has anyone heard of Flylady.net? It's a cleaning organizational site. Free. Teaches you to declutter, then start cleaning 15 min at a time. As someone said 'baby steps'.
Ok, think I'll go do a short workout as am playing 18 holes of golf later this afternoon. Cool this a.m. but should be in upper 70's by afternoon. Best thing I ever did - move to FL.
I will not drink today.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.